Liu Xiao frowned and said: "To be honest, there is a new employee who behaves a little strange to me. His name is Zhang Xiaoyang, and he just joined us not long ago. He had been hanging around the counter yesterday afternoon, and his expression was a little nervous. But He passed our background check, so I didn't pay too much attention."

Qi Lin and Yang Chen exchanged glances and developed a strong interest in this new employee. They decided to find Zhang Xiaoyang immediately and conduct further investigation.

In the employee lounge of the jewelry store, Qi Lin and Yang Chen met Zhang Xiaoyang. He sat in the corner, staring at the phone in his hand, looking nervous.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang Xiaoyang. I am Detective Qi Lin [This is Detective Yang Chen. We are investigating the theft that occurred in the jewelry store yesterday. Can you talk to us?" the letter asked with a smile.

Zhang Xiaoyang raised his head, glanced around the room uneasily, and then nodded. He seemed a little nervous, but still agreed to talk to Qi Lin and Yang Chen.

"First of all, I want to know if you know anything about what happened yesterday afternoon?" Qi Lin asked.

Zhang Xiaoyang swallowed and replied cautiously: "Actually, I noticed something was wrong with the jewelry counter. I saw that the glass cabinet containing jewelry was broken, and I happened to be working nearby at the time. I immediately reported it to the police Manager Liu, then she went to deal with the problem.

Qi Lin was keenly aware of the tension in Zhang Xiaoyang's answer. He further asked: "Did you see any suspicious people or unusual behavior yesterday afternoon?"

Zhang Xiaoyang's eyes began to wander. He hesitated for a moment and then replied: "No, I didn't see anyone suspicious. I just focused on my work and didn't pay attention to other things.

Qi Lin didn't completely believe his answer, but he knew that more evidence was needed now to draw a conclusion. He continued to ask: "Manager Liu mentioned that you had been hanging around the counter yesterday afternoon. Is there any reason?"

Zhang Xiaoyang's face became even paler, and he explained hesitantly: "I...I'm just interested in the quality and design of jewelry, so I often get close to the counter to observe. I didn't do anything inappropriate. I promise!"

Qi Lin and Yang Chen exchanged glances and realized that the new employee's answer was not very credible. They decided to continue their investigation.

"Mr. Zhang, please cooperate with our investigation. We need to obtain your fingerprints and DNA samples to verify whether you have clues related to the case." Yang Chen said solemnly.

After Zhang Xiaoyang heard this, his expression became even more nervous. He swallowed, nodded hesitantly, and agreed to cooperate with the investigation.

Qi Lin and Yang Chen returned to the police station with Zhang Xiaoyang's fingerprints and DNA samples for analysis. Although they have not fully revealed the truth about the case, they are working in the right direction.

After returning to the police station, Qi Lin began to study the evidence at the crime scene. He carefully checked the fingerprints on the glass counter and compared them with Zhang Xiaoyang's fingerprints. The results showed that several fingerprints were matched.

This gave Qi Lin some clues, but he still needed more evidence to confirm whether Zhang Xiaoyang was the mastermind behind the theft.

A few days later, the laboratory report came out. DNA sample analysis confirmed a blood stain left on the counter,

Qi Lin got the results of the laboratory report and confirmed that the blood stains left on the counter matched Zhang Xiaoyang's DNA. This discovery further strengthened his suspicion of Zhang Xiaoyang's involvement.

In order to further confirm his speculation, Qi Lin and Yang Chen decided to interrogate Zhang Xiaoyang in more detail. They returned to the police station with the evidence and took Zhang Xiaoyang into an interrogation room.

Qi Lin sat on one side of the table, facing the nervous Zhang Xiaoyang. He said in a gentle tone: "Mr. Zhang, we have just received the laboratory results. Fingerprints and blood stains show that you are related to the theft. We need you to honestly tell us the truth."

Zhang Xiaoyang looked very anxious, and he replied with a trembling voice: "I...I don't know what to say. I admit that I observed the jewelry counter, but I never intended to steal anything. This evidence may be coincidence or Misunderstanding.11

Qi Lin took a deep breath, and then continued to ask: "Then can you explain why your fingerprints and DNA were found on the glass counter at the crime scene? Can you provide any reasonable explanation to help us understand all this?"

0…Please give me flowers…………

Zhang Xiaoyang lowered his head and was silent for a while. Finally, he raised his head, his eyes showing remorse and remorse.

"Actually, I am related." Zhang Xiaoyang admitted. "I was in huge debt and was forced to join a criminal gang. They took advantage of my job in a jewelry store and forced me to steal jewelry. If I didn't obey their orders, my family would be in danger. I had no choice, You can only act according to their requirements.

Qi Lin and Yang Chen were shocked by this, and at the same time they understood why Zhang Xiaoyang acted so nervous. They are well aware of the methods and viciousness of criminal gangs.

"Mr. Zhang, you must provide more information. Do you know the strings of this criminal gang? Their contact information or any other clues that can help us find them?" Qi Lin asked himself.

Zhang Xiaoyang trembled and kept nodding: "Yes, I know their contact information. They use an encrypted mobile phone application to communicate. I can provide you with their phone numbers and some other key information. But please guarantee My family's safety!"

Qi Lin nodded solemnly and assured Zhang Xiaoyang: "We will make every effort to protect the safety of you and your family. Your cooperation is crucial for us to solve the case. We will take quick action to bring this criminal gang to justice Law."

With Zhang Xiaoyang's cooperation, the police launched a series of secret operations. By obtaining the contact information of criminal gang members, they successfully cracked down on the theft network and arrested several key suspects.

At the same time, the police also took measures to protect the safety of Zhang Xiaoyang and his family, and they were provided with special protection measures.

With the arrest of criminal gang members and the collection of evidence, the investigation of the case is progressing rapidly. Police successfully recovered part of the stolen jewelry and returned it to the jewelry store.

At the same time, they also conducted in-depth investigations into other related cases that may involve the gang.

During the subsequent trial, Qi Lin appeared in court as the main witness to testify, detailing the course of the case and his cooperation with Zhang Xiaoyang. .

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