So, one by one, they put down their weapons and raised their hands in surrender.

Qi Lin and Liu Peng handcuffed them one by one to ensure that they had no chance to resist. Then, they immediately turned towards the trafficked victims.

"Are you okay? We are the police, here to rescue you." Qi Lin asked the victims with concern.

The victims were obviously still in fear, but when they saw the police uniforms of Qi Lin and Liu Peng, a glimmer of hope and reassurance flashed in their eyes.

"Thank you! Thank you for saving us!" one victim said with a trembling voice.

Qi Lin comforted them gently, and then instructed Liu Peng to move them to a safe place and contact relevant departments to provide help.

The entire operation went very smoothly. Qi Lin and Liu Peng successfully rescued all the victims "497" and arrested the entire members of the trafficking gang.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin and Liu Peng were commended and awarded by their superiors. Their efforts and professionalism bring justice and safety to society, which is their greatest mission as detectives

However, even though the case has been solved, Qi Lin knows there is still more work waiting for him. Trafficking is a long-standing social problem, and he is determined to continue working to protect the innocent and bring criminals to justice.

Qi Lin knows very well that justice and evil are always in struggle. But he believes that as long as there are determined detectives like him, justice will prevail over evil. He continues to learn and improve his skills to deal with various complex cases.

In the days that followed, Qi Lin devoted more time and energy to in-depth research on the issue of trafficking. He cooperated with relevant departments to plan and implement a series of actions to combat the existence of trafficking gangs.

Under his persistence, the number of trafficking cases gradually decreased, and more and more victims were rescued. This made Qi Lin feel relieved, and he knew that he was working in the right direction.

However, the nature of the trafficking problem is more complicated than he imagined. Qi Lin discovered that this gang was just the tip of the iceberg, and there were other larger and more secretive organizations manipulating it behind the scenes. He decided to continue investigating and eliminate the root cause of the trafficking problem.

Through interrogating suspects and tracking clues, Qi Lin gradually uncovered a huge trafficking network. This network involves domestic and foreign collusion, uses technical means to conduct transactions, and operates extremely secretively.

In order to destroy this network, Qi Lin contacted Interpol and worked closely with them. In a cross-border operation, they jointly attacked the key members of this trafficking network and eliminated them all.

This huge and evil trafficking network was completely destroyed. Hundreds of victims were rescued and provided with psychological and material support. Good has triumphed over evil again.

He has cracked many complex cases, but the scale and difficulty of a recent case made him feel even more challenged.

The case involved a jewelry theft. A high-end jewelry store was cunningly looted. Qi Lin, who was responsible for investigating the case, stepped into the stolen shop and began to search for evidence carefully.

There was nothing on the display shelves in the store, except for a dusty note. Qi Lin carefully picked up the note and saw that it read: "Can your wisdom solve this mystery? The jewelry has been transferred, and you only have 72 hours to find me."

"It seems that this is not just an ordinary theft case." Qi Lin said in a low voice.

He walked out of the store and began to cooperate with a policeman named Zhang Bin. Both Qi Lin and Zhang Bin realized that they needed to act quickly because time was very precious to them.

They returned to the police station and Qi Lin began to analyze the case. He carefully studied the floor plan of the jewelry store and noticed that the store had a secret passage leading to the basement. Qi Lin decided to investigate this corner with Youyi.

That night, Qi Lin and Zhang Bin quietly entered the basement of the jewelry store. In the dim light, they saw a room filled with various tools and equipment. In the center sits a mysterious machine.

"What is this?" Zhang Bin asked curiously.

"I'm not sure." Qi Lin thought for a moment, "but I think it may be related to the theft.

Qi Lin pushed the button on the machine and a screen appeared in front of him. A series of numbers and several password boxes were displayed on the screen.

"This must be a password lock." Qi Lin said, "We need to find the correct password to solve this mystery."

The two began to study many clues, including the handwriting on the note, the surveillance video in the store, and the value of the stolen jewelry. Through analysis, they discovered that the password of each password box was a number and related to the jewelry. related to the value.

Qi Lin put all the clues together and started thinking. Suddenly he had an idea.

"Zhang Bin, I think I know what the password is." Qi Lin said excitedly, "But we still need to find the combination of numbers.

For the next few hours, Qi Lin and Zhang Bin talked nervously, guessing the numbers required for each password box. They analyzed the handwriting on the note, played back the video through the jewelry store's camera, and even interviewed several witnesses.

Finally, they solved the mystery. The number combination on the combination lock is: 6379. Qi Lin pressed the button with satisfaction, and the machine made a slight buzzing sound, and a location was displayed on the screen.

"It seems that we have found the whereabouts of the criminals." Qi Lin said excitedly.

According to the location displayed on the screen, Qi Lin and Zhang Bin quickly went to the designated location. It was an abandoned factory that looked like it had been abandoned for many years. They entered the factory carefully

Police are looking for any clues.

Suddenly, a voice came from the corner: "Welcome, Mr. Qi Lin. It seems that your wisdom lives up to your reputation."

The two turned around and saw a man in a black suit standing there, holding a sparkling piece of jewelry in his hand. This is the jewelry stolen by 1.5!

"You are the mastermind behind the theft!" Qi Lin said coldly.

The man smiled and nodded: "Yes, I am the one who planned all this. Your intelligence really impresses me.

"Why did you do this? The jewelry store didn't offend you." Zhang Bin asked.

The man shrugged: "In order to challenge myself and prove my IQ and ability. I don't need these jewelry, they are just tools I use to stimulate you.

Qi Lin thought for a moment and his eyes lit up: "You are a puzzle lover."

The man nodded: "Yes. So I decided to give you a chance. If you can find the answer to the puzzle I raised, you can get these jewels back."

He handed Qi Lin a piece of paper with a series of complex riddles written on it. .

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