"You are really tenacious! It's a pity that you can't change the direction of fate." The woman said coldly.

Qi Lin stood up alertly and tried to ease the situation. "We are just pursuing the truth and exposing evil. If you have any information, we can work together.

The woman laughed mockingly. "Cooperate with me? Do you think I will trust you easily? You have become a thorn in my side, and I must eliminate you.

Suddenly, a gunshot broke the silence of the office. Qi Lin caught a glimpse of Li Yu standing in front of him and fell down with shock on his face. At that moment, time seemed to freeze.

Qi Lin was furious, his eyes were as sharp as knives, and his determination was even firmer. He pounced on the woman without hesitation and started a life-and-death struggle with her. This fight was extremely fierce. The two men were going back and forth, and their every move was fatal.

In the end, Qi Lin successfully subdued the woman. He fell to the ground panting, with a tired but satisfied smile on his face. This time, they won.

A few days later, after a hard struggle, they finally exposed the truth about the poisoning case and brought all those involved to justice. The conspiracy was exposed and justice was served.

Qi Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen became heroes, and their efforts and courage were widely praised. But they know that this is only the beginning of the battle.

There are more conspiracies and injustices waiting for them, and they need to keep fighting. They are determined to continue fighting for justice and protecting innocent people from evil forces.

Qi Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen established a secret investigation organization dedicated to exposing and combating various criminal activities.

They gather intelligence, conduct investigations, and work with other forces of justice to create a fairer and safer society.

Their organization gradually grew, attracting more like-minded people to join. Their professional knowledge and skills in different fields complement each other and form a strong team.

Qi Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen understand that there are many people behind them who are silently supporting and assisting them, including family members, friends and those who are protected. They feel extremely honored and responsible, and are determined to live up to this trust and expectations.

Whenever they face new challenges and conspiracies, Qi Lin, Li Yu and Yang Chen will recall their initial encounter and the investigation of the poisoning case. This is not only their responsibility

It’s more of a belief.

They believe that as long as they continue to persevere, no matter how difficult they face, they will be able to find a solution to the problem.

They have become heroes in people's hearts, carrying symbols of hope and justice. Although the road is long, they are willing to keep walking to protect the peace and justice of the world

Qi Lin looked at the various documents and photos on the desk, feeling tired. He is a senior detective who has been dedicated to fighting crime and protecting innocent lives for many years.

Recently, a case about animal trafficking caught his attention. The case covers a wide range of areas, ranging from small pet shops to criminal syndicates that traffic elephants on the black market.

Qi Lin rubbed his forehead and thought about how to launch an investigation. He decided to look for some suspicious clues first to see if he could find a breakthrough in the case. He thought about it and "felt the best way would be to go to a local pet store and do some research.

A few hours later, Qi Lin came to a place called "Love Pet Shop". He walked into the store and looked around. He found that the furnishings in the store were neat and the pets looked healthy. He approached the counter and asked the owner if he had ever heard of anyone selling animals.

"Mr. Police, are you tracking those despicable traffickers?" the shopkeeper asked seriously.

"Yes, I am investigating this issue. Do you have any clues?" Qi Lin asked expectantly.

The shopkeeper lowered his head, was silent for a while, and then said softly: "Actually, I have heard some rumors about animal trafficking. However, I have no conclusive evidence and I dare not speak out easily."

Qi Lin felt the shop owner's fear and hesitation, and he knew he needed to find another way to get more information. "I understand your concerns, but if we can cooperate, we may be able to prevent the loss of more innocent lives. You can believe me, I am here to safeguard justice.

The shopkeeper stared at Qi Lin for a moment and finally nodded. "If you can really help those poor animals, I would like to provide some information. Earlier, I saw a black van with cages in the backyard of a nearby restaurant. I felt that someone must be there. Animal trafficking, but I did not investigate further.

Qi Lin was very satisfied with this information. "Thank you for your help! Please tell me the specific location of that restaurant and I will investigate as soon as possible."

Under the guidance of the information provided by the shop owner, Qi Lin quickly found the restaurant. He quietly hid in a nearby corner and observed, waiting for clues to appear.

Soon, a black truck drove into the backyard of the restaurant. Several people got out of the truck and began to unload the cages from the truck. Qi Lin seized the opportunity to take photos of them and secretly connected the recording device in the wireless earphones to record their conversation.

The traffickers began making loud noises at the animals, causing them to feel very uncomfortable and frightened. "The value of these animals is not low!"

Qi Lin felt angry in his heart, and he decided that he could not let these innocent lives be harmed again. He quietly approached the traffickers and prepared to make arrests.

"You have been surrounded!" Qi Lin suddenly appeared behind them, holding a police badge. "Put down what you're doing and put your hands up, you're under arrest.

The vendors stopped what they were doing in shock and looked at Qi Lin one after another, with fear and anger on their faces. One of them tried to escape, but was quickly stopped by Qi Lin's assistant.

"Are you the criminals who dare to sell animals?" Qi Lin asked, scanning them sharply.

The traffickers did not answer, they lowered their heads [expressions of shame and regret appeared on their faces. They understood how cruel and immoral what they were doing was.

Qi Lin handcuffed them one by one and called for police support. The people present began to count the animals on the truck to ensure that they were properly cared for and protected.

"Do you know? What you are doing is not only illegal, but also a desecration of life.

Qi Lin said seriously to the traffickers. "These animals also have the right to freedom, respect and care. Your actions will be punished by law."

The traffickers were silent, aware of the consequences of their crimes. .

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