Qi Lin was confused. There were no conclusive clues pointing to any suspects. Just as he was about to leave the flower shop, he noticed a painting hanging on the wall, depicting a flower very similar to the "Herb of Regret".

He immediately asked about the origin of the painting and learned that it was created by a young artist named Emily. Qi Lin decided to go to her, hoping to get more information about the "Grass of Regret" from her.

Emily greeted Qi Lin warmly. When Qi Lin mentioned the "grass of regret", her expression became nervous: "I just think this plant is very unique, so I added it to my painting without understanding it in depth.

Qi Lin noticed Emily's unnaturalness and asked in depth: "Emily, have you ever come into contact with the Grass of Regret? Have you ever provided it to others?"

Emily hesitated, then confessed: "Yes, I once knew a woman who asked me about 'Herb of Regret'. She said she wanted to use it to make a special perfume." ||. "

Qi Lin stared at her closely and asked, "Can you describe the characteristics of this woman?"

Emily recalled a moment and described: "She was a tall woman with a beautiful face. She often wore gorgeous clothes and jewelry, giving people a sense of elegance and confidence. I remember she also had a bright red necklace.

Following Emily's description, Qi Lin felt a familiar feeling in his heart. He immediately contacted Michelle and asked him to provide photos of jewelry that Catherine had worn.

When the photo appeared in front of Qi Lin, he finally found the answer. Catherine once wore a red jeweled necklace exactly like the one Emily described.

Qi Lin took a deep breath, and he finally revealed the mystery behind Catherine's death. The truth of the entire case came to his mind.

"Mr. Michel, Catherine's death was caused by poisoning. The murderer used the 'grass of regret' to make a fatal poison, and used a red jewelry necklace to induce Catherine to wear it." Qi Lin said firmly .

Michelle looked at Qi Lin in shock: "That necklace was given to Catherine by me! But I never realized that it would be used to harm her.

Qi Lin patted Michelle's shoulder gently and reassured: "It's not your fault," Mr. Michelle. The murderer took advantage of your kindness and love for Catherine to carry out this terrible act.

Qi Lin continued to explain: According to our investigation results, Catherine discovered John’s inappropriate relationship with a female employee. She tried to expose this fact, but could not find conclusive evidence. In a mood of anxiety and paranoia, she consulted Emily about 'Herb of Regret', intending to use it as a perfume. However, Emily conveyed Catherine's request to the real murderer. "(Zhao Hao)

"The murderer was a tall woman with a beautiful face. She often wore gorgeous clothes and jewelry, including a red necklace. She took advantage of Catherine's curiosity and pursuit of perfume and provided her with a drug containing deadly toxins. 'Herb of Regret' fragrance."

Michelle was dumbfounded after listening to Qi Lin's description, and anger suddenly surged into her heart: "So, who is this murderer? I will personally give her the punishment she deserves!

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