Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

940: Conduct Background Checks On Each Employee

"Thank you very much. Please tell me, what did you see at the crime scene?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Ming recalled the scene at that time and said: "I happened to be passing by that day, and I saw a young man leading a little girl into a black car. They seemed to be in a hurry, and the man's behavior made me feel uneasy. I remember he was wearing a red coat, he was about twenty-five years old, not tall but average-looking.

"Very good, this is very helpful information. Have you seen the car's license plate number or other identifiable features?" Qi Lin continued to ask.

Li Ming shook his head and said, "I'm sorry. I only noticed them leaving in a hurry and didn't notice the license plate number. But I can confirm that the car was a black sedan. I can't determine the make and model."

"It doesn't matter, you have provided valuable clues. Thank you for your cooperation." Qi Lin nodded to Li Ming.

A few days later, Qi Lin received the analysis report on the watch. The report showed that the suspect's fingerprints and DNA residue were found on the watch.

This was an important breakthrough! Qi Lin immediately sent the report to the police in the hope that they could further investigate the suspect.

While waiting for feedback from the police, Qi Lin decided to investigate the suspect's background in depth.

He learned from the fingerprints on his watch that the suspect's name was Li Hailong, and discovered that he had previously been investigated by the police for a kidnapping case. This led Qi Lin to believe that Li Hailong might be the mastermind behind the entire abduction case.

Qi Lin found the place where Li Hailong once lived, and learned through inquiries from some neighbors that Li Hailong had recently moved to the edge of the city. Qi Lin decided to go there personally to investigate.

When he came to the area, he found a seemingly ordinary cabin. He hid nearby and observed for a while.

Soon after, he noticed several suspicious characters frequenting the cabin, including a man wearing a red coat.

Qi Lin decided to cooperate with the police to ensure the smooth progress of the operation. He contacted a police officer friend and provided him with intelligence and evidence. The police agreed to provide support and assistance

Take action.

At night, they organized a secret raid. Qi Lin, the police and other detectives quietly approached the small (dbaj) house. They make sure no one discovers their identity

When they burst into the hut, they found imprisoned children in a state of extreme fear and despair. Qi Lin walked towards them, calmed their emotions and made sure they were all okay.

At the same time, the police arrested the suspects in the hut. Qi Lin recognized one of the people as Li Hailong, whom he had investigated. The mastermind behind this was finally caught.

The resolution of the case made Qi Lin feel a deep sense of satisfaction. He knew that his efforts had brought redemption and hope to those abducted children.

He decided to continue to follow up on the case to ensure that the criminals received the punishment they deserved.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin conducted detailed investigations with the police and collected more evidence.

They discovered that this trafficking gang had been operating for a long time and was engaged in criminal activities of transnational child trafficking.

Qi Lin decided to make this case public and let people understand this heartbreaking crime. He arranged a press conference to disclose the details and latest developments of the case to the media and the public.

The press conference generated widespread concern and outrage.

The public expressed strong condemnation of this atrocious crime and demanded that the government take more stringent measures to combat child trafficking.

Qi Lin felt that this was an opportunity to arouse social awareness and promote legal reform.

As the case comes to light, more clues and evidence emerge.

Qi Lin worked with the police to track down the trafficking gang's network and successfully rescued more abducted children. They take these children to safe shelters and provide them with psychological and physical support.

During the subsequent investigation, Qi Lin discovered a key figure-a senior member named Zhang Yu. He knew that if Zhang Yu could be arrested, it would be possible to hit the core of the entire wilting gang.

After arduous tracking and surveillance, Qi Lin and the police finally found Zhang Yu's hiding place. They planned a secret operation and were determined to bring Zhang Shou to justice in one fell swoop.

When they broke through Zhang Yu's protective layer, a fierce fight broke out. In the end, Qi Lin and the police successfully subdued Zhang Yu and arrested him.

At this moment, Qi Lin felt a huge sense of victory. The innocent children were finally saved, and the trafficking gang was completely destroyed. He knew that these children would be able to regain freedom and a happy life.

Detective Qi Lin frowned at the jewelry counter at the crime scene. This is a luxury jewelry store displaying a variety of exquisite jewelry and rare gemstones. However, the glass on the counter had been broken and the jewelry was missing.

Qi Lin put on his gloves and carefully observed the fingerprints and other traces left on the counter.

He knew that only through detailed investigation and analysis could he find clues to the thief. He walked to the nearby police station and invited another senior detective Yang Chen to solve the case together.

"Yang Chen, do you think this is an internal crime or an external invasion?" Qi Lin asked.

Yang Chen thought for a moment and replied: "Judging from the current situation, this is probably an inside job. The thieves seem to know the security systems of the jewelry store and can easily bypass them. In addition, we need to investigate the background of the clerk and motive to determine if there are any suspicious persons."

Qi Lin nodded, understanding Yang Chen's point of view. The two began interviewing store clerks and witnesses, looking for clues.

The first person to be investigated was Liu Xiao, the manager of the jewelry store. Qi Lin and Yang Chen came to her office, sat down and started asking.

"Miss Liu Xiao, do you know anyone who may be related to this case?" Qi Lin asked.

Liu Xiao shook his head and said: "I don't know anyone who would do such a thing. We all handle jewelry very carefully, and every employee has gone through background checks."

Qi Lin noticed that there seemed to be some hesitation in Liu Xiao's words, and he continued to ask: "Can you tell us when was the last time you saw the jewelry?"

Liu Xiao thought for a moment and replied: "Yesterday around 5:30 pm, I personally checked the jewelry counter and made sure that the security system was operating normally. But when I came in this morning, I found that all the jewelry was gone."

Hearing this, Qi Lin felt that there was more information that could be mined. He changed his angle and continued to ask: "During yesterday afternoon, did you notice any suspicious people or abnormal behaviors?"

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