Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

938: Qi Lin Presents An Arrest Warrant

Back at the police station, Qi Lin said to the police chief: "According to the information from the auto repair shop, we can determine the appearance and damage of the vehicle involved in the accident. Although there is no owner information

But we can investigate further through these characteristics. Please notify all auto repair shops immediately and ask them to provide records of similar vehicles they have received in the recent period.

The police chief nodded after hearing this, realizing that Qi Lin had given them a new idea. Soon, the police launched a comprehensive investigation, contacted major repair shops, and requested corresponding records.

A few days later, the police finally found information provided by a small repair shop. In their records, there was indeed a black car that had been repaired shortly before the incident, and the repairs were consistent with the witnesses' descriptions.

Qi Lin was excited about this discovery and immediately went to the repair shop. The owner of the repair shop received him in a panic and explained: "Mr. Detective, the owner of the car did not leave any contact information at that time, and we had no way to contact him."

Qi Lin asked patiently: "Do you still remember the appearance of the car owner or other potentially useful information?"

The boss thought for a moment and then said: "He was a tall man wearing sunglasses. I remember he was wearing a black coat. He looked very confident."

Qi Lin narrowed his eyes. These descriptions reminded him of a suspicious person - Lin Fei.

As the leader of an international drug cartel, Lin Fei has been operating in the dark, evading police pursuit. Qi Lin has already included him on his watch list.

He hurriedly left the repair shop, contacted the police, and informed them about Lin Fei's situation. In order to further understand the connection between Lin Fei and the accident, Qi Lin decided to launch a series of secret investigations.

In a remote warehouse, Qi Lin met his partner, a female detective named Xiaoqing. Xiaoqing is a witty and intelligent young man who has rich experience in solving difficult cases.

Qi Lin introduced his investigation in detail to Xiaoqing, including Lin Fei and clues related to the vehicle responsible for the accident. Xiaoqing listened attentively, and after thinking for a long time, she said: "Qi Lin

Although we have some useful clues, it is still not easy to find Lin Fei and determine his connection with the accident. I suggest that we start with the Li Feng case itself, and perhaps we can find more information. "

Qi Lin nodded in agreement, and they decided to re-examine the scene and look for any details that might have been overlooked. After carefully observing the photos and related documents at the scene, they noticed a detail: "There seemed to be some strange marks on the clothes Li Feng wore before his death."

So, they contacted the forensic doctor and asked them to conduct further examination of Li Feng's body. After careful inspection, forensic scientists discovered tiny fibers that looked like residue from vehicle spray paint.

This discovery made Qi Lin so excited that he immediately returned to the police station and informed the police chief of the news. The police chief immediately ordered the technical department to detect and compare these fibers.

A few days later, the experimental results came out. The police chief eagerly handed the report to Qi Lin, his face full of anticipation. The report showed that the fibers exactly matched the samples provided by a repair shop called Speed ​​Auto Repair.

Qi Lin took a deep breath. This discovery brought a new breakthrough to the entire case. They decide to go to "Speed ​​Auto Repair" to investigate [and hope to find out more

When Qi Lin and Xiao Qing came to the repair shop, they found that the repair shop had been abandoned for a long time. It seemed that no one had visited it for a long time. Qi Lin walked into the factory and looked around for any useful clues.

In a corner, he noticed an abandoned filing cabinet. He opened it and found it almost empty except for an old newspaper.

He picked up the newspaper and felt an unusual weight. Carefully unfolding the newspaper, he found a sketch of a black car on one page, with a forest area marked on it.

Qi Lin's eyes became sharp. This is a key clue that proves that Lin Fei is directly related to the vehicle responsible for the accident. They decided to take the discovery back to the police station and launch a comprehensive tracking operation.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin and Xiao Qing reported their latest findings to the police chief. The police chief looked solemn after hearing this. He understood that the truth of this case had gradually been revealed.

The police immediately used these clues to start tracking Lin Fei. Through technical means and various investigations, they gradually determined the trajectory of Lin Fei's activities in the city.

Qi Lin decided to personally lead the action team to bring Lin Fei to justice.

He knew that Lin Fei was a very dangerous opponent, so they needed to formulate a detailed action plan. After many discussions and research, Qi Lin and Xiao Qing finally determined a complete plan.

On a quiet night, the action team quietly launched an operation to round up Lin Fei. They quickly surrounded a hidden residence where Lin Fei was located and prepared to arrest him.

When they rushed into the house, they found no one inside. Lin Fei had already fled, leaving only some clues to deal with his pursuers.

Qi Lin was unwilling to accept defeat. He clearly realized that this duel was not over. He will continue to search for Lin Fei's traces until he is brought to justice.

Qi Lin and 603 Xiaoqing returned to the police station and re-examined all clues and information. After careful analysis, they discovered a key detail: Lin Fei recently rented a warehouse somewhere in the city.

They immediately went to the warehouse to investigate. The warehouse is located in a remote industrial area with winding dark passages. Qi Lin's heart was full of tension and excitement, and they carefully searched every corner.

Just when they almost gave up, Xiaoqing discovered a hidden switch. When they pressed the switch, a huge wall began to move slowly, revealing a secret passage.

The two of them entered the secret passage without hesitation and headed for the unknown depths. The dark passage was eerie, but they continued to move forward resolutely.

Finally, they came to a secret room. The room was filled with various drug trafficking paraphernalia and a large amount of drugs. And standing in the center of the room was Lin Fei himself.

Qi Lin quickly produced an arrest warrant and warned Lin Fei not to make any resistance. However, Lin Fei sneered, suddenly pulled out a dagger, and tried to escape.

Qi Lin's eyes flashed, and he reacted quickly and started fighting. After a fierce duel, Qi Lin successfully subdued Lin Fei and took him back to the police station.

In the end, Lin Fei was brought to justice and justice was served. .

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