The man smiled and replied: "I am Li Yu, a private detective. I am also very interested in this case and hope we can cooperate.

A curiosity suddenly arose in Qi Lin's heart, and he knew that cooperation with another detective might speed up the progress of the case. "Okay, we can give it a try. But first I need to understand your experience and background."

Li Yu explained calmly: "I used to be a detective in the police station, but later chose to resign due to personal reasons. I have my own investigation methods and resources, and I believe they can be helpful to the case."

Qi Lin nodded, "The situation is urgent and we need to find clues as soon as possible. Tell me what unique insights you have on this case."

Li Yu thought for a moment and said: "According to the information in the case file, these 05 children disappeared at different times and places. However, one thing is common, they were all photographed before disappearing. I think we should focus on Investigate these photos and you may be able to find some clues."

Qi Lin nodded in agreement. "You are right, the photos may be the key. We need to expand the scope of the investigation and find the source and photographer of these photos. At the same time, we must rescue the abducted children as soon as possible."

The two began to cooperate, and they visited various places together to look for clues related to the missing children. After some investigation, they discovered that these photos were all produced by the same studio.

They came to the studio and saw no one inside, but the walls were covered with photos that had been taken. Qi Lin carefully observed each photo, hoping to find some breakthroughs.

Li Yu suddenly noticed a faint light on a photo, and Qi Lin immediately noticed this detail. They decided to take a closer look at the photo.

Qi Lin took off the photo and looked at the light. As the photo was tilted, they discovered that the light was actually a tiny reflection that seemed to come from somewhere around the corner.

The two quickly moved away from the area filled with photos in the middle of the studio and continued their search. Finally, they found a stone slab that looked different from the surrounding walls. Li Yu pushed the board hard and found that it turned out to be a hidden door.

Qi Lin and Li Yu entered the hidden room, and their eyes were dark. They turned on their flashlights and carefully explored this mysterious space.

In a pile of boxes and cartons, they found a large number of documents and notebooks. These documents record in detail the information and process of each abducted child. Qi Lin clenched his fists and was angry

and sadness welled up in my heart.

"This is their base," Qi Lin whispered, "They are so cruel and treat these children as commodities. y

Li Yu nodded solemnly and agreed. The two decided to take the evidence back to the police station and take action to rescue the abducted children.

After returning to 803 and arriving at the police station, Qi Lin and Li Yu reported the progress of their investigation to their superiors and provided the evidence collected. The police immediately took action and organized a large-scale operation in the hope of enumerating all the abducted children.

During the intense operation, the police successfully rescued many abducted children and arrested a number of people and organization leaders involved in the case. This trafficking case was finally fully uncovered and solved, and all victims were rescued and comforted.

Qi Lin and Li Yu were relieved that their efforts were not in vain. However, they know that this is just the beginning, and there are many more similar cases that need to continue to be solved. .

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