Subsequently, Qi Lin decided to talk to the witnesses, hoping to obtain more useful information. He questioned an eyewitness, a young woman named Li Hua.

Li Hua described the black car driving very fast without any signs of braking. She also noticed a protruding ornament on the top of the car, but was too rushed to provide a more detailed description.

The clues provided by Li Hua made Qi Lin frown. If there is a prominent decoration on the vehicle that caused the accident, it should bring some unique characteristics. He recalled the blurry images in the video and tried to match Li Hua's description.

Qi Lin observed the video footage again, carefully looking for any details that could confirm Li Hua's statement. After a while, he finally discovered a suspected prominent decoration.

"This is it!" Qi Lin whispered to himself, with a smile on his lips. He paused to zoom in and take a closer look at the prominent object in the video.

After careful reasoning, he guessed that it was a feather ornament, possibly hanging on the top of the car.

Next, Qi Lin took out the buttons and carefully compared the styles of feather accessories and buttons in the video.

He analyzed the shape, color and texture of the buttons and compared them with the feather accessories in the video. Miraculously, the buttons match the patterns on the jewelry perfectly!

This discovery made Qi Lin full of confidence. He understands that feather ornaments and buttons are key clues that will lead him to find the owner of the vehicle involved in the accident.

Qi Lin decided to go back to the police station first and use a high-tech database system to find information about car owners that might match this special jewelry and buttons. He spent some time, entered the relevant data, and waited for the system to return the results.

Soon after, the database system finally produced a list of potential suspects. Several people on the list had vehicle registrations matching the description. Qi Lin decided to select the most likely targets for investigation.

The first suspect is a young fashion designer who owns a black car. His vehicle registration information showed that he had recently gone to a car repair shop regularly for maintenance, which made Qi Lin suspicious.

Qi Lin went to the auto repair shop and asked if there were any clues related to the repair of the black car. After talking with the repair shop owner, he learned that a customer recently repaired

Damaged feather ornament on top.

Once again getting new key clues, Qi Lin left the auto repair shop happily. He used the database system to find the designer's residence and immediately went to investigate.

After arriving at the residence, Qi Lin noticed a black car parked at the door. He carefully looked at the roof of the car and found the remaining traces. That was the vehicle that caused the accident!

"Now I'm sure!" Qi Lin secretly rejoiced. He used the tools provided by the police to open the car door. Entering the car, he began searching for any possible evidence.

On the seat at the back of the carriage, Qi Lin found a piece of blood-stained cloth.

He carefully put it into a bag and prepared to send it to the laboratory for DNA testing. The existence of this blood stain proves that the vehicle involved in the accident is directly linked to the man who knocked down the old man.

Qi Lin continued to search for other clues in the car. He found a mobile phone left under the car, with missed call and text message notifications displayed on the phone screen.

He opened his phone to check the message content, and one of the text messages caught his attention: "See you there at eight o'clock tomorrow night.

"It seems that the suspect has a date plan, we have to hurry up." Qi Lin said to himself.

He took the phone to the police station and asked technicians to collect evidence and recover data. At the same time, he also sent the blood stains and the feather jewelry to the laboratory for analysis.

The next night, Qi Lin, with the support of the police, arrived at the location agreed by the suspect. This is an upscale bar, with red lights and low music creating a romantic atmosphere.

They set up temporary surveillance points around the bar, waiting for the suspect's arrival. Without waiting too much, a black car drove into the parking lot, and Qi Lin immediately recognized it as the vehicle responsible for the accident.

After the suspect got out of the car, he walked into the bar with confident steps. Qi Lin and the police followed, carefully keeping an appropriate distance.

Inside the bar, Qi Lin noticed that the suspect was sitting with a young woman, and the two were exchanging affectionate glances. They ordered drinks and started enjoying the evening.

Qi Lin carefully observed the suspect's actions and tried to collect more evidence. Suddenly, he saw the suspect inadvertently wiped off the lipstick on his lips, revealing an obvious scar

0…Please give me flowers…

"This scar must be related to the accident!" A thought flashed in Qi Lin's mind.

He decided not to wait any longer and acted immediately. Qi Lin walked up to the suspect, showed his police badge, and announced: "You are under arrest! The police have enough evidence to prove that you were involved in the hit-and-run case."

The suspect looked up at Qi Lin in shock. His expression was tense, but he quickly regained his composure, "You have no evidence, and I don't know anything." He tried to get rid of this sudden predicament.

Qi Lin smiled and said: "We have your vehicle, video surveillance, and the blood-stained cloth. More importantly, the scar on your lip."


The suspect was speechless for a moment. He understood that he had been trapped in the evidence and could no longer escape.

During the subsequent interrogation, the suspect admitted his crime. It turns out that he is a kid from a rich family who rides on high bridges and frequently violates traffic rules. That night, he drove drunk and knocked down the old man because of his excessive speed. Faced with the fear of responsibility and punishment, he chose to escape.

During interrogation, the suspect also admitted that he had attempted to destroy evidence, including discarding feather jewelry and cleaning the vehicle. However, he did not expect that the police had gathered enough clues to point to him.

Qi Lin successfully convicted the suspect by presenting the video, DNA test results and other evidence to the court. This case has also attracted widespread public attention, warning people not to evade responsibility, and emphasizing the importance of traffic safety.

This successful investigation and detection earned Qi Lin recognition and awards. His persistence and ingenuity helped the judiciary secure justice for the victims.

Qi Lin knows that his job is not only to catch criminals, but also to protect the innocent and maintain social order. He will continue to perform his duties and work hard for social security.

Detective Qi Lin opened the door and walked into the smoke-filled fire scene. There are ruins all around and corpses everywhere. He put on a mask and carefully walked around the hot embers to search for clues.


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