Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

936: Trace The Source Of Threatening Letters

Qi Lin was suspicious. He felt that more information had been withheld. Next, he talked with Wang Xiaoting's family.

"Have you noticed any unusual behavior or received any threats from her recently?" Qi Lin asked.

Wang Xiaoting's parents exchanged glances, and then her father replied: "We have been worried about the business environment she is in, but she always tells us everything is fine. No one has ever threatened her directly, at least not that we know of. of."

Qi Lin noticed some uneasiness on their expressions, so he continued to ask.

"Are you hiding something from me-?" he asked seriously.

Wang Xiaoting's mother raised her head, with a trace of uneasiness in her eyes.

"We have received a number of anonymous phone calls and threatening letters recently, but we never thought it would get to such a horrific level. We have tried our best to keep it secret and hope this is just a prank."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and felt a little disappointed with this information, because it seemed to be an important clue, but it had never been disclosed.

Back in the investigation room, Qi Lin began to sort out all the clues and analyze the case. He turned his attention to the seemingly unrelated silver chain, thinking about the role it might play.

In his reasoning, the silver chain may be a deliberately misleading clue left by the murderer, or it may have some connection with the victim. He decided to send it for testing for further flavoring.

At the same time, he also traced the source of anonymous phone calls and threatening letters. Through technical means, he locked a suspicious phone number and managed to find the holder of the number.

This person is a business competitor of Wang Xiaoting, and there used to be a fierce competitive relationship between him and her. Qi Lin met with him and tried to find more clues.

"Is the threat letter you received related to Wang Xiaoting's death?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

The business rival looked frustrated and took a deep breath.

"I admit there is competition between us, but I never meant to hurt her. I am also currently investigating the threatening letter I received because I believe there must be someone behind it trying to frame us.

Qi Lin thinks his explanation is reasonable, but he still needs more evidence to confirm this man's innocence.

The test results came back and the victim's DNA and other unknown DNA were found on the silver chain. This means that there may be some connection between the silver chain and the victim, but there is also the possibility of someone else.

Qi Lin returned to the crime scene for further investigation and found a subtle trace. He recognized it as a drop of blood, quickly collected a sample and sent it for testing.

A few days later, the test results came out. The blood sample matched Wang Xiaoting's DNA. This means the killer left his own blood at the crime scene.

Qi Lin re-examined all the clues and compared various evidences, and then he suddenly had an idea.

"If the murderer left blood and the victim's DNA was on the silver chain, there could be a third person involved.

He returned to the investigation room and reconvened all relevant personnel, including the victim's friends, nanny, family and business competitors.

"The case has taken a new turn." Qi Lin said solemnly. "We have confirmed the existence of another person involved, whose blood was found at the crime scene and the victim's DNA was found on a silver chain. 11

Everyone showed shocked expressions, and they began to speculate and accuse each other. Qi Lin calmly observed everyone's reaction.

In this tense atmosphere, a person suddenly stood up. It was the victim's friend who cried and said: "I have to tell you the truth.

She admitted that there was a heated argument between herself and the victim. When she met the victim that night, the two had a heated argument and she pushed the victim out of control, causing the victim to fall and hit her head. Hit the glass.

Qi Lin's eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief. He didn't expect the truth to be so cruel and simple.

"Is your behavior accidental or intentional?" Qi Lin asked.

She replied tremblingly: "It was an accident. I never intended to hurt her. I panicked and fled the scene. I regret my behavior very much."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and finally decided to take her back to the police station for further investigation.

After detailed investigation and interrogation, Qi Lin finally determined that the victim's friend was the murderer. She did not mean to kill the victim during the quarrel that night, but her inference led to the victim's unfortunate death.

…‥Request flowers:0

This case left Qi Lin with deep thoughts. He realized that behind every complex case, there is the complexity and fragility of human nature. Sometimes a moment of impulse and misjudgment can change destiny.

He stood in front of the crime scene, staring at the night sky outside the window, thinking a lot.

As a detective, his responsibility is not only to reveal the truth, but more importantly, to protect social justice and people's safety. He understands that solving the case is just the beginning, and the real challenge lies in ensuring that similar tragedies never happen again.

Qi Lin decided to use this case as a reflection and lesson, share it with colleagues in the police department, and make some suggestions to improve the investigation process and the ability to respond to emergencies.

He believes that through systematic training, more effective communication and stricter supervision, the occurrence of similar tragedies can be reduced.

At the same time, he also hopes that through this case, people will realize the importance of emotional management and the need to maintain rationality and restraint in conflicts.

Everyone needs to be aware of the impact their actions may have on others to avoid tragedies.

When Qi Lin returned home, he was full of thoughts and he knew he needed to rest and readjust himself. However, he deeply understood that the revelation this case brought to him would forever guide his path as a detective.

He will continue to work to protect people's security and justice and bring the power of justice to society.

This case shows us how a complex mystery can gradually unravel through meticulous investigation and logical reasoning.

As a detective, Qi Lin showed keen observation of details, logical thinking ability and perseverance. He paid attention to both the connection between clues and the psychological analysis of human behavior, and finally revealed the truth of the case.

Qi Lin received a commercial espionage case this time. This case involved many large enterprises. The problem of information leakage seriously affected commercial competitiveness. As the protagonist responsible for the investigation, Qi Lin started his action.

In the first step, Qi Lin and his assistant Xiaoling launched an investigation. .

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