Suddenly, he noticed a shadow behind a partially extinguished flame. He stared at that position closely, and when the shadow gradually became clearer, he realized that it was a person. He quickened his pace and walked straight towards that person.

"Are you okay?" Qi Lin asked, reaching out his hand to help the dying man get up.

The man nodded with difficulty and said with difficulty: " my daughter, she is still inside!"

Qi Lin didn't hesitate at all, he knew that time was pressing. He grabbed the man's arm and prepared to leave the sea of ​​​​fire.

They hurriedly left the scene and handed the man over to emergency personnel. Qi Lin turned back to his office and began to analyze the clues of the arson case.

In the office, Qi Lin placed photos of the fire scene on the table and carefully observed every detail. He noticed that the fire apparently started from the center of the house and quickly engulfed the entire building.

"This is not an ordinary arson case, this is carefully planned." Qi Lin said to himself.

He picked up a burned photo with a picture of a girl and a line of text: "Thank you for saving my dad, but my life is still in danger."

Qi Lin realizes that this case may involve a deeper conspiracy. He turned on his computer and started searching for relevant information. Through investigation, he discovered that the house that was set on fire was originally the headquarters of a large company, and the man was one of the executives of the company.

He decided to find the girl and keep her safe. He walked into the injured man's ward and asked about the girl.

"Sir, my name is Qi Lin and I am a detective. Can you tell me your daughter's name and where she might be going?"

The man struggled to open his eyes and said with difficulty: "My daughter's name is Xiaoyu, and she often goes to the park near our company. You must protect her, no matter what the cost!"

Qi Lin nodded to the man and promised to do his best to find Xiaoyu and protect her.

Qi Lin came to a nearby park and looked around for traces of Xiao Yu. He asked several people working near the park and learned that a suspicious person appeared here before the fire.

When Qi Lin was about to leave, he suddenly heard a subtle cry for help. He immediately rushed towards the source of the sound, only to find a girl hiding in the bushes. She hugged her knees, her whole body was shaking, and her eyes were dull.

"Xiaoyu, is that you?" Qi Lin approached her and asked softly.

The girl raised her head, a trace of fear and uneasiness flashed in her eyes, but then she seemed to recognize Qi Lin and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Are you here to save me? Did dad ask you to come?" The girl's voice was weak, but full of hope.

"Yes, I am Detective Qi Lin, and your father asked me to protect you. You need to calm down now, and we need to get out of here as soon as possible.

Xiaoyu nodded and followed Qi Lin out of the park. After returning to Qi Lin's office, they sat down and talked.

"Xiaoyu, can you tell me what happened? Why would someone attack you and your father?" Qi Lin asked with concern.

Xiaoyu bit her lip and said with a trembling tone: "My father is an executive of that big company. After he discovered that there was corruption and illegal behavior within the company, he was ready to expose these things. However, his superiors discovered that he and planned to get rid of our whole family. They set up a fire trap [I hope Dad Di will hand over the evidence. I am just a victim of no wealth.

Qi Lin frowned, realizing that there might be a more complex conspiracy hidden behind this case. He decided to investigate the problems within the company and find out the real mastermind.

After some investigation, Qi Lin discovered that there was indeed corruption and illegal behavior within the company. He collected a large amount of evidence, including documents, emails and witness statements, all pointing to the crimes of the company's top executives.

Qi Lin cooperated with the local police to submit this evidence to prosecutors and assisted them in their investigation. As the case deepens, a huge criminal network gradually emerges

After months of hard work, the truth finally came out. It turned out that the company's top executives colluded with gangs and made huge profits through illegal transactions and money laundering. When they sensed danger, they decided to eradicate the dissident forces within.

Qi Lin successfully dismantled this huge criminal network and captured all those involved. They were held accountable to the corresponding legal responsibilities, and justice was finally served..

After this difficult struggle, Qi Lin successfully protected Xiaoyu and her father and revealed the truth about the criminal group. Xiaoyu's father decided to start his life again and leave this company that was once full of darkness.

He Qi Lin continues his detective work, helping those in need and exposing the evils hidden in the darkness.

Xiaoyu kept in touch with Qi Lin, and she gradually regained her past happiness and confidence. Qi Lin became her mentor and friend, teaching her some basic detective skills and inspiring her pursuit of justice.

Xiao Yu decided to follow the same path as Qi Lin and become a detective. She recalled the fire case with great emotion.

"Without you, I might have lost everything. Thank you, Detective Qi Lin, for giving me new opportunities and courage.

Qi Lin looked at Xiao Yu with a smile and said proudly: "You have grown into a strong woman, and I am convinced that you can make more contributions. Remember, justice will not betray us, and we must always protect the innocent." rights and interests.

They toasted together to celebrate past victories and future challenges. This arson case intertwined their fates and made their friendship more indestructible.

Recently, Qi Lin took over a shocking trafficking case, which has troubled the police for a long time.

Case file 0.5 contains information about many missing children. They all disappeared mysteriously in various places without any clues. Qi Lin couldn't help but mourn for these innocent children, and at the same time made up his mind to bring the criminals to justice.

He came to the crime scene, an abandoned building. Qi Lin carefully searched the room, trying to find some key clues. Suddenly, he noticed a faded photo in the corner with the words "Flowers fall and people die" written on it. This seems to be a puzzle, and Qi Lin is trying to figure out its meaning.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind: "Are you Qi Lin who is here to investigate this case?" Qi Lin turned around and saw a man standing at the door. He is young, has sharp eyes, and seems to have an elusive temperament.

Qi Lin asked warily: "Who are you? Why haven't I heard of you.".

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