Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

932: Miss Li’S Eyes Flashed With Hope

Mr. Li introduced: "Our company's financial statements are prepared by the accounting department, but some strange things have happened recently. Some people suspect that someone has tampered with the statements.

But we can't determine which link specifically caused the problem. "

Qi Lin observed carefully for a while and then asked: "Can you provide some key evidence? Such as account books, emails or other communication records."

Mr. Li nodded, "We have prepared a data backup, you can take a look first." He handed Qi Lin a USB flash drive.

Qi Lin inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and started browsing the data content. Through careful analysis of the data, he discovered some doubts. He recorded these doubts and decided to dig deeper in the subsequent investigation.

After a day of investigation, Qi Lin decided to find the key witnesses related to the financial statements. He identified several candidates through data analysis and conducted interviews one by one.

The first person interviewed was Ms. Li, the head of the accounting department. She has high authority over the preparation and review of financial statements.

Qi Lin sat in front of Miss Li, putting on an amiable face. "Ms. Li, I am Qi Lin, responsible for investigating your company's fraud cases.

He deliberately created a sense of trust. "Hello, Mr. Qi." Miss Li replied nervously. Her eyes flickered with uneasiness, clearly worried about the investigation.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and softened his tone. "I know you may be feeling stressed right now, but I need some information from you about the financial statements. Can you tell me if you noticed anything unusual in the process of preparing and reviewing the statements?"

Ms. Li frowned, thought for a moment and then replied: "To be honest, there is something wrong with me in recent months. Sometimes, I will find that certain numbers are not consistent with previous records. But whenever I ask When I had questions, other colleagues explained that it was a system error or a mistake in data entry."

Qi Lin nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Have you ever tried to verify the source of these abnormal data? Or sought help from other departments or superiors?"

Ms. Li hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head, "Actually, I tried to find the source, but was told every time that it was not necessary because they believed that this was just an individual problem and would not have much impact on the entire report. Moreover, I I’m also afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.”

Qi Lin frowned slightly, realizing that there might be some internal and external collusion hidden in this. He comforted: "Ms. Li, please rest assured, I will try my best to help you restore the truth. If you have any other important information, you can tell me at any time."

Miss Li raised her head, a glimmer of hope flashed in her eyes. "Actually, a colleague mentioned some strange things to me privately. He said that there is a special folder in our company's financial system that only a few senior personnel can access, which contains some information related to report preparation. files and emails. However, we do not have permission to view these contents."

Qi Lin suddenly became excited, "What is the name of this folder? Do you know it? Also, what is the name of that colleague?"

Ms. Li's face was a little pale, and she replied in a low voice: "That folder is called 'core file', and the colleague who mentioned this folder is Liu Ming."

"Thank you very much for your assistance, Miss Li." Qi Lin stood up and held Miss Li's hand. "I will continue to investigate further and find the answer as soon as possible." He said encouragingly.

Qi Lin left the accounting department, full of thoughts. The existence of the core file folder was very suspicious, and he decided to immediately find Liu Ming and learn more about the situation.

After some inquiries, Qi Lin finally found Liu Ming's office. He knocked on the door, then opened it and walked in.

Liu Ming looked up and saw Qi Lin, and couldn't help but look a little nervous. "Who are you? Why did you come to me?" His voice was a little panicked.

Qi Lin walked to Liu Ming's desk with a smile, sat down and looked at him. "I am Qi Lin, and I am investigating a fraud case in your company. I heard that you may know some information about the core files, so I came here to communicate with you."

Liu Ming wiped the sweat from his forehead nervously, and then answered carefully: "I...I just heard some rumors, and there is no conclusive evidence..." He was obviously a little scared. involved in this case.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and tried to calm Liu Ming's emotions. "Mr. Liu, please believe me, I am here to restore the truth. If you can provide any information about the core files, no matter how small, it will be helpful to my investigation."

Liu Ming bit his lip and his expression became hesitant. "In fact, I happened to find the core file folder in the financial system. However, due to permission restrictions, I could not view the contents. I once tried to solve the mystery privately, but was quickly warned and told not to explore. this problem."

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, "Can you tell me who warned you? Also, do you know the specific use of the core files?"

Liu Ming hesitated for a moment and then replied: "The person who warned me was Mr. Yang, the financial director. As for the purpose of the core file, I heard that important documents and emails related to statement preparation are stored in it. But I don't know the specific details. "

Qi Lin felt that he was getting closer to the truth. He stood up and said to Liu Ming: "Thank you very much for your cooperation, Mr. Liu. I will investigate further and find the answer as soon as possible. If you have any other important information you need to tell me, Please feel free to get in touch.”

Liu Ming breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Qi Lin with a little hope in his eyes. "I hope you can uncover this conspiracy and clear our name." He said 2.7.

After communicating with Miss Li and Liu Ming, Qi Lin realized that the core file was the key clue to this fraud case. In order to be able to view the contents of the core file, he decided to find Mr. Yang, the financial director.

Mr. Yang's office is located in the high-rise area of ​​the company and has strict security measures. After some hard work, Qi Lin finally got permission to enter.

Walking into Mr. Yang's office, Qi Lin saw a serious-looking middle-aged man. He didn't say much, just looked at Qi Lin, waiting for him to speak.

Qi Lin broke the silence with a firm and calm tone. "Mr. Yang, I am Qi Lin, responsible for investigating your company's fraud cases. I have learned about the existence of the core file, and that you warned Liu Ming and other employees not to investigate the matter in depth."

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