However, I don’t know this person well, and I don’t know if he is related to the case.

Qi Lin wrote down Zhang Yun's name and realized that this might be an important clue. He thanked Li Jin and told him that he would continue the investigation to find out the truth.

After leaving Li Jin's residence, Qi Lin went to the location of the community plan, where he found the person in charge of the project, a young woman named Wang Ming.

"Hello, I'm Detective Qi Lin. I'm here to ask about one of the volunteers, Li Jin. According to him, he participated in your community program [I want to confirm his whereabouts.

Wang Ming glanced at the record sheet in his hand, then nodded and replied: "Yes, Li Jin is one of our long-term volunteers. He comes to help every day and is very diligent. We have a record of his whereabouts, and you can check it at any time. "1

Qi Lin felt a little relieved and began to check Li Jin's check-in records and activity arrangements during the community plan.

A few hours later, Qi Lin completed a detailed investigation of Li Jin's whereabouts in the past few days and found no clues related to the case. He realized that he needed more information, especially about the man named Zhang Yun.

In the next few days, Qi Lin focused all his attention on tracing Zhang Yun's identity and background. Through investigation, he learned that Zhang Yun was a wealthy businessman with a successful career, but his emotional behavior was somewhat extreme.

Qi Lin discovered that Zhang Yun had been accused of obsessing and harassing other women. This discovery aroused his vigilance because it was consistent with the situation mentioned by Yang Lin. He decided to investigate Zhang Yun's background and relationship with Yang Lin in depth.

Through communication with Yang Lin's friends and colleagues, this letter learned that Yang Lin had had a brief contact with Zhang Yun.

They met at a social event, and Yang Lin later revealed to a friend that she felt Zhang Yun paid too much attention to her. However, Yang Lin soon realized that this man was not who she expected, and she severed contact with him.

Qi Lin decided to find Zhang Yun to learn more about whether there were more connections between him and Yang Lin, and to find out whether he was related to Yang Lin's death.

During the follow-up investigation, Qi Lin learned that Zhang Yun had recently participated in a charity dinner and he was expected to attend. He decided to go to the dinner party to investigate.

The atmosphere of the dinner was solemn and lively. People wore gorgeous dresses and talked elegantly. Qi Lin dressed appropriately and blended into the occasion.

He found Zhang Yun in the crowd. This is a tall, smiling man. Qi Lin decided to observe first to see if he behaved in any suspicious way.

By skillfully listening to the conversation and observing behavior, Qi Lin discovered that Zhang Yun did not do anything particularly eye-catching. He conversed with other guests and acted completely normal. However, when Qi Lin approached him, he noticed a flicker in Zhang Yun's eyes, which seemed a little nervous.

Qi Lin decided to take a direct approach. He walked towards Zhang Yun and said hello with a smile.

"Hello, I am Detective Qi Lin. I noticed that you attended tonight's dinner here. I would like to ask you to help us investigate a case about the victim Yang Lin.

Zhang Yun was obviously taken aback, but he managed to remain calm. He replied: "I am very shocked by her death, but I have not been in contact with her for a long time. I am not aware of her recent situation or the cases related to her." 1

Qi Lin noticed that Zhang Yun's expression did not show any sign of sincerity or sadness. This made him more determined about the possibility of Zhang Yun's involvement.

"We have learned that you had a brief encounter with Yang Lin. She mentioned your obsession with her. Can you provide any information related to this?'

Zhang Yun smiled slightly, and his eyes became cold. "I admit that we had some exchanges, but they were just ordinary social activities. I have no obsession with her and no motive for killing her.

Zhang Yun's statement made Qi Lin more convinced that he was related to the case. He responded calmly: "We are conducting an important investigation to restore the cause of Yang Lin's death and find out the real culprit

If you don't have any leads or information about this case, will you cooperate with our investigation?

Zhang Yun was silent for a moment, then nodded. He expressed his willingness to cooperate and provided his contact information for further communication in the future.

Qi Lin felt relieved again. Although the case remains shrouded in mystery, at least he obtained the cooperation of a key suspect.

In the following weeks, Qi Lin closely monitored Zhang Yun's actions and conducted detailed interrogations with him. He collected a large amount of evidence and testimony and tried to connect every detail of the case.

By exploring Zhang Yun's social circle, Qi Lin found that he had had similar close contacts with several other women, some of whom had also reported to the police accusing him of harassment.

In the end, combined with other evidence, Qi Lin successfully collected enough evidence to prove that Zhang Yun was related to Yang Lin's death case.

After submitting the evidence to the prosecutor's office, Zhang Yun was formally arrested and faced charges. After a lengthy trial and investigation, he was found guilty of murder and sentenced to a correspondingly lenient sentence.

Qi Lin is a detective who is famous for his excellent insight and sharp reasoning ability. This time, a commercial espionage case was put on his desk.

In the morning, Qi Lin sat in the office and studied the case information intently. Several pieces of paper were placed in front of him, recording various clues about the case. Although no conclusive evidence has been found, Qi Lin believes that the answer is right around the corner.

Suddenly, the ringing of the phone broke his thoughts. He quickly picked up the phone, and an anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr., on behalf of our company, I am requesting (Qian Li's) your help. We have discovered some suspicious activities, and it seems that someone is trying to steal our Trade secrets".

"Please tell me more details," Qi Lin said, picking up a pen and writing down the key points of the conversation on paper.

The voice continued to explain: "Recently, our sales data have fluctuated significantly [and competitors seem to know more about our product plans than before. We are worried that an insider has leaked our trade secrets."

Qi Lin listened carefully, and he could already smell a conspiracy. He quickly asked a few questions: "What suspicious behavior have you noticed? Has anyone accessed important documents within the company?"

The voice on the other end of the phone paused for a moment, and then replied: "Yes, we discovered that an employee named Chen Liang suddenly behaved abnormally. He had entered the office many times after non-working hours, but did not leave any trace. Record."

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