Qi Lin stopped Michelle's emotions: "We will hand this clue to the police, and they will launch further investigation. The most important thing now is to ensure that the murderer can no longer hurt other people."

Michelle was silent for a moment and nodded, agreeing with Qi Lin's suggestion.

Qi Lin decided to share these new findings with the police as soon as possible so that they could take quick action. He feels satisfied, knowing that he has uncovered the truth about this bizarre and confusing murder and brought justice to the victim, Catherine.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station, holding a thick investigation report and looking at everyone seriously.

"Comrades, I finally found the clues to animal trafficking. This case involves a lot of people and organizations. We must act carefully and not leave any omissions." Qi Lin said.

People in the police station gathered together and gradually formed a small circle around Qi Lin. One of the police officers asked: "Mr. Qi Lin, how did you find this clue? Can you explain it to us?"

Qi Lin smiled and replied: "Of course. Through a series of investigations (afdj), I found that the missing rate of animals in the market has been unusually high recently. At the same time, several special shops nearby suddenly started selling some rare animals. This made I felt suspicious and launched an in-depth investigation.

"We're going to have an undercover agent go to those stores and investigate," another officer suggested.

Qi Lin nodded and continued: "Good idea. But remember, you must keep a low profile and not arouse their suspicion. There may be a huge network behind these animal traffickers. We must be careful not to let them notice. Our whereabouts.

In the next few days, the police implemented the plan proposed by Qi Lin. Several police officers disguised themselves as ordinary customers and entered those stores to investigate. After a period of observation and evidence collection, they finally grasped an important piece of information.

"Mr. Qi Lin, we discovered that this animal trafficking organization has a secret base." A police officer said excitedly.

Qi Lin took a deep breath and then asked: "Are you sure? This is a very key clue. Tell me the details.

The police officers reported the information they had obtained to Qi Lin in detail. They discovered that the secret base was an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city.

"Okay, we must act as soon as possible. This organization is selling more and more animals in the market, and we can't wait any longer," Qi Lin said.

The entire police force took action quickly. They compiled a detailed action plan with a clear division of labor. Late one night, they quietly came to the vicinity of the abandoned factory and began to launch a raid.

Qi Lin led the policemen quietly into the factory gate. When they entered the interior, they immediately felt a cold atmosphere. The factory was filled with strange smells and animal screams.

"This is really full of malice. We must be careful not to let them discover our existence." Qi Lin whispered.

The police spread out and searched every corner of the factory. They quietly climbed up the stairs to each floor of the factory, and approached the core area of ​​the animal trafficking organization step by step.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded and the entire factory fell into chaos. Qi Lin and his team immediately realized they had been discovered. .

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