Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

962: A Suspicious Person Appears On The Monitor

Detective Qi Lin’s speech won warm applause and appreciation. He has become a representative figure in the international animal protection cause and is known as the "Animal Protection Messenger."

However, Qi Lin has not forgotten his original responsibilities and mission.

Although he promotes the progress of animal protection on a global scale, he still maintains close contact with the police, continues to participate in various crime-solving operations, and destroys more animal trafficking "530" organizations.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the police station, his eyes flashing sharply. He is an experienced, witty and intelligent detective who is famous for solving various difficult cases. This time, he will face a tree-cutting case that has troubled the local police for many days.

Qi Lin was waiting in the conference room of the police station, and his partner Li Hao was also sitting next to him. A few minutes later, Police Chief Liu Qiang walked into the conference room.

"Mr. Qi, I'm glad that you can help us solve this case of illegal tree felling. This case has been going on for several months, but we have not gotten any clues." Liu Qiang said.

"You're welcome, Director. I heard that this case has given you a headache for a while, but don't worry, I will try my best to find the suspect." Qi Lin replied with a smile.

"We have collected some evidence, but unfortunately we have not found any useful information." Li Hao added.

"Okay, let me see these evidences." Qi Lin said as he took the documents handed to him by Li Hao.

Qi Lin carefully studied the photos, reports and records in the files. He read every detail attentively, thinking about possible clues.

"This case doesn't seem simple," Qi Lin whispered to himself. "Based on this evidence, we can determine that the trees were cut down during the night, but no one saw any suspicious activity."

"Yes, we sent police patrols, but they didn't find anything unusual." Liu Qiang sighed.

"This stumps me," Qi Lin frowned. "Obviously, the suspects are very savvy. They know how to evade surveillance and patrols. We need to find a way to expose them."

Li Hao suddenly had an idea and said: "Perhaps we can pretend to relax our guard and let them think that we are helpless, so that they will become bolder."

"Not bad, Li Hao. What a great idea!" Qi Lin nodded and praised. "We can use portable cameras and infrared sensors and place them in the area around the trees. If someone cuts down the tree again, we can capture them."1

After Liu Qiang heard this, he also felt that this was a feasible plan, and he immediately dispatched personnel to prepare the necessary equipment.

A few days later, a series of hacking incidents occurred again. Qi Lin and Li Hao rushed to the scene quickly, and they carefully installed cameras and infrared sensors. Then, they found a secluded location nearby to camp.

Night falls at 5.9, and there is only the sound of the breeze blowing the leaves in the silent forest. Qi Lin stared at the monitor screen closely, waiting for any suspicious movement. Suddenly, the infrared sensor sounded an alarm.

"Someone has entered the monitoring area!" Qi Lin whispered.

He and Li Hao quickly turned to the camera and stared at the picture displayed on the screen. A figure lurched forward in the darkness, holding a saw. .

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