Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

968: Qi Lin Wants To Investigate The Scene Personally

He revealed that the figure hidden behind the scenes was an art forgery expert who had worked with auction houses. He used his skills and knowledge to forge appraisal certificates while producing famous paintings, making the forgeries look more authentic.

"You have been deceived by a criminal who is proficient in art forgery. He carefully planned the entire counterfeiting case and manipulated the identification process to allow this fake to be certified." Qi Lin pointed out firmly.

Gao Shan and the person in charge of the auction house 05 were shocked. They looked at each other in disbelief. However, facing the facts revealed by Qi Lin, they had to accept the reality.

"We must take action as soon as possible to bring this criminal to justice. At the same time, we also need to re-examine and improve the auction house's identification process to prevent similar incidents from happening again," Gao Shan suggested calmly.

Qi Lin expressed his support for Gao Shan's opinion and promised to fully cooperate with the police in the investigation and bring this art forgery expert to justice.

In the next few days, Qi Lin worked closely with the police to collect more evidence and track the whereabouts of criminals. In the end, they succeeded in arresting the forgery expert

The successful cracking of this case has been highly praised by all walks of life. Qi Lin and his team were recognized for their outstanding investigative work, which made an important contribution to the integrity and protection of the art market.

With the conclusion of the case, the auction house decided to strengthen its internal appraisal procedures and conduct more stringent inspections of each work of art to ensure its authenticity and value.

Gao Shan also decided to increase the scrutiny and protection of his art collection to avoid being deceived by forgeries again.

In the process, Qi Lin deeply felt the importance of detective work, and he realized that the truth is the treasure hidden in the complex mystery. Only through continuous investigation and reasoning can we uncover the truth and restore the true colors of the facts.

Detective Qi Lin walked into the scene of the explosion, and a messy scene came into view. He stood there quietly, carefully observing the details around him, trying to find any possible clues.

Suddenly, a tall police officer came over with an investigation report in his hand. He looked a little anxious, but looked at Qi Lin expectantly.

"Mr. Qi, you're here! We really need your help. This case is getting more and more complicated." said the police officer.

Qi Lin smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and responded: "Don't worry, I will try my best to help you solve this puzzle. First, I need to know more details about the explosion.

The police officer handed Qi Lin the investigation report and then began to tell the story of the case. In a commercial area, an explosion suddenly occurred, causing serious casualties and property losses. At present, 007, the police have not found any suspicious clues and cannot determine the cause of the explosion.

Qi Lin looked at the investigation report and read every page carefully. While he was thinking [ten], he asked if the police officers had any suspicious behavior before the explosion? Did anyone receive threatening letters or anonymous phone calls?"

The police officer shook his head and said: "No relevant evidence has been found yet, but we are working hard to follow the clues of the case.

"Okay." Qi Lin thought for a moment and then said: "I want to investigate the scene personally, and maybe I can find some overlooked details. Please take me to the location of the explosion.

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