Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

934: Qi Lin Successfully Decoded The Chip

After some investigation, Qi Lin successfully found two other witnesses. One was an old lady who happened to be passing by, and the other was the owner of a nearby store. Although the information provided by the witnesses was somewhat inconsistent, through careful analysis, Qi Lin believed that the man in the black coat was closely related to the case.

Back in his office, Qi Lin began to carefully study the microchip that he had removed. He connects the chip to a computer and uses the skills and tools he developed during his detective work to interpret the data.

After some analysis, Qi Lin successfully decoded the information on the chip. It turns out that this robot is an advanced intelligent explosive device carefully designed to cause large-scale destruction.

The data on the chip showed that the robot was detonated remotely, and the operator's fingerprint data was also left behind.

Qi Lin immediately informed the police of this key information and proposed investigating the surveillance videos around the crime scene to find the suspect wearing a black coat. The police gratefully accepted his suggestion and took action quickly.

The police found several surveillance videos related to the case and asked Qi Lin to assist in analysis. In a video, Qi Lin saw a figure hurriedly walking into a nearby cafe

Qi Lin quickly went to the cafe, hoping to find the suspect. After he entered the cafe, he glanced around, and his eyes immediately focused on a man sitting in the corner. The man was looking down at his phone, looking nervous.

Qi Lin walked up to the man and said with a smile: "Hello, are you the gentleman in the black coat? I am Mr. Qi Lin, a detective. I hope to talk to you."

The man looked up, a surprised expression on his face. "Are you Qi Lin? The police said you would find me?" His voice was filled with panic.

Qi Lin signaled the man to stay calm and sat on the seat opposite. "Yes, the police do suspect that you are related to this bombing. I am not here to arrest you, but I want to know something. Please tell me your relationship with this case."

The man's name was Li Wei. He explained to Qi Lin that he was not a participant, but accidentally happened upon the entire process after the explosion. He explained that he was a computer engineer and had been working on artificial intelligence-related projects.

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned slightly. "Do you have an in-depth knowledge of robots?"

Li Wei nodded. "Yes, I have some experience in designing and developing intelligent robots. But I will never make explosive devices, let alone participate in any criminal acts. IT

Qi Lin carefully observed Li Wei's expression and behavior, trying to judge his authenticity. "I need you to provide some evidence to prove your innocence. Are you willing to cooperate with our investigation and provide your fingerprints and other relevant information?"

Li Wei immediately expressed his willingness to cooperate fully and proactively handed Qi Lin his ID card and contact information.

Qi Lin accepted the ID card and contact information handed to him by Li Wei and promised to keep his personal information confidential. Qi Lin then contacted the police, explained Li Wei's situation and suggested further investigation.

In the next few days, Qi Lin and the police jointly launched an investigation into Li Wei.

They conducted an in-depth analysis of Li Wei's background information, call records and other clues. At the same time, Qi Lin also continued to talk with Li Wei, trying to find out more clues about his past and behavior.

After detailed investigation and analysis, the police finally concluded that Li Wei was not the main suspect in the case. Although he appeared near the crime scene, there was not enough evidence to prove that he was directly related to the explosion.

Qi Lin felt disappointed in his heart. He knew that he needed to look for further clues to find the real criminal. He returned to his office and reviewed his previous findings and information.

Suddenly, he noticed a detail that had been ignored before.

In the surveillance video, he saw a man in a black coat holding a controller similar to the robot at the scene of the previous crime. The man fled the scene shortly before the explosion.

Qi Lin immediately informed the police of the discovery and asked them to conduct a comprehensive tracking and investigation of the man in a black coat. At the same time, he also asked the police to help find the place where the man might be hiding.

A few days later, the police found the man's secret residence. Qi Lin led the police into the room and successfully captured the suspect.

During the interrogation, Qi Lin used his keen insight and rich detective experience to uncover the suspect's criminal plan.

It turned out that the suspect was an engineer employed by a competitor. He used his technology and knowledge to create this advanced smart explosive device, hoping to destroy the competitor's business and reputation by triggering an explosion.

In the end, due to Qi Lin's efforts and the cooperation of the police, the explosion case was successfully resolved. The suspect was arrested and brought to justice, and justice was served.

Qi Lin received thanks and praise from the police, but he did not stop. As a detective, he knows that there are always unsolved mysteries and unbalanced justice in the world. He will continue to pursue the truth and defend social peace and justice.

In this way, every challenge is a growth, and every victory is an affirmation. As a detective who firmly defends justice, he will continue to devote himself to solving various complex cases and bring peace and justice to society.

Qi Lin opened the office door and stepped into a space full of the smell of tobacco and old books. He straightened his tie and sat on the chair in front of his desk. With the smuggling case file in front of him, he was thinking deeply about how to solve this complex mystery.

Suddenly, the phone rang, breaking the silence in the office. Qi Lin picked up the receiver and wiped his shining badge uneasily.

"Hello?" he said.

"Mr. Qi, it's me, Yunfei. I have important clues about the smuggling case that I need to tell you." The other party's voice sounded anxious and slightly nervous.

Yunfei is Qi Lin's friend in the police station, and they often cooperate to solve cases. Qi Lin immediately realized that this was an important turning point. He held the phone receiver tightly with both hands and waited for Qufei's next words.

"We have successfully tracked a large-scale smuggling shipment. They will be handed over to an international criminal organization tonight. I have arranged an elite team to arrest them at the handover site. However, we need your Help identify targets and provide follow-up investigation guidance.

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