His testimony, along with other evidence such as fingerprints and DNA matches, revealed the truth behind this elaborate theft.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station with a tired look. His eyes revealed endless thought and effort as he groped for an empty chair and sat down.

Detective Li Yu came over. He was Qi Lin's good friend and the only person in the police who knew Qi Lin's true identity.

"Qi Lin, you look very tired. This case must not be simple, right?" Li Yu asked with concern.

Qi Lin nodded, "Yes, this is a very complicated poisoning case. I spent several weeks collecting evidence and tracking the suspect, and finally found conclusive evidence last night.

"Great! Let's arrest the suspect quickly!" Li Yu said excitedly.

Qi Lin shook his head "687" and said, "Wait a minute, I haven't told you the truth yet. There is a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this case, and I believe this is just a part of a larger puzzle."

Li Yu looked at Qi Lin in shock. He knew that Qi Lin would never say such words easily.

"Please tell me the details, Qi Lin. I will fully support your investigation." Li Yu said firmly.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and began to describe his findings, "The initiator of the case was a telecommunications giant. During the investigation, I discovered the connection between them and some high-level government officials. The poisoning case was just one of their methods. , the purpose is to divert public attention from them."

Li Yu was stunned. "You mean this case involves the government? This is too big! What should we do?"

Qi Lin looked at Li Yu, his eyes showing determination and courage. "What we have to do is find more evidence and expose the truth. This is not only for justice, but also to protect the rights and interests of the people.

Li Yu nodded in agreement. "Okay, I understand. First tell me what evidence you found."

Qi Lin took out a stack of documents and handed them to Li Yu. "These are the evidences I found last night, which include emails, transaction records and secret documents. The most important of them is an audio recording that involves the implementation of the poisoning plan and the list of relevant personnel."

Li Yu took the document and frowned. "This is a game of thrones. We have to be careful not to give away any clues. We need to find someone absolutely reliable to assist us."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement. "You are right. I have inquired about a retired police officer who performed well in investigating similar cases. I believe he will help us."

So Qi Lin and Li Yu decided to go find the retired police officer. They drove to a coffee shop near the police station where the officer frequented.

When they found him, he was sipping a cup of strong coffee, with a hint of contemplation in his eyes. Qi Lin walked up to him and greeted him with a smile.

"Are you retired police officer Yang Chen? I heard that you are very experienced in solving similar cases. We need your help." Qi Lin said respectfully.

Yang Chen raised his head and looked at Qi Lin and Li Yu, slightly surprised. "Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Qi Lin explained frankly: "I am detective Qi Lin, and this is my friend Li Yu. We have encountered a complex poisoning case involving a conspiracy between the government and big companies. We need your experience and Knowledge to uncover the truth.”

Yang Chen's eyes flashed with excitement and responsibility. "It's not easy for you to be exposed to such a case at such a young age. Tell me the details."

Qi Lin told Yang Chen all the evidence found and the clues they had. Yang Chen carefully read every document and listened carefully to Qi Lin and Li Yu's statements. He lowered his head to think for a moment, then raised his head with firm eyes.

"This is indeed a conspiracy, and it is very complicated. However, we are not without a chance. First, we must ensure that our actions will not be monitored and we cannot give the other party any suspicious clues. Secondly, we need to find those people on the list , and obtain more information from them. The most important thing is that we must protect Qi Lin and Li Yu, they are the most likely targets of the other party."

Li Yu listened carefully and then asked: "Then what should we do next?"

Yang Chen smiled slightly, "We need a safe place as a command center so that we can carry out operations without attracting attention... I have a secret investigation office located in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city. I will Take you there."

Qi Lin and Li Yu looked at each other and nodded in agreement.

A few hours later, in a secret office in an abandoned warehouse, Qi Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen sat around the table with a pile of documents and electronic equipment in front of them. The lights are dim and the atmosphere is tense and full of determination.

"Our goal is very clear, which is to expose this conspiracy and reveal the truth behind it."

Qi Lin said, "We must remain vigilant and avoid arousing suspicion on the other side. Li Yu, you are responsible for keeping in touch with colleagues within the police and keeping abreast of the latest developments. Yang Chen, you help us analyze the evidence and find more clues."

The three began to work together in a tacit understanding, and they entered a difficult and dangerous battle. Every day is stressful and challenging, and they are always prepared to deal with possible risks and threats.

They gradually obtained more evidence and clues about the poisoning case. They discovered the identities of more people involved and located their whereabouts through technical means.

At the same time, they also realized that they were in a huge and complex network, and the black hands behind it seemed to have more hidden mysteries.

During the course of several weeks of investigation, Ou Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen suffered a series of threats and obstructions.

They received an anonymous phone call warning on May 2, that the office was illegally invaded, and someone even tried to assassinate Qi Lin. However, they did not retreat, but continued to pursue the truth more firmly.

Finally, during a secret operation, they successfully captured several people involved and learned more important information from them.

This information not only reveals the scale and influence of the entire conspiracy, but also involves higher-level forces.

Qi Lin reported these new findings to his superiors and requested support and protective measures. As the investigation deepens, they gradually approach the core of the truth, but the danger also increases.

That evening, Qi Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen were discussing the latest developments in a secret office. Suddenly, an unidentified woman broke into the office, holding a pistol.

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