Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

945: Qi Lin Launches On-Site Investigation

Despite this, Qi Lin does not want to draw conclusions prematurely. He decided to further investigate Chen Jianguo's background and other clues related to illegal felling of trees.

In the next few days, Qi Lin dug deep into Chen Jianguo's past. He visited the wood suppliers that Chen Jianguo had worked with and had more exchanges with nearby residents.

Finally, he heard a breakthrough clue. Someone told him that one night he saw a minivan loaded with wood driving out of the forest. The driver was wearing a hat and mask.

Qi Lin quickly contacted Li Ming and asked if he remembered anything similar happening. Li Ming recalled: "Yes, I remember that day. I happened to be on patrol at the time, but the timber transport truck disappeared before I arrived.

With this clue, Qi Lin realized that Chen Jianguo's involvement became more likely. He decided to monitor Chen Jianguo more closely.

One night a few days later, Qi Lin arranged an operation. He cooperated with the police and set up secret observation points around Chen Jianguo's wood processing factory. When night falls, they wait for the critical moment to arrive.

Suddenly, a minivan appeared in view from the observation point. The driver, wearing a hat and a mask, was the suspicious person who had been seen before. He stopped the car and started pretending


At this time, Qi Lin instructed the police to take action. They arrested Chen Jianguo and searched his office and warehouse. In the corner of the warehouse, they found tools used to cut down trees and forged documents.

After Chen Jianguo was brought back to the police station, Qi Lin conducted a detailed interrogation.

Eventually, Chen Jianguo admitted his crime. He confessed that he used his wood processing factory as a cover to illegally cut down trees from the forest and sell them to wooden temples on the black market.

The case was successfully solved, and the criminal who cut down the trees was finally exposed. Chen Jianguo will face corresponding legal sanctions and be required to compensate the victims for their losses.

Qi Lin and his team are proud of their success in solving the case, and their efforts have allowed justice to be served.

A few days ago, Qi Lin received a major case: a sewage discharge case. This is a serious issue involving environmental damage and has attracted the attention of all sectors of society. It is reported

A certain factory has long discharged wastewater directly into the river without filtering, causing serious water pollution and the death of wild animals and plants. In order to protect the environment and safeguard public interests, Qi Lin decided to pursue the case with all his strength and find out the truth.

He picked up the phone and dialed the factory's contact number. After the phone rang a few times, a deep voice came: "Hello, what can I do for you?" Qi Lin frowned slightly and replied: "I am Qi Lin, a private detective. I am investigating the sewage discharged from your factory. The question is very interesting and I hope to know some relevant information.

After a moment of silence, the other party said: "Discharge issue? Our factory has always discharged in accordance with relevant regulations, and there are no problems." Qi Lin heard the tension in his voice and deliberately guided him: "I heard that the wastewater in your factory is filtered After treatment, there are still serious pollutants." The person on the other end of the phone finally breathed a sigh of relief and his tone became relaxed: "Oh, this is a problem. In fact, we did encounter some difficulties."

Qi Lin's heart moved, and this answer gave him a clue. He continued to ask: "Excuse me, can you tell me what caused these difficulties?" The person on the other end of the phone hesitated, and then said: "Actually, our factory recently changed to a new supplier, and they provided The quality of the filtering equipment is unstable and cannot completely filter out pollutants.”

Qi Lin's eyes lit up, it was like a part of a puzzle had been found. He immediately requested: "Please send me the information about this supplier, and I will investigate the matter further." The person on the other end of the phone pondered for a moment and then agreed: "Okay, I will send the relevant information to (addc) you .

That night, Qi Lin received an email listing the supplier's information in detail. He turned on his computer and began investigating the supplier. Soon, he discovered that this supplier had had multiple similar quality problems in the past few years and had always been able to get away with it. This made Qi Lin wonder whether someone was behind the scenes to allow this supplier to continue to provide inferior equipment.

The next day, Qi Lin decided to go to the supplier’s location to conduct an on-site investigation. He made an appointment with his colleagues, and under the morning sunshine, the two walked into the supplier's office building. Qi Lin looked at the towering buildings, filled with anticipation and nervousness. They arrived at the supplier's office and pressed the doorbell.

The office door opened, and a man in a neat suit appeared at the door, greeting Qi Lin and his colleagues with a smile. "Hello, how can I help you?" he asked. Qi Lin showed his detective certificate and said: "I am Qi Lin, a private detective. I am very interested in the quality of the filtration equipment provided by your company and hope to know some relevant information."

The man frowned slightly, but still replied politely: "Our company has always attached great importance to product quality, and we have absolutely no intention of deliberately providing inferior equipment." Qi Lin noticed his unnaturalness and continued to ask: "Then why does your company Have you had multiple similar quality issues in the past few years and always managed to get away with it?”

The man's expression became more nervous, and he tried to explain: "This may be because we have encountered some technical problems, but we have taken measures to improve and ensure product quality." Qi Lin did not easily believe his explanation and took a deep breath. He said in a tone: "I conducted an investigation and found that there may be someone behind the scenes that allowed your company to escape punishment.

Do you know?"

The man's nervousness became more obvious. He hesitated for a moment and finally confessed: "In fact, I do know that there are some problems, but I dare not reveal them because I am afraid that I will be threatened. There seems to be a huge chain of interests hidden behind these .”

Qi Lin's eyes flashed, and he realized that the complexity of this case was far beyond his imagination. He decided to give it a go and said to the man: "If you are willing to cooperate with my investigation and provide more information to help me find out the truth, I will protect your safety and at the same time protect the public interest."

The man was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed to Qi Lin's request. So, Qi Lin had a long conversation with him, and the man gradually explained everything. It turned out that this supplier had a collusive relationship with certain high-level officials. Through bribery and interest exchange, the supplier could continue to provide inferior equipment and escape punishment. .

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