"Quick, we must move quickly!" Qi Lin shouted loudly. They quickly rushed in the direction of the siren, preparing to completely destroy this animal trafficking organization.

In the connected corridors, the police encountered resistance from a group of gangsters. A fierce gun battle broke out, with bullets flying through the air, as if it was a battle between life and death.

"Be careful!" Qi Lin shouted and pulled down the policeman next to him. Bullets flew over their heads and hit the wall. Qi Lin responded promptly and fought back against the gangsters.

In the end, the police successfully subdued the gangsters, but at the same time they paid a price. Several police officers were injured, and one of them was lying next to Qi Lin, bleeding.

"Mr. Qi, I...I'm fine. You continue to move forward and completely destroy this organization." The injured police officer said reluctantly.

Qi Lin nodded with firm eyes, and then continued to lead the remaining team members to the core area.

When they opened a door, everyone was stunned by what they saw. In a huge room, various rare animals are imprisoned. They are imprisoned in clusters of cramped cages.

"This is hell!" one police officer said in a hushed voice.

Qi Lin's eyes were full of anger and determination, and he calmly ordered everyone: "We must rescue these animals and destroy their trafficking network at the same time." 1

The police immediately sprang into action to free the imprisoned animals. They broke the cages, gave the animals food and water, and gradually returned to their free form.

However, while rescuing animals, Qi Lin realized that this animal trafficking organization was involved in more than just the sale of these rare animals, and may also have darker operations.

"We must find the person in charge of this organization and expose their true purpose." Qi Lin said thoughtfully.

After patient tracking and investigation, they successfully captured the leader of the organization. Facing interrogation, the ringleaders had to admit that their purpose was to sell rare animals at pawn prices to meet the needs of some wealthy people and private collectors.

The case was finally pronounced in court. The animal trafficking organization was completely destroyed, and the leader and related personnel were severely punished.

Detective Qi Lin's efforts were praised by the public, and he became a hero for protecting animal welfare.

0...Please give me flowers...

Qi Lin was not satisfied. He decided to use this successful case as an opportunity to devote himself to the broader cause of animal protection.

He worked with local animal protection organizations to develop a series of measures to strengthen the fight against animal trafficking and abuse, and to advocate people to pay attention to and protect the ecological environment of wild animals.

With the passage of time, Detective Qi Lin's efforts gradually achieved remarkable results. Through his advocacy and appeal, the government has stepped up its crackdown on illegal animal trade and formulated stricter laws and regulations.

At the same time, the public's awareness of animal protection issues is also increasing, and more people are beginning to pay attention to and participate in animal protection activities.

At an international animal protection forum, the detective was invited to give a speech as a special guest.

He used his personal experience and cases to tell the attendees that only through global cooperation can the goal of animal protection be truly achieved. He called on all countries to strengthen cooperation and jointly combat transnational animal trafficking and illegal hunting. .

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