Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

933: Our Company Has Always Abided By Laws And Regulations.

Mr. Yang's face changed slightly, but he still remained calm. "Mr. Qi, I don't know what you are talking about. Our company has always abided by laws and ethics, and there is no fraud."

Qi Lin stared deeply into Mr. Yang's eyes, and he could feel what the other person was hiding. "Mr. Yang, I understand that you may have your own considerations, but the fact is not that simple. The existence of the core file and your warning to employees have aroused my doubts about your company's financial records. Please answer frankly, what exactly is in the core file?" What information is included? Why is it only accessible to a few senior personnel?"

Mr. Yang hesitated for a moment, then sighed. "Well, now that you already know some of the situation, I don't need to hide it anymore."

He looked at Qi Lin with a hint of helplessness in his tone. "The core files contain some documents and emails related to report preparation, which are not particularly sensitive information. However, there does exist some private collusion of interests among our senior staff, and they manipulate this information to achieve certain purposes." 31 Qi Lin's eyes flashed, and he realized that this case might involve wider interests. "So, do these manipulations involve the falsification of financial statements? Are there any inflated incomes, concealed expenditures, etc.?"

Mr. Yang nodded after a moment of silence. "Yes, such a situation does exist. We use fictitious transactions, concealed expenses and other means to increase the company's profits to satisfy the requirements of some shareholders and senior personnel. However, I must emphasize that this is not the behavior of the company as a whole, but only a few People’s private operations.”

Qi Lin felt angry as he realized the seriousness of this case. "Mr. Yang, I will investigate the truth and submit relevant evidence to law enforcement agencies. You'd better cooperate with my investigation and provide relevant information as much as possible to reduce your own responsibility."

The gentleman smiled wryly and nodded, "I understand, and I will try my best to cooperate with your investigation. But please ensure my personal safety and privacy."

Qi Lin nodded solemnly and agreed. "I will try my best to protect your rights and interests while restoring the truth." He stood up and prepared to leave Mr. Yang's office. The truth of this case is about to emerge, and Qi Lin knows that this is just the beginning of the investigation.

After returning to the office, Qi Lin compiled his previous investigation notes. He realized that the case involved a larger scope and was more complex. In order to restore the truth, he decided to take further business.

First, Qi Lin contacted the company's internal audit department and requested them to provide relevant financial statements and audit records. This information will help confirm whether the information contained in the core file is consistent with the actual situation.

Secondly, Qi Lin decided to conduct interviews with other key personnel of the company, including senior managers, other members of the financial department, and leaders of relevant business departments. By listening to the statements and opinions of different people, he hopes to find more clues and evidence.

In addition, in order to ensure the fairness and transparency of the investigation, Qi Lin also plans to contact law enforcement agencies and request them to send professionals to participate in the investigation.

This ensures that the case is handled fairly and protects the rights and interests of the company and its employees to the greatest extent.

In the next few days, Qi Lin was busy sorting and analyzing the various evidence and information collected. He worked very closely with the audit department, and through comparisons of financial statements and audit records, he gradually revealed some unusual traces.

At the same time, Qi Lin obtained more clues and information by interviewing other key personnel. Some people have heard about the unhealthy trends within the company, but choose to remain silent because they are worried that their personal safety and position will be threatened.

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin discovered that the existence of core files was not just a technical problem, but a means for senior personnel to abuse their power and manipulate financial data.

This case may involve aspects such as the company's governance structure, internal control system and supervision by regulatory agencies.

Throughout the entire investigation process, Qi Lin maintained a strictly neutral position and followed legal and ethical principles. He pays attention to listening to the voices of all parties, respects the rights of witnesses, and strictly protects confidential information during the investigation process.

Finally, after a long period of hard work and investigation, Qi Lin successfully restored the truth of this fraud case. He presents relevant evidence and findings to law enforcement agencies and works with them to bring those involved to justice.

On a cold and gloomy winter day, Qi Lin received an emergency call from the police. An anxious and panic-filled voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Qi, this is the police station. We have encountered a serious explosion case. Please come over immediately to help solve it!"

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew that this case was definitely unusual. He quickly organized his thoughts, quickly put on his clothes and "stepped firmly towards the path of justice that he insisted on."

When Qi Lin arrived at the scene of the explosion, there was chaos. The police and firefighters were working hard to rescue the injured, and the scene was filled with smoke, dust and debris.

Qi Lin explored the surrounding environment, trying to find any clues that could help him further investigate the case.

His eyes were suddenly attracted by a pile of stones, in front of which stood a broken robot. There are still slight burn marks on the metal 777 shell of the robot.

Qi Lin immediately understood that this robot might be the key to the case.

He walked closer to the robot and carefully observed every detail of it. Then he noticed a microchip on the robot. He carefully removed the chip and put it into his detective kit.

While investigating the scene, Qi Lin discovered a small vendor near the explosion site. He walked towards the vendor, hoping to get some valuable information from him.

"Hello, I am Mr. Qi Lin, I am a detective." Qi Lin greeted him.

The vendor looked at Qi Lin through his thickly gloved fingers, and then nodded. "Hello, sir. I'm Akaf. Are you here to investigate the bombing?"

"Yes, I hope to get some information related to the case from you. Have you seen any suspicious people or things?" Qi Lin asked.

Akaf thought for a while, and then recalled the scene at that time. "Well, I remember there was a man in a black coat who had been wandering around before the explosion. I thought it was a bit strange, but I didn't pay too much attention."

Qi Lin noticed this important clue. He thanked Akaf for his cooperation and continued looking for other witnesses. .

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