We are a team and no matter what happens, I will always be by your side.

Qi Lin looked at Yang Chen with emotion and felt the sincere friendship and support. "Yang Chen, thank you for your understanding and companionship. With you by my side, I feel extremely strong and brave

They held each other's hands tightly, determined to continue fighting for justice. They realize that detective work is not just about solving crimes, it is about repairing broken trust, protecting innocent people from harm, and bringing justice and safety to society.

From that day on, Yang Chen and Yang Chen became a more tacit partner.

They grow and learn together through difficult cases, constantly improving their skills and insights. They have also gradually gained public recognition and respect, and have become people's trusted guardians.

Detective Qi Lin stood at the scene of the crime, his face solemn. This was a poisoning case, and the victim was the hostess of a noble family named Kay-Celine Huntington.

On the night of the incident, she suddenly fainted at a dinner party at home and died after being taken to the hospital. Qi Lin knew that this case was not a simple accident, but a carefully planned murder.

Qi Lin began to investigate Catherine's life and family background. He found that Catherine was a wealthy and respected woman, and her husband, John, was the president of a large company. The two had a happy marriage without any extramarital affairs or domestic disputes.

Qi Lin was confused, why would such a perfect family become a murder target?

Qi Lin decided to visit Catherine's family and friends. The first person he found was Catherine's sister Margaret. Margaret has always had a close relationship with her sister

She described Catherine's gentleness and kindness to Qi.

Qi Lin asked about the dinner, and Margaret said that she did not find anything unusual and that everyone had a pleasant night at the dinner.

Then, Qi Lin went to visit John. John struck him as thoughtful and careful. John told Qi Lin frankly that on the night of the incident, he had been with Catherine and never left her sight. He said he was deeply saddened and shocked by his wife's death.

Qi Lin was not satisfied with this superficial information. He began to investigate the guests at the dinner. One of those who caught his attention was a young painter named Michel. According to Margaret, Michelle and Catherine had a deep friendship and often participated in charity events together. Qi Lin decided to find the painter to see if he could provide more valuable clues

0……Please give me flowers…………

Michelle lived in a small apartment in the city, and Qi Lin knocked on his door. Michelle opened the door, looking a little surprised. "Sir, I am Qi Lin, investigating the case of Ms. Katherine Huntington." Qi Lin explained to Michelle.

Michelle hesitated, then invited Qi Lin into his apartment. They sat on the sofa and started talking. Qi Lin asked about the dinner and the relationship between Michelle and Catherine. Michelle recalled the scene at the dinner, with a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"Catherine is a very outstanding woman. She is passionate about art and often appreciates my paintings. We once planned a collaborative exhibition and she hopes to contribute to charity through art." Michelle said with a twinkle in her eye A trace of nostalgia and pain. .

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