Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

939: Qi Lin Uses A Notebook To Organize Case Information

Qi Lin and Xiao Qing were recognized for their efforts. They successfully cracked the accident case and brought a dangerous criminal to justice.

This was a difficult and challenging investigation process, but through persistence and unremitting efforts, they finally achieved victory. They have brought guarantees to social security and also demonstrated the determination and professionalism of the police.

Qi Lin always insists on justice and firmly believes that the truth is hidden behind every case. This time, Qi Lin received the task of investigating an arson case.

The case occurred in a busy commercial building. A fire suddenly broke out in the early morning, causing huge property losses and casualties.

The police immediately sealed off the scene and mobilized a large number of resources to investigate. However, they were stuck and couldn't find any clues.

After Qi Lin took over the case, he began his investigation. He carefully studied the photos and records of the fire scene and discovered something strange.

First of all, the fire spots seemed to be very concentrated and there was no sign of spreading, which made Qi Lin suspect that the fire was not strong at first. Secondly, the escape route was not blocked, but many people failed to jump out in time.

In order to further understand the situation, Qi Lin found a witness who was present at the time. The witness was a security guard. He said to Qi Lin: "I was on patrol at the time and suddenly heard the sound of the fire alarm. I quickly rushed to the first floor and found the fire. I tried to put out the fire, but the fire was too big and I couldn't Control. Then I immediately rushed to call the police and tried my best to guide people to escape."

Qi Lin thought about the security guard's words and felt that there seemed to be some important information missing. He decided to investigate the security guard further.

When Qi Lin found the security guard, he noticed that the security guard had a burnt smell. Qi Lin asked: "Can you Jie tell me more details about the fire? Do you remember how the fire started in Cheyenne?"

The security guard hesitated for a moment and replied: "I only remember that the fire started to spread very quickly from the basement. I immediately alerted the people upstairs, and then went to call the police and guide the people to escape..."

Qi Lin noticed the security guard's behavior and said: "Mr. Security Guard, please cooperate with our investigation. We suspect that this fire may not be accidental.'

The security guard, visibly nervous, added: "There's one more thing I didn't tell you that might help the case. When I walked to the basement, I saw a man in a black coat there.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew that this clue was very important. He asked the security guard: "Are you saying that the basement was the starting point of the fire and that the person you saw appeared just before the fire?"

The security guard replied tremblingly: "Yes, I remember it very clearly. He ran away after seeing me."

Qi Lin thought about this information, and he felt that he was getting closer to the truth. He began talking to other witnesses and studying surveillance video from before and after the fire.

In the surveillance video, Qi Lin noticed a suspicious figure.

This character is wearing a black coat, his face is well covered, and he looks very mysterious. He appeared near the basement shortly before the fire broke out and left the scene in a hurry.

Qi Lin combined this discovery with other evidence and concluded that the man in the black coat might be the mastermind behind the arson. He began to track this character and investigated his background and whereabouts.

After some hard work, Qi Lin finally found clues to the identity of this mysterious figure.

It turned out that he was an ex-criminal who had been imprisoned for arson. Recently, he had just been released from prison, which aroused Qi Lin's high vigilance.

Qi Lin decided to delve deeper into the ex-convict's motives. He found the criminal's relatives and conducted a detailed interview. Through relatives' descriptions, Qi Lin gradually restored the former criminal's revenge story.

It turned out that while in prison, the ex-convict's family suffered innocent injuries, causing him to develop a strong hatred. After being released from prison, he decided to take revenge on those who had hurt his family by setting fire to the house.

Qi Lin deeply understands the mood of the ex-convict, but he firmly believes in the importance of law and justice. He is determined to thoroughly investigate this case and protect innocent lives and property.

Qi Lin cooperated with the police and took action quickly. By following the clues of the ex-convict, they found his hiding place.

At the same time, they have also strengthened the protection of buildings that may be targets of arson to ensure the safety of citizens.

Finally, after a relentless chase, Qi Lin and the police successfully captured the ex-criminal and prevented his last arson operation.

During the interrogation process, Qi Lin explained to the former criminal the importance of justice and the necessity of social order. He advised him to put aside his hatred and re-examine his choices [and gave him a chance to change his ways.

The cracking of this arson case not only allowed Qi Lin to once again prove his ability as an outstanding detective, but also aroused the public's thinking about justice and forgiveness.

Qi Lin hopes that with his efforts, society will be safer and more harmonious, and everyone will get the justice they deserve.

Qi Lin is an experienced private detective known for solving various difficult cases.

This morning, he received a commission on a kidnapping case, which was an evil crime involving innocent children. Qi Lin is determined to bring criminals to justice and protect those abducted children

He sat at his desk, opened his laptop and started analyzing the case.

He saw all the evidence and clues on the screen: "Photos of missing children, time and place of last sighting, eyewitness descriptions, and information from contacts."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and prepared to launch an investigation. He decided to go to the scene of the crime first and investigate the situation personally. He hopes to find some clues to help him find the missing child.

When he arrived at the sighting site, he discovered something interesting.

He noticed a fallen watch on the ground, a clue that might be related to the case. He carefully placed the watch into a plastic bag for subsequent inspection.

Back in the office, Qi Lin began to contact witnesses and arranged a meeting.

He hopes to get more information about the suspect from witnesses. Soon after, a witness named Li Ming came to the office.

"Hello, Mr. Li. Thank you very much for coming to see me." Qi Lin greeted him with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Qi. I know this case is very important, and I am willing to do my best to help." Li Ming sat down and said seriously. .

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