Detective Qi Lin looked at the investigation report in his hand and frowned. This report revealed a serious environmental problem. A company called "Luyuan Chemical" illegally discharged sewage from their factory, posing a huge threat to surrounding residents and ecosystems. As a detective obsessed with justice, Qi Lin decided to uncover this case.

He put on a covert detective costume and sunglasses, and then walked into the door of Luyuan Chemical.

At the reception desk, he showed a fake business card to the receptionist, claiming that he was an official from the environmental protection department and was conducting a surprise inspection. The lady nodded nervously and led Qi Lin through the security inspection.

Walking into the factory, Qi Lin saw a busy scene. The workers were working hard and the machines were roaring, but he could feel a pungent smell in the air. He decided to go to the office first to look for clues.

In the office area, Qi Lin quietly took a peek. He found the financial statements of Luyuan Chemical and found some abnormal running accounts.

The accounts showed that the company had serious overspending on raw material procurement, but it claimed that production costs were very low. Qi Lin smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Just as he was analyzing the accounts in depth, a tall man appeared at the door. He was Zhang Zhong, the general manager of Luyuan Chemical. Zhang Zhong couldn't help but frowned when he saw Qi Lin: "Who are you? Why are you investigating here?"

Qi Lin pretended to put down the documents as if nothing had happened, and said with a smile: "I am an official from the environmental protection department, here to conduct a surprise inspection. We have received complaints about your company's environmental problems."

Zhang Zhong stared at Qi Lin nervously, trying to gain insight into his true identity. Qi Lin calmly endured his gaze and continued: "According to our investigation, your company is suspected of illegally discharging sewage. I need further investigation to confirm the situation.

Zhang Zhong's face turned livid, and he quickly retorted: "We have not done anything illegal! This is a false accusation with ulterior motives."

Qi Lin smiled slightly. He was already used to this kind of denial and denial: "Then, please cooperate with our investigation. If your company has no problems, I believe the investigation results will prove your innocence."

Zhang Zhong hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, but you must conduct the investigation with my company."

Qi Lin knew that he needed more evidence to reveal the truth, so Tian followed Zhang Zhong to the sewage treatment area of ​​the factory.

He saw a huge sewage treatment equipment, but that didn't explain the problem. Qi Lin requested that the sewage samples be brought back to the laboratory for further testing.

A few days later, the results from the lab came out. Qi Lin took the experimental report and his heart became heavy. The report shows that the sewage discharged by Luyuan Chemical Company contains a large amount of toxic substances, causing great harm to the environment and human health.

Qi Lin decided to find Zhang Zhong again and tell him this amazing discovery. They met in the office, and Qi Lin handed the experimental report to Zhang Zhong. Zhang Zhong looked at the report dumbfounded, his face turned gray.

Qi Lin said calmly: "Mr. Zhang, you must realize that this is a serious problem. Your company's emission behavior has caused serious environmental damage and affected the quality of life of surrounding residents.

Zhang Zhong asked with a trembling voice: "How do you plan to deal with this problem?"

Qi Lin replied firmly: "First, I will submit this report to the environmental protection department and provide all the evidence. They will fine you in accordance with the law and require you to take measures to improve sewage treatment facilities. At the same time, I will Disclose this matter to the media and let the public know the truth."

Zhang Zhong fell into deep thought, and he understood that he could no longer hide the facts. He took a deep breath and realized that he had to take responsibility for the company's mistakes. "You are right, I will cooperate with the investigation and take corresponding measures to correct the problem."

Qi Lin nodded in approval: "Very good, this is the right choice. I hope you can realize that environmental protection is not just about complying with laws and regulations, but also a social responsibility and moral responsibility."

Luyuan Chemical Company was strictly supervised by the environmental protection department, and they were fined and upgraded their equipment. Zhang Zhong also actively participated in environmental protection activities and worked hard to repair the environmental damage caused by the company.

As a detective who upholds justice, Qi Lin's investigations and revelations have attracted widespread attention. The media reported this case, and the public gradually understood the importance of environmental protection and became more alert to such illegal activities.

.........Please give me flowers 0

Qi Lin once again recalled his experience of participating in solving the sewage discharge case, and was filled with emotion. Although this case was only a trivial environmental crime, he changed the fate of many people by exposing the truth and pursuing justice.

Luyuan Chemical Company has gradually realized the importance of environmental protection. They have invested more resources in improving sewage treatment facilities and actively participated in community environmental protection activities. The company's image has been improved and it has won public recognition.

Qi Lin continued his detective work and took on many other cases. He understands that solving a case is only a small step on the road to justice, and he will continue to fight for social fairness and justice.


The morning sunlight shines through the windows of Qi Lin's office, illuminating the entire room brightly and warmly. Qi Lin sat at the table, meditating on the case file in his hand.

This is a fraud case involving the financial statements of a large company. It is said that the key clues of this case are hidden in these documents, but Qi Lin feels troubled.

Suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the phone. He raised his head and answered the phone. "Hey, this is Qi Lin." There was a hint of indifference in his voice, which was a habit from many years of detective work.

"Hello, I'm Mr. Li. I represent the company suspected of fraud. We are willing to provide some assistance." The other party's voice sounded a little nervous.

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Why are you looking for me? Aren't you the subject of investigation?" He didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

"Someone within us thinks there is a problem with the financial statements, so I hope you can help us find out the truth." There was a hint of anxiety in Mr. Li's voice.

Qi Lin's heart moved. This case seemed a little unusual. Perhaps this was a conspiracy of internal and external collusion, and he decided to take the case. "Okay, I will go to your company to understand the situation." Qi Lin hung up the phone, sorted out the information and left the office.

After Qi Lin arrived at the company, he was taken into the conference room by Mr. Li. The large screen in the conference room displays financial statement data, as well as photos and information of relevant personnel. .

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