Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

969: There Are Obvious Scratches On The Wall

The two came to the business district and carefully searched for possible clues. Qi Lin carefully observed the surrounding buildings, looking for any possible source of the explosion. Suddenly, he noticed a mobile phone left on the ground.

"Officer, whose cell phone is this?" Qi Lin bent down to pick up the cell phone and inspected it carefully.

"We found this at the scene, but we haven't found the owner yet." the police officer replied.

Qi Lin put the mobile phone into a plastic bag and kept it carefully. He thought that maybe this mobile phone would bring them some clues.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin started investigating the mobile phone. He carefully checked the call logs, text messages and other stored information on his phone. Suddenly, an unfamiliar number caught his attention.

"This unknown number had a call with the owner shortly before the explosion, and the call lasted a long time. We need to track this number to see if we can find some useful information

"Qi Lin told the police officer.

The police officer immediately dispatched technicians to track the number. Soon after, they successfully determined the location of the number and informed Qi Lin of the news.

Qi Lin and the police officer drove to the target location. They came to an abandoned building that looked like it had not been inhabited for a long time.

"This is the last location of the call," the officer said, pointing to the instructions on the cell phone tracker.

Qi Lin looked around, looking for any possible clues. Suddenly, he noticed some small but obvious scratches on the wall. He walked forward and observed carefully that it seemed to be the mark of some kind of secret door.

"Officer, do you have any background information on this building?" Qi Lin asked.

The police officer thought for a moment and then replied: "This is a building that was once used as an underground studio, but it was closed a few years ago and has not been used again. We once suspected that there was illegal activity in it, but no conclusive evidence was found."

Qi Lin frowned. He felt that there was some connection between this abandoned building and the explosion. He decided to go inside the building to investigate more deeply.

The two walked carefully through the hall of the building, and through the dusty sunlight, they saw a half-open door. Qi Lin walked in and entered a dim room. There is a map hanging on the wall with several specific locations marked on it.

"What do these marks mean?" Qi Lin asked to himself.

Suddenly, the police officer's cell phone rang. His expression changed after he answered the phone, and then he urgently told Qi Lin: "`We received a call that someone found suspicious items nearby, which seems to be a threat of another bombing. We must rush there immediately!"

Qi Lin and the police officer quickly left the abandoned building and rushed to the new scene. When they arrived, the area was cordoned off. A specialist bomb disposal team is carefully handling the suspicious items.

Qi Lin communicated with the head of the bomb disposal team and used his (Li Dezhao) detective intuition to make some suggestions. After a period of intense work, the bomb disposal team successfully neutralized the threat.

Back at the police station Qi Lin sat down with the officer to discuss the latest developments. They begin to connect previously discovered clues, markers on the map, and the two bombings.

"I think these bombings did not happen by accident, but were deliberately planned. That abandoned building was probably their base of operations.

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