Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

944: View Wood Quantity And Purchase Date

They were taken away by the police, put on trial, and will eventually bear their legal responsibilities.

After that, Qi Lin and his team worked to rescue the trafficked animals.

They work with local animal protection organizations to ensure these animals are properly cared for and housed. At the same time, Qi Lin also actively promotes the improvement of relevant laws to strengthen the crackdown on animal trafficking.

Throughout the process, Qi Lin had numerous conversations with many people [including rescuers of trafficked animals, volunteers from animal protection organizations, and some people who had been involved in animal trafficking.

Through these conversations, he gained a deeper understanding of the darkness and cruelty behind animal trafficking, and further strengthened his determination to defend justice.

The end of this case does not mean the completion of Qi Lin's mission. He knows that protecting animals is a long-term and arduous task.

He will continue to work hard, cooperate with more people, speak out for those innocent lives, and win more people's attention and support to make the world a better place full of love and respect.

Qi Lin was sitting in his office, immersed in his latest detective case. The case involved a series of illegal felling of trees that had gone on for several months. He flipped through reports and evidence, trying to find some clues.

Suddenly, the door opened, and an energetic old man walked in. He looked at Qi Lin kindly. "Sir, I heard that you are an excellent detective and I need your help to solve a difficult problem.

Qi Lin stood up and greeted the old man. "Please sit down and I'd love to help you. Please tell me more details about your problem.

After the old man sat down, he sighed softly. "I am the owner of a timber company. We have always abided by legal regulations and environmental protection policies. However, recently we found that some trees were illegally cut down and stolen. This not only caused a loss of our interests, but also caused serious harm to the environment. of destruction. We need to find those behind the scenes and bring them to justice, "."

Qi Lin thought deeply for a moment, and then asked: "Do the locations where these trees were stolen and transported have anything in common? Has anyone witnessed any suspicious activities?"

The boss was silent for a while, and then replied: "Most of the trees were stolen and cut in our forest on the outskirts. We have several forest guardians monitoring the situation, but they did not see any suspicious people or vehicles. This It left us very confused.”

Qi Lin thought about this information and realized that the case might be more complicated than imagined. He needs more clues to find the culprit.

"I need to conduct an interview with your forest guardians, maybe they can provide some valuable information.

At the same time, I also need to investigate nearby residents and people who may be related to this case. I will do my best to resolve this issue for you. "Qi Lin assured the boss.

A few days later, Qi Lin met a forest guardian named Li Ming in a small town. He is a young and brave man who is very passionate about his work.

"Mr. Li Ming, I am Qi Lin, a private detective. I heard that you are the forest guardian of this area. I have some questions about the illegal tree felling case." Qi Lin introduced to Li Ming with a smile. Own.

Li Ming replied seriously: "Sir, this case is very confusing. I patrol the forest every day, but I never find any suspicious activities. The trees seem to disappear overnight. I try my best. To the best of my ability, but there always seems to be someone who can escape my sight.

Qi Lin felt Li Ming's sincerity and helplessness. He decided to change his mind and try to start from other aspects.

Qi Lin interrupted himself and suddenly thought of a key question. "Mr. Li Ming, have you ever noticed any other unusual phenomena? Such as disputes between nearby residents or the appearance of suspicious persons?"

Li Ming frowned, "To tell you the truth, there have been some disputes in our area recently. Several residents complained that their land was illegally occupied, but when I investigated, I didn't find any evidence. In addition, there are some Suspicious people frequently appear at night, but every time I approach them, they always flee quickly."

Qi Lin suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of possible clues. "So, can you describe the characteristics of these suspicious persons or the details of the vehicles? Maybe this can help us track them better."

Li Ming thought for a moment and replied: "These people look like young people, usually wearing hats and masks, and it is difficult to identify their faces. As for vehicles, they seem to use different means of transportation, sometimes motorcycles, sometimes small cars truck."

Qi Lin understood that the criminals in the tree-cutting case were probably an organized gang. They take advantage of the cover of night and use different means of transportation to avoid surveillance and tracking

In order to further investigate, Qi Lin decided to go to a local town and communicate with the residents. They may have important information about a suspicious person or any other clues.

In the small town, Qi Lin gradually gained the trust of the residents. Through conversations with them, he learned that some people insisted that their land had been illegally occupied, but there was no evidence to support their claims.

However, they mentioned a young man named Chen Jianguo, claiming that he ran a wood processing factory.

Qi Lin immediately contacted Chen Jianguo and invited him to the police station for an interview. The goal of this interview was to determine whether there was any suspicion of foul play involving the felling of trees.

After the interview began, Qi Lin noticed that Chen Jianguo showed an anxious look. He asked Chen Jianguo questions about how the wood processing plant operates and the source of nearby trees.

(Nuo Wang Zhao)

Chen Jianguo replied nervously: "I am just the owner of a small wood processing factory. The trees we use are purchased from legal channels. I guarantee that our operations have always complied with the law and have not obtained any profits from illegally felled trees." any benefit.”

Qi Lin observed Chen Jianguo's reaction, and he decided to adopt a strategy to see if Chen Jianguo could be exposed.

"Mr. Chen, are you willing to cooperate with our investigation? We need to check the source of your wood and related records."

Chen Jianguo nodded nervously and agreed to Qi Lin's request. He took Qi Lin to his wood processing factory and showed him all the documents and records.

Qi Lin carefully analyzed the documents and records provided by Chen Jianguo. He found that the records were very detailed, including the source, quantity and purchase date of each batch of wood. Everything looks legitimate. .

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