Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

974: Qi Lin Meets The Victim’S Neighbor, Wang Ting

Qi Lin left the scene and went to the police station to interview witnesses. First, he met the victim's neighbor, a woman named Wang Ting.

She described the sounds she heard on the morning of the incident and the black car she saw parked in front of the villa.

Qi Lin felt that this clue was very important, and he decided to further track the car. He found the car parked in front of the villa through surveillance video and obtained the owner's information.

The owner of the car is a businessman named Li Gang. Qi Lin immediately arranged for the police to arrest him and brought him to the police station for interrogation.

During the interrogation, Li Gang insisted that he had nothing to do with the case and that he just accidentally stopped in front of the villa. However, Qi Lin was keenly aware of his nervous expression and flickering eyes, which made him doubt Li Gang's authenticity.

Qi Lin decided to adopt a different strategy to uncover the truth that Li Gang might be hiding. He asked the police chief to temporarily release Li Gang but keep him under surveillance. At the same time, he asked the police to search Li Gang's residence and office.

During the investigation, Qi discovered some interesting clues.

In Li Gang's office, he found a note with similar content to the note, and there were a few drops of blood on it. This made him more convinced that Li Gang was related to the case, but he still needed more evidence to confirm his suspicions.

Qi Lin decided to talk to the victim's neighbor Wang Ting again. When he asked if he had ever seen Li Gang in contact with the victim, Wang Ting recalled a detail: "The victim once revealed to her that she had recently received an anonymous letter, which wrote in a similar threatening tone: The clue "Your death has come and you cannot escape" made Qi Lin more certain of Li Gang's suspicion.

Qi Lin began to trace the source of the anonymous letter. Through investigation, he discovered that the anonymous letter was sent from a post office and used a false name.

However, he successfully found the employee who handled the mail transaction that day and found the suspect through surveillance video.

Qi Lin posted the suspect's photo on the police internal website and asked the police officers to provide any information that may be related to this person.

Soon after, a police officer recognized the suspect, his name was Zhang Qing. He is a computer expert and has been active in the hacker circle.

Qi Lin and the police went to Zhang Qing's residence to conduct a raid.

In his room, they found a large number of electronic devices and hacking tools, as well as several similar threatening letters. In view of this evidence, Zhang Qing was arrested and taken to the police station. During the interrogation, Zhang Qing admitted that he had killed the woman.

He explained that he was the victim's boyfriend before, but due to some misunderstandings and quarrels, he felt betrayed and angry, so he planned the murder. He used his own hacking skills to delete surveillance videos and used anonymous letters to intimidate the victim (Wang Zhao's).

Qi Lin successfully solved this mysterious love murder case. His intelligence and meticulous investigative skills make him an indispensable character in this case. Through dialogue and clue analysis, he reveals the criminal and delivers justice to the victim.

Qi Lin received an anonymous letter describing the location of the next potential industrial espionage case. He decided to investigate in person, hoping to find some clues. .

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