"Mr. John, I discovered Catherine's laboratory. She became suspicious of your behavior and worried that you had an improper relationship with a female employee. Can you explain this to me?" Qi Lin asked bluntly. asked.

John was stunned, and then said with a wry smile: "Mr. Qi, I cannot deny that I had an ambiguous relationship with that female employee. But I swear, I never thought of hurting Catherine, let alone used poison."

After listening to John's explanation, Qi Lin fell into deep thought. The truth of the case seems to have become more bizarre and confusing. Qi Lin realized that in order to uncover the truth, he must dig deeper into each person's motives and actions.

He decided to find Margaret, Catherine's sister again. Margaret has always been extremely loyal to her sister, and she may have some key information.

Qi Lin sat with Margaret and asked gently: "Miss Margaret, you are saddened by Catherine's death. I understand that this is a difficult moment. But in order to find the truth, I need your help." Learn more about Catherine’s life and relationships.”

A sad light flashed in Margaret's eyes, and she took a deep breath, "Katherine is a very kind and upright person. She has always been the pride of our family. But recently, she has begun to become anxious and suspicious."

"Anxious and suspicious? Is there anything that makes her feel uneasy?" Qi Lin asked.

Margaret thought for a moment, and then said: "Catherine began to suspect that John was having an affair with a female employee. She once told me that she found some suspicious text messages and clues. She tried to investigate the truth, but she never found conclusive evidence.

This new clue made Qi Lin more determined about the direction of the case. He decided to find John again to see if he could get more information from him.

John expressed his understanding of Qi Lin's visit again and was willing to cooperate with the investigation. "Mr. Qi, I admit that my behavior caused harm to Catherine, but I never meant to hurt her. The female employee was my subordinate, and we had a wrong relationship, but I have ended it."

Qi Lin thought about John's explanation and then asked: "Can you provide evidence of correspondence or contact between them?"

John shook his head, "I deleted all correspondence records because I knew this was an inappropriate relationship. I felt guilty and blamed myself, and hoped to make up for my mistakes.

Qi Lin feels that it is difficult. The lack of conclusive evidence will make the case more complicated. He decided to go back to the laboratory and review all the evidence and clues to find the missing details.

In the laboratory, Qi Lin carefully studied Catherine's notes. Suddenly, he noticed a seemingly ordinary text: "Only those who possess the 570 Grass of Regret can understand the truth." This sentence aroused Qi Lin's interest. He began to research information about the "Herb of Regret" and found that it was a rare plant with powerful toxicity.

Qi Lin's heart brightened, maybe the answer was hidden in this "grass of regret". After further investigation, he found that this plant was sold in a flower shop in the city.

He immediately went to the flower shop and found the seller selling the "Herb of Regret". After some conversation, the seller said he had sold the plant to a strange female customer, but could not provide any more information. .

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