"This is indeed very suspicious," Qi Lin said to himself. "Please continue to observe Chen Liang's actions and ensure that he does not learn that we are investigating. I will go to your company as soon as possible to personally launch the investigation."

Qi Lin immediately rushed to inquire about the location of his company. He met with company executives to learn more about Chen Liang.

Senior management provided Qi Lin with Chen Liang’s background information, communication records and other relevant information. By carefully studying these materials, Qi Lin gradually sketched out a preliminary outline.

The next morning, Qi Lin and his assistant Li Ming rushed to the company together. They investigated Chen Liang's whereabouts in depth and searched his office. Although no direct evidence was found, Qi Lin found some noteworthy clues.

On Chen Liang's desk, they found a piece of paper with a series of numbers on it. Numbers may seem meaningless, but Qi Lin knows the mystery behind them. He kept the note carefully and continued to look for more clues.

In the trash can in the office, they found a torn document. Qi Lin and Li Ming worked hard to piece together the fragments into a complete document.

The above details a secret research and development project, including technical details and business plans. Qi Lin understands that this is the goal pursued by competitors. 397 As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin began to suspect that Chen Liang was not alone. He decided to expand the investigation and scrutinize the actions of other company employees.

A few days later, Qi Lin invited several employees within the company to attend a meeting. They did not know the real purpose of the meeting. They only knew that it was an opportunity to exchange experiences for the development of the company.

During the meeting, Qi Lin tried to find some clues by observing the employees' reactions and speech and behavior. In the performance of one of the employees, Li Hua, he discovered some normal details.

Li Hua appeared nervous and ambiguous when answering questions, and sometimes even avoided some key questions. Qi Lin deduced that Li Hua might be involved in Chen Liang's activities and decided to include him in the suspect list.

Qi Lin decided to secretly investigate Li Hua to confirm whether his suspicion was true. By monitoring his movements, Qi Lin discovered some suspicious activities.

Li Hua often enters the office during overtime hours without any records. He also had frequent phone calls with representatives of his competitors, which made Qi Lin even more convinced that Li Hua was a mole.

In order to obtain more evidence, Qi Lin decided to contact Li Hua in the name of a competitor. He forged an email claiming to be from a senior position at a competitor and invited Li Hua to meet with him.

Li Hua was excited about this opportunity and accepted the invitation without knowing it. Qi Lin arranged a fake meeting to meet Li Hua in a quiet cafe.

"Hello, Mr. Li Hua." Qi Lin greeted with a smile after sitting down.

Li Hua looked at him in surprise: "Who are you? Who should I meet?"

Qi Lin maintained a calm attitude: "I am an executive of a competing company and I am deeply impressed by your work performance. I want to provide you with a good opportunity and hope you can work for us."

Li Hua seemed a little shaken after hearing this, but he still tried to hide it: "I don't know what you are talking about, I am just an ordinary employee."

Qi Lin smiled and nodded: "Mr. Li Hua, you don't have to pretend anymore. We have obtained enough evidence to prove that you have participated in commercial espionage. Now, I hope you can answer my questions truthfully."

Li Hua's face turned pale, and he finally could no longer deny his crime. He frankly admitted that he conspired with Chen Liang to steal company secrets.

Qi Lin successfully uncovered the conspiracy of this commercial espionage case. He arrested Li Hua and handed him over to the police, and at the same time submitted the collected evidence to the company's senior officials. Subsequently, Qi Lin made a comprehensive report to the company's senior management at an emergency meeting.

Senior managers were shocked. They could not imagine that such a serious security problem existed in the company. Qi Lin explained to them the entire investigation process and the evidence obtained, as well as the actions of Chen Liang and Li Hua involved in the case.

"We need to take measures to ensure that similar incidents will not happen again." Qi Lin said, "I recommend strengthening the company's security system, including encrypting files, monitoring employee activities, etc."

Executives nodded in agreement and promised to tighten security measures to protect the company's trade secrets. They expressed their sincere admiration and gratitude for Qilin's intelligence and outstanding detection capabilities.

Through Qi Lin's investigation, the company successfully got rid of the threat of commercial espionage and strengthened internal security measures.

Qi Lin has been engaged in solving various criminal cases all year round, bringing a lot of justice and peace to society.

On a cold winter night, a hit-and-run incident plunged the entire city into panic.

A black car drove quickly through a busy street in the middle of the night, knocked down an old man who was crossing the road, and then disappeared without a trace. This hit-and-run case attracted great attention from the media and the public.

Early the next morning, Qi Lin received a call from the police station. A police officer's anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Mr. Qi, we need your help!"

There was a hit-and-run case last night. We searched the scene but couldn't find any useful clues. Please rush to the scene to investigate as soon as possible.

Qi Lin knew he had to act immediately. He put on a formal suit and a classic detective hat and set out on the road to the scene.

After arriving at the scene, Qi Lin saw the tragic scene of the crime. The police cordoned off the entire block, and crowds and media reporters gathered around the scene. He carefully stepped on the shards of glass remaining on the ground, carefully looking for any clues.

He noticed a security camera at a store on the side of the road. He walked up to the shop owner and asked: "Hello [How long can the surveillance video here be kept? I need to check the video from last night."

The shopkeeper replied: "Videos are generally kept for three days, and then they will be overwritten automatically. I will help you find the video clips from last night." The shopkeeper hurriedly entered the store, and after a while he took out a CD and handed it to Qi Lin.

Back in the police car, Qi Lin began to carefully observe the video footage. In the blurry picture, he found the general characteristics of the vehicle involved in the accident, but he did not see the license plate number clearly. He decided to combine this key information with other clues for further reasoning.

Qi Lin walked around the crime scene, looking for other possible clues. He found a button that had fallen to the ground and appeared to have fallen from the vehicle involved in the accident. He carefully pocketed it, preparing for further analysis. .

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