He decided to spread the case, hoping to arouse more people's attention to wildlife protection.

Qi Lin's efforts have been widely recognized and appreciated. He became a hero in people's minds, and this case also triggered in-depth discussions and actions on wildlife protection issues in society.

The trafficking of rare animals has been gradually cracked down on, and relevant laws have been strengthened. Qi Lin became a symbol of this protection action, and his name was recorded in the pages of detective history.

However, Qi Lin did not stop his work. He continues to work on investigating and solving various criminal cases, hoping to make the world a safer and more just place through his efforts

Since then, whenever people mention Qi Lin's name, they will think of his heroic behavior and persistence in justice in the animal trafficking case. He used his wisdom and courage to make great efforts to protect rare animals. It has attracted more people's attention and actions towards animal protection.

The rain was beating against the windows, and the streets were silent at three o'clock in the morning. Qi Lin sat at the desk in the office and narrowed his eyes. He is a detective known for solving difficult cases. However, a recent case left him confused.

This was a tree-cutting case that took place in a small village. For months, the village's trees mysteriously disappeared.

These trees are an important part of life for residents, so they hope to find out the truth as soon as possible. The local police didn't have many clues, so they asked Qi Lin to take action.

Qi Lin picked up the folder on the table, which contained all the evidence and investigation results so far. He browsed through it, but still couldn't figure it out. "This is a strange case," he muttered.

Just then, the phone rang. Qi Lin picked up the phone and heard an anxious voice: "Mr. Qi, this is Village Chief Wang. We have another missing tree. Can you do it as soon as possible?"

"Of course, Mr. Village Chief. I'll be there right away." Qi Lin put down the phone, quickly packed his things, and then hurried to the small village where Village Chief Wang was.

After arriving at his destination, Qi Lin was taken to the scene of the latest missing tree. He looked around and found local residents watching. Qi Lin walked towards the village chief (cjfi) and asked calmly: "Can you tell me about the situation when this tree disappeared?"

Village Chief Wang replied anxiously: "We heard strange noises last night, but when we arrived at the scene, the trees were gone. No one saw any suspicious Chinese vehicles."

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then asked the surrounding residents if anyone had noticed any other abnormalities. He got some scattered clues, but was unable to find any valuable information.

A few days later, Qi Lin was still in trouble. He tries to connect all the clues, but there always seems to be a missing piece of the puzzle. At this time, a resident named Li Hua walked into his office.

"Sir, I am a resident of the village. I have some information that may be useful to you." Li Hua said.

Qi Lin raised his head, hoping to find a breakthrough from this person. "Please tell me, any clues may be important.

Li Hua continued: "A few days ago, I saw a stranger not far from where the tree disappeared. He was low-key and always wore a hat to cover his face. I thought his behavior was suspicious, so I I deliberately remembered his appearance.

Upon hearing this, Qi Lin's eyes suddenly lit up. Can you provide a photo of him or describe his physical features in detail?”

Li Hua nodded, took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it to Qi Lin. Above is a sketch of a man wearing a hat.

Qi Lin observed the portrait carefully, and a vague image began to form in his mind.

He recalled the reports he heard during the previous investigation about a mysterious figure who was said to be a criminal who was good at illegally cutting down trees. This clue may provide an important breakthrough in the case.

"Thank you for your information, Mr. Li Hua. This clue is very valuable. I will immediately launch an investigation and find this suspicious person as soon as possible." Qi Lin expressed his gratitude.

A few days later, Qi Lin discovered an abandoned shack in a small valley.

He opened the door and found that it was filled with stolen trees. The place looks deserted, but has a large collection of trees [apparently a place used by criminals to store stolen goods.

Just as Qi Lin was preparing to conduct further searches, he suddenly felt someone behind him. He turned around quickly and saw a tall man appearing in front of him.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my territory?" the man asked sternly.

Qi Lin faced him calmly, showing the calmness and confidence of a detective. "I am Qi Lin, Detective Ten. Are you the criminal who illegally cut down trees?

The man showed a mocking smile. "You are really smart. I didn't expect anyone to find this place. But do you think you can catch me by yourself?"

Qi Lin was not swayed by his threats. "I believe that justice will eventually defeat evil. Your crime has been exposed, it is only a matter of time."

Tensions grew inside the shed. The confrontation between Qi Lin and the criminals makes people feel the tense current. Both men knew that the ensuing duel would decide everything.

The criminal suddenly took a step forward, holding a sharp ax in his hand. He swung his ax in an attempt to scare Qi Lin, but Qi Lin calmly dodged his attack.

"Do you think you can fight me?" the criminal roared.

Qi Lin did not answer. He observed the criminals' movements intently. He used his experience and skills accumulated over the years to find the weaknesses of criminals.

At one opportunity, he quickly twisted his body, causing the criminal to lose his balance, and then successfully subdued him to the ground.

"The case is over." Qi Lin felt a gasp in his chest, "Your criminal behavior will be punished by law."

Qi Lin handed the criminal over to the local police [and ensured that he was arrested and brought to justice. The resolution of this case brought peace of mind and security to Kangkang in the village.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin discovered that this criminal gang was an organized group specializing in illegally cutting down trees and selling them.

They use various means, including moving quietly at night and covering up their tracks, to avoid surveillance and police attention.

By cooperating with the police, Qi Lin successfully cracked down on the entire criminal gang and exposed their boss behind the scenes.

This case has drawn public attention to environmental protection and illegal logging, prompting the government to increase its crackdown on such criminal activities. .

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