Wang Hong showed a horrified expression and tried to defend his innocence.

Qi Lin took a step forward, stared at Wang Hong sharply and said: Your trick has been seen through. You and your gang trade in genuine pieces and replace them with knockoffs. You have deceived the entire art market by pretending to be real.

Wang Hong gritted his teeth angrily, but he had nothing to say. The police arrested him and took him away. Qi Lin and Li Yu got the case successfully resolved.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station with a proud smile on his face. He has just successfully solved an explosion case, which is an important milestone in his career as a detective. A group of people have gathered in the office of the police station, waiting for Qi Lin's report.

When Sheriff Li Fei saw Qi Lin coming in, he immediately stood up and said "930" to express his welcome: "Mr. Qi, please sit down." He looked at Qi Lin with solemn eyes, "We are very impressed by your achievements. .Now please give us a detailed explanation of your investigation process.

Qi Lin nodded, sat down and began to narrate: "This explosion occurred in a high-end hotel in the city. Preliminary investigation showed that the explosion was caused by a time bomb. I first surveyed the explosion site and found some Interesting clue."

"What kind of clues?" Li Fei asked curiously.

"I found a suspect vehicle parked nearby. There were some suspicious items in the car." Qi Lin recalled, "I carefully checked the vehicle and found a piece of paper scorched by fire, which said 'time' The countdown has begun, always pay attention'."

Li Fei and other police officers listened attentively, waiting for Qi Lin to continue.

"This clue reminds me of a possible suspect. He is a terrorist who has participated in bombings, named Max. I have investigation records on him in previous cases." Qi Lin said.

"Do you think this Max is the mastermind behind this?" Li Fei asked.

"I'm not sure, but I plan to find him and conduct further investigation." Qi Lin replied.

"Very good, we will fully support your work." Li Fei expressed support, "Please tell us your next plan.

Qi Lin thought for a while and then said: "First, I will delve into Max's background and find his contacts and possible hiding places. Second, I will investigate the hotel employees to see if anyone is suspect. Finally, I We will collect more evidence from the explosion site and hope to find more clues."

"Very good, Mr. Qi. Please start your investigation as soon as possible." Li Fei encouraged.

Qi Lin left the police station and launched his comprehensive investigation. He first came to a small bar in the city, which was a place Max used to hang out. He found a witness who could provide clues and identified Max as having met a mysterious man in a bar.

Next, Qi Lin found the hotel's security manager and asked if any employees behaved abnormally or were suspicious. The security manager recalled that a new employee suddenly asked for leave a few days ago before the explosion that day, which aroused Qi Lin's interest. He asked the security manager to provide the employee's details and let the police investigate his background and whereabouts.

Next, Qi Lin returned to the explosion site and conducted a detailed survey with technicians. They found more clues, including the remains of an explosive device, traces of the blast site and possible fingerprints. The evidence will be sent to a laboratory for analysis in the hope of finding the suspect's DNA or other useful information.

A few days later, Qi Lin received an investigation report about the employee who suddenly asked for leave. The report shows that the employee's name is Li Ming, an ordinary person with no criminal record. But in his home, Qi Lin found a diary in which some suspicious contents were recorded.

Qi Lin read the contents of the diary carefully. He discovered that Li Ming had written that he was dissatisfied with society and wanted to use radical means to attract public attention. He also mentioned a "mentor" but did not name him specifically.

"Perhaps this is the mastermind behind Max." Qi Lin secretly speculated. He decided to continue to investigate Li Ming's background in depth, hoping to find more clues.

During the investigation, Qi Lin discovered a news report related to the explosion. According to reports, Max was once a member of a radical organization known for carrying out terrorist attacks on governments and society... However, after an operation failed, Max disappeared

Qi Lin realizes that Max may have chosen to hide his identity and use others to carry out his plan. He began contacting domestic and foreign intelligence agencies, seeking information about Max and possible "mentors."

A few days later, Qi Lin received an anonymous email describing Max's whereabouts in detail. According to the content of the email, Max recently appeared in an abandoned factory area of ​​​​the city.

Qi Lin immediately notified the police and took them to the abandoned factory. They carefully searched every corner until they finally discovered where Max was hiding. During the fierce exchange of fire, Qi Lin successfully arrested Max and disarmed the explosive device he was carrying.

Qi Lin took the newspaper and sat at the desk in the office. His eyes were focused and sharp, as if he had seen through the hidden clues in the report. This is a smuggling case involving a large number of drug trafficking activities and illegal transactions. Qi Lin is determined to bring the criminals to justice.

Suddenly, the phone rang, interrupting Qi Lin's thinking. He picked up the phone and heard the other party's anxious voice: "Mr. Qi, can you help me? I'm involved in a dangerous smuggling case."

"Please speak slowly and I will try my best to help you." Qi Lin replied calmly.

The person on the other end of the phone 0.0 began to tell her story. It turned out that she was an ordinary citizen who accidentally discovered the secret operations of a drug cartel. In order to protect her family, she decided to expose the case and cooperate with the local police, but things became more and more complicated.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, knowing that he had to take action immediately. "I will help you, but before I start, I need more information. Tell me everything about this drug cartel, no matter how small the details may be important clues."

A silent voice came from the other end of the phone, and then she sighed: "This group is very secretive, and their members seem to be spread all over the city. I don't know how to find their leader, let alone infiltrate their operations."

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