Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

937: Qi Lin Investigates The Scene And Looks For Clues

Xiaoling is a witty and brave young girl who deeply admires Qilin. The two conducted a detailed investigation around the crime scene and collected relevant clues. Qi Lin narrowed his eyes and thought intently.

"Xiao Ling, we need to find a breakthrough. This case seems complicated, but there is always a key clue hidden in it." Qi Lin said.

"Yes! I have compiled some evidence, please take a look." Xiaoling handed Qi Lin a document.

Qi Lin browsed the documents and noticed a company called "Tianyi Technology". This company is a giant in the media field and has been expanding recently.

"Xiao Ling, we need to investigate this Tianyi Technology Company in depth. Their business scope is wide and may be an important clue to the case." Qi Lin put forward his own speculation of "727".

Qi Lin and Xiaoling decided to start from the inside of Tianyi Technology Company. They disguised themselves as employees and sneaked into the company. They pretended to be new project team members and had close contact with other employees.

After working in the company for a few days, Qi Lin discovered a suspicious behavior pattern. Several employees seemed too focused on a certain project and frequently contacted outsiders. This letter decided to investigate this issue in depth.

"Xiao Ling, we need to find out the details of these employees. They may be insiders assisting in commercial espionage activities." Qi Lin said to Xiao Ling.

Xiaoling nodded. She used her excellent computer technology skills to quickly invade the company's server. They obtained the employees' personal information and communication records.

By analyzing this information, Qi Lin and Xiaoling finally found a chain of evidence. It turned out that these employees had close ties with another competing company.

They passed on business secrets through phone calls, emails, etc., and obtained a large amount of key information.

Qi Lin decided to hand over the evidence to the police and formulated a complete action plan. They cooperated with the police and arranged a sophisticated arrest operation.

After conducting comprehensive surveillance at the crime scene, Qi Lin waited for several hours. Eventually, several suspects appeared at the scene. The police took immediate action and arrested them all.

After interrogation, the suspects admitted their crimes. They revealed a bigger clue, pointing to the existence of an international espionage organization.

This organization uses the background of business competition to manipulate the flow of information between companies to obtain important business secrets.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling decided to continue to investigate this international espionage organization in depth. They cooperated with the police and launched a series of secret operations. Through tracking, monitoring and reconnaissance, they gradually unveiled the veil of this huge organization.

During the investigation, Qi Lin had a tense conversation with the leader of the organization. Both sides tested each other and showed their wisdom and skills. In the end, Qi Lin successfully obtained important information about the organization's members and their activities.

Qi Lin and Xiaoling summarized and organized the investigation results and prepared reports to relevant departments. They handed evidence to senior officials and detailed the operations and scope of the international espionage organization.

The government took immediate action and launched an operation with international partners to combat this espionage organization. After months of cooperation and hard work, they succeeded in destroying the core of the organization and arresting a large number of people involved.

On a rainy night, the city streets are filled with thick moisture. The lights flickered under the rain, and the weak light barely penetrated the thick darkness. Qi Lin picked up the umbrella in his hand and walked quickly towards the crime scene on the increasingly slippery road.

This was a hit-and-run case. A young girl named Li Feng lost her life after being hit by a fast black car. According to eyewitnesses, the vehicle involved in the accident made a loud noise as it fled the scene, and then quickly disappeared into the night. The police were helpless, so they invited Qi Lin, a well-known detective.

Arriving at the scene, Qi Lin saw chaos. Several police officers are conducting investigations, while Li Feng's family is anxiously waiting for news. Qi Lin walked straight to the police chief and asked calmly: "Chief, have you found any clues?"

The police chief shook his head and said distressedly: "No, we found some vehicle fragments near the accident scene, but there is no information that can identify the vehicle responsible for the accident. Moreover, the surveillance equipment in this area also malfunctioned and was unable to provide any useful footage. ..."

Qi Lin frowned, knowing that this case was not simple. He thought calmly and then asked: "Did the witnesses provide some characteristics of the vehicle? Also, have you investigated Li Feng's background?"

The police chief replied: "Witnesses only said it was a black car and had no other characteristics. As for Li Feng, we are investigating her background, but we have not found anything significant so far.

Qi Lin nodded slightly, he understood that it was not easy to solve this case. He walked towards Li Feng's family, expressed his condolences to them, and told them that they would make every effort to bring the murderer to justice.

The next day, Qi Lin began his investigation. He first went to Li Feng's school and talked with her classmates and teachers.

Through inquiries, he learned that Li Feng had a cheerful and helpful personality and had no record of having any disputes with anyone. Everyone is shocked and saddened by Li Feng's tragic death.

Afterwards, Qi Lin went to nearby auto repair shops to investigate. He hopes to find clues about the vehicle involved. In a small repair shop, Qi Lin met the repairman Zhang Hai.

"Master Zhang, have you ever come into contact with a black car that was involved in a hit-and-run case recently?" Qi Lin asked straight to the point.

Zhang Hai thought for a while, and then nodded: "Yes, I remember a week ago, a black car came for repair, and the front bumper and windshield were damaged. But the owner did not leave any contact at that time Way."

Qi Lin frowned slightly, confused by this information. After careful consideration, he said: "Master Zhang, can you describe the situation of that car in more detail? Are there any characteristics or details that can help us determine the identity of the car owner?"

Zhang Hai shook his head in distress: "Sorry, Mr. Detective, that car came at night. I only remember that it was very clean and looked like a new car. Except for the damaged parts, there were no obvious features elsewhere. .

Qi Lin frowned, this clue seemed unclear. But he was not going to give up and decided to continue tracking the black car.


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