Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

957: Asterin’S Poison Was Found Next To The Deceased

Qi Lin noticed Michelle's emotional changes and was keenly aware of the secrets hidden in his heart. "Mr. Michel, I need you to tell me all the details related to the case. I can feel the pain deep in your heart. Maybe you know some important clues." Qi Lin spoke slowly.

Michelle looked at Qi Lin silently for a while, then relaxed and began to tell the unknown story between him and Catherine. In fact, the relationship between Catherine and I is not just friendship. We once had an emotional entanglement, but finally chose to separate. I realized that I could not be her happiness because she already had a perfect family."

Qi Lin listened quietly, waiting for Michelle to continue talking.

"Although we ended our romantic relationship, we still maintain a close friendship. We support each other whether it is art, charity or the trivial matters in life. I had no idea her dinner party would end like this. I Can only feel shocked and saddened."

Qi Lin thought for a while, and then asked: "Mr. Michelle, do you know if there are other hostile or dissatisfied people with Catherine?"

Michelle shook her head, "I don't think Catherine will have any enemies. She is a very kind and fair person. She is committed to helping others and has not offended anyone."

Qi Lin frowned, the case became more complicated. He began to re-examine all the clues and evidence, trying to find some missing details.

A few days later, some new evidence was obtained during the investigation. By analyzing Catherine's autopsy results, Qi Lin discovered that she contained a rare poison-Asterin.

The effects of this poison on the human body are very subtle, and only a few professionals have access to it. This discovery gave Qi Lin new ideas about the direction of the case.

Qi Lin decided to find Michelle again for questioning. "Mr. Michelle | I found a poison called Asterin in Catherine's body. Do you know anyone who has access to this poison?" Qi Lin asked bluntly.

Michelle was silent for a moment, and then answered: "Yes, I know a person, he is a chemist and a friend of mine. He once mentioned Asterin, but I don't know if he owns it. Plant poison..."

Qi Lin immediately launched an investigation and found the chemist. After some conversation, he confirmed that the chemist indeed had Asterin. However, the chemist vehemently denied any involvement in Catherine's case.

Returning to the crime scene, Qi Lin carefully inspected every corner. Suddenly, he discovered a secret door hidden behind the book.

He opened the door and found a small laboratory inside. The walls are covered with various test tubes and specimens, and a notebook is placed on the table.

Qi Lin browsed the contents of the notebook and was shocked to find that it was Catherine's handwriting. She once secretly conducted an experiment on new drug research. On one of the pages, Qi Lin read Catherine's doubts and worries about herself.

"John may be having an affair. He has an ambiguous relationship with a female employee in the company. I began to wonder if he was colluding with her behind the scenes in an attempt to murder me." This is what Catherine wrote in her notebook.

Qi Lin began to re-examine the direction of the case. Could all this be caused by emotional entanglements? In order to find out the truth, he decided to find John again for further questioning.

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