Qi Lin smiled slightly and said to the fox in a gentle voice: "Hello, little guy. I won't hurt you, I just want to know something.

He slowly approached the fox, trying to establish a trusting relationship with it. Gradually, the fox began to relax and circle around Qi Lin.

"Do you know what happened? Someone was poisoned, and we need to find the murderer. Have you seen or smelled anything suspicious?" Qi Lin asked softly.

The fox stopped, a hint of alertness in his eyes. Suddenly, it ran in the direction of Qi Lin and came back a few seconds later [with ten bitten pills in its mouth.

Qi Lin immediately understood the importance of this clue. He carefully placed the tablets into a sealed bag and quickly sent them to the laboratory for analysis.

After some chemical testing, the laboratory confirmed that this was a highly lethal poison. And through the detection of drug ingredients, Qi Lin learned that the poison was produced by a rare plant.

This discovery gave Qi Lin new ideas, and he began to investigate the records of nearby botanical gardens and pharmacies, hoping to find clues about this poison.

A few days later, Qi Lin finally found the person who bought this rare plant in a nearby drugstore. According to surveillance video, this person is the main suspect in the case.

Qi Lin immediately started tracking the suspect and finally successfully arrested him.

During the interrogation, the suspect admitted his crime. It turned out that he was hired by a wealthy businessman to eliminate business competitors through a poisoning case. Zhang Lingfeng, as a member of his competitors, became his target. The suspect explained the poisoning process and motives in detail.

After the case was solved, Qi Lin reported the situation to the police and assisted them in carrying out the necessary legal procedures. He met Zhang Lingfeng again and told him that the case had been solved and he was no longer suspected.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Zhang," Qi Lin said sincerely to Zhang Lingfeng, "your innocence has finally been proven. If you need me again in the future, please feel free to contact me."

Zhang Lingfeng looked at Qi Lin deeply and expressed his respect and gratitude to Qi Lin.

"Mr. Qi, you are an amazing detective. It is admirable to be able to find key information and solve the mystery from these tiny clues. Thank you for helping me clear my suspicion. I will remember your great work and kindness."

Qi Lin smiled and nodded, feeling the importance of what he had done in this case. He realized that as a detective, what he pursued was not only solving the case itself, but more importantly, delivering justice to the innocent and restoring the truth.

This time Qi Lin faced an animal-related case, which was a black market transaction of selling rare animals. In order to uncover the truth of this case, Qi Lin began intense investigation work.

On the first day, Qi Lin went to the local police station, contacted the police, and obtained preliminary information about the case. He learned that the trafficking gang had operated in the city many times, but had never been caught. Subsequently, Qi Lin decided to launch his own investigation.

The next morning, Qi Lin went to the local zoo, where he hoped to find some clues. He found the director, A Ming, an enthusiastic and experienced man.

"Good morning, Mr. A Ming, I am Qi Lin, a detective. I heard that you have worked in this zoo for many years and you should know the situation of animals very well." Qi Lin greeted with a smile.

A Ming looked at Qi Lin and smiled slightly. "Good morning, Mr. Qi. Yes, I know the animals here very well. Do you need my help?"

"Yes, I am investigating a case of selling rare animals, and I believe you may have some valuable information. Has anything unusual happened recently?"

Amin frowned and replied solemnly: "We did find some unusual situations recently. We lost several rare birds and beasts, but we can't be sure who did it."

"Then have you noticed any suspicious people or groups entering the zoo?" Qi Lin asked.

Amin thought for a moment and then said: "Recently, a photography team came to shoot a documentary. They claimed to be here to protect animals. But in fact, their behavior is a bit strange. They always hide and never show it to the public. Their work. I think they may have something to do with this case."

Upon hearing this clue, Qi Lin's heart lit up. He decided to find this photography team to see if he could find some breakthroughs from them.

After some investigation, Qi Lin successfully found the camp of this photography team. They are preparing for the last shoot. Qi Lin decided to sneak in and find out their true purpose.

He pretended to be a volunteer and helped them move equipment. Through dialogue and observation, Qi Lin discovered that this photography team was indeed related to the sale of rare animals. In the name of documentaries, they secretly filmed and sold these rare animals.

At a dinner party at night, Qi Lin deliberately guided the conversation in an attempt to obtain more information. He met the leader of the photography team, a young man named Li Ming.

"||Why do you secretly photograph rare animals and sell them?" Qi Lin asked deliberately.

Li Ming glanced at Qi Lin and replied nervously: "We...we need money. The investment in this project is very huge, and we want to make up for the losses by selling rare animals.

Qi Lin pretended to be interested in this explanation while continuing to ask: "How did you obtain these animals? Didn't you take their living environment and welfare into consideration?"

Li Ming looked a little embarrassed, and he replied in a low voice: "We hired some people to sneak into zoos or protected areas to steal animals. As for their living environment and welfare, this is not what we care about."

Qi Lin thought for a moment, knowing that he already had enough evidence. He decided to give the information to the police so they could take action. The next day, he had a meeting with officers from the local police station.

Qi Lin introduced the entire case to the police officer in detail and provided the evidence he obtained during the photography team. The police officer expressed appreciation for Qilin's investigative work and immediately took action to organize a raid.

When the police arrived at the photography team's camp, they found a large amount of evidence, including candid camera equipment, trafficking contracts and information about rare animals. Members of the photography team were arrested one after another, and all the stolen animals were recovered during the operation.

The success of this operation deeply inspired Qi Lin, and it also made him realize the importance of protecting animals. .

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