Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

973: Smuggling Case Successfully Detected

After successfully cracking the smuggling case, Qi Lin became a hero. His talent and courage were greatly appreciated, and people admired his heroic deeds. Qi Lin's investigation results also provided the police with valuable experience and lessons, prompting them to further strengthen their crackdown on smuggling activities.

After the successful detection of the smuggling case, Qi Lin established closer cooperative relationships with other police departments. They share intelligence information and collaborate to respond to potential criminal threats to ensure the safety of the city.

Qi Lin was not satisfied with this. He knew that there were other criminal organizations that needed to be exposed and attacked. He is determined to continue working hard to bring justice to more innocent victims.

Soon after, Qi Lin received a new report involving a huge drug trafficking case. The difficulties he faced this time were more complicated than the smuggling case, but he was not afraid.

Qi Lin launched a new investigation, tracking the drug trading network and collecting evidence to support the arrest of criminals. He cooperates with the team and uses advanced technical means and action plans to continuously hunt down the masterminds behind the drug trade.

After a period of hard work, Qi Lin finally succeeded in destroying this huge drug trafficking organization. Their leader has been arrested and will face a fair trial.

Qi Lin's efforts have been widely recognized and praised by society. He became a highly respected police detective, and his deeds also inspired more young people to join the police force and contribute to social stability and security.

As a police detective, Qi Lin knows that his responsibility is not only to solve cases, but also to protect and serve society. He leads by example and actively participates in community work to promote cooperation and understanding between the public and the police.

Qi Lin believes that with people's support and the efforts of the police, we can build a safer and more just society. He will continue to struggle, fight for the interests of the people, and become the embodiment of justice.

The morning sunlight shines into the office through the window, and Qi Lin is sorting out a case received last night. It is said that a mysterious love murder occurred in a villa on the outskirts of the city. The victim was a young and beautiful woman with no enemies or suspicious relationships.

Qi Lin opened the case file and read the detailed report. The location of the crime was a luxurious villa, and the whole process was monitored, but all the video tapes were taken away. This makes Qi Lin more interested in the case, because the criminals seem to have a high technical level.

Qi Lin contacted the police and confirmed their cooperative relationship. He told the police chief that he needed to go to the scene as soon as possible to investigate and talk to witnesses and other relevant people.

The police chief agreed to his request and offered all assistance. 6500

When Qi Lin arrived at the villa, the scene had been cordoned off and the police were investigating and collecting evidence. He walked into the villa and noticed a faint smell of perfume filling the room. He quickly scanned the room, and some details caught his attention.

He found a broken piece of glass next to the victim that looked like it came from a bracelet. He collected them carefully, hoping to find some clues. In addition, he also noticed a note on the desk that read: "Your death date has arrived and there is no way to escape." This made Qi Lin more certain that this was not just an ordinary murder. .

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