Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

948: Yang Lin Is A White-Collar Worker

Qi Lin thought for a moment and then gave a suggestion: "I will send a few detectives to provide you with protection and help us collect more intelligence. At the same time, we need to catch them all at the best time. Are you willing to cooperate with us? ?"

The female voice on the other end of the phone sounded a little scared, but still replied firmly: "I am willing to take risks, as long as I can get this city out of their control.

Qi Lin felt the courage in her heart, and he agreed with her on a meeting place for further communication. That night, Qi Lin and his team met the woman in a safe place.

"We must be careful and not reveal any clues." Qi Lin said to his team. "First, we need to investigate the people directly related to this drug trafficking group. By tracking their movements and contact information, we may be able to find their leader."

In the following weeks, Qi Lin and his team conducted a large amount of investigation and surveillance work. They discovered some important clues and realized that this drug trafficking group had a clear division of labor and a clear hierarchy.

Finally, Qi Lin's team determined their leader. A shrewd and cunning 03 man, he hides behind a nightclub in the center of the city. In order to capture this leader, Qi Lin decided to take more radical actions.

Qi Lin and his team quietly sneaked into the nightclub. They crossed the noisy dance floor, avoided the guards' eyes, and approached the place where the leader was hiding.

Suddenly, a sharp siren sounded, and the entire nightclub fell into chaos. The leader realized that he might be tracked and immediately mobilized his troops.

Qi Lin and his team started a fierce fight. Amidst the chaos, fists flying and gunshots ringing, the brave detectives are determined to bring this drug cartel to justice.

As the battle progressed, Qi Lin gradually approached the leader. They met in a luxury box, and the two faced each other in the dark.

"Do you think you can defeat us?" the leader sneered. "You are just ants, I will make you pay the price."

Qi Lin looked at the leader calmly and replied without fear: "No matter how cunning you are, justice will eventually defeat evil. Your crimes will be punished."

They started a life and death struggle. Fighting with fists and kicks, Qi Lin used his many years of practical experience to start a wonderful contest with the leader.

In the end, Qi Lin used his extraordinary wisdom and courage to subdue the leader. They put him in a police car and sent him to prison, bringing peace and justice to the city

Detective Qi Lin maintained a calm expression. He stood in the room at the crime scene and looked around. The house was filled with a strong smell of blood, and broken glass and messy furniture were scattered on the ground. Everything indicated that this was the place where a tragedy occurred. Qi Lin watched every detail of the crime scene, trying to find clues.

Police officers were busy collecting evidence while the victim's body was removed. Qi Lin walked towards a policeman who was recording the incident and asked about the situation.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. Please tell me the progress of the case and the background information of the victim.

The policeman looked at his ID and nodded in agreement. "The name of the case is Yang Lin's Love Murder Case. The victim Yang Lin was a young woman who lived in this apartment. She had been dead for a long time when she was found with multiple stab wounds on her body. We have started an investigation and are working nearby Interviews were conducted, but so far there are no substantial clues.

Qi Lin frowned and thought for a moment. Does Yang Lin have any special background? Does she have any enemies or potentially hostile relationships?"

The policeman shook his head. "Based on our preliminary investigation, she is an ordinary white-collar worker without any obvious hate targets or hostile relationships. Her friends and colleagues describe her as a friendly, cheerful person."

Qi Lin looked around the room and stared at the photos on the wall. "Are any of her family or friends in these photos? 21

The policeman nodded and replied, "Yes, these photos show her with some close friends and family members, and it seems that they have a close relationship.

Qi Lin continued to observe the photos and suddenly fixed his gaze. He walked to the wall, pointed to one of the photos and asked, "Who is this man?"

The policeman took the photo and hesitated. "That was her ex-boyfriend, named Li Jin. They had broken up for a while, and it was said that the reason for the breakup was because Li Jin abused her.

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows slightly. He felt that this clue was very important. I need to get in touch with Li Jin as soon as possible. Can you give me his details?”

The police handed Qi Lin a file on Li Jin. "This is the information compiled by our investigation team, including his address, phone number, workplace and other information."

Qi Lin took the file and thanked the police for their cooperation. He decided to go to Li Jin first to see if he could get some useful clues from him.

After arriving at Li Jin's residence, Qi Lin knocked on the door. After a while, the door opened, and a slightly tired middle-aged man stood at the door.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I am very interested in Yang Lin's situation. I heard what happened after you broke up, and do you know anything about this case?"

Li Jin looked at Qi Lin with a nervous expression. He hesitated for a moment, and then said 203: "Yang Lin and I were indeed together, but we have broken up for a long time. I know nothing about her death, and I have no contact with her."

Qi Lin noticed the subtle changes in Li Jin's expression, which made him think that Ji Jin might be hiding something. He decided to keep asking.

"Can you provide any information that would disassociate yourself from the case? Or can you provide clues about other people?

Li Jin was silent for a moment, then raised his head and said to Qi Lin with a firm gaze: "I can provide some people to prove my innocence. After we broke up, I started a new life. I joined a community project and participated in volunteer work every day activities, I can ask the staff there to confirm my whereabouts.

Qi Lin nodded and wrote down this information. He took a deep breath and realized that the case was not simple. He needs more clues to restore the truth.

"Thank you for your cooperation. If you can provide the address and contact person of the community program, I will contact them to verify your certification. Also, if you can think of any people or events that may be related to the case, please let me know immediately. "1

Li Jin provided details of the community plan, adding: "After we broke up, Yang Lin mentioned a man named Zhang Yun who she said was somewhat obsessed with her.

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