When he arrived at his destination, he immediately felt the tense atmosphere. This place is a world-renowned technology company with many core technologies and business secrets.

Qi Lin walked into the company gate and was stopped by a uniformed security guard. "Hello, who are you?" the security guard asked.

Qi Lin showed his detective certificate and said with a smile: "I am Qi Lin, and I am here to investigate the recent commercial espionage case. I need to enter the company to investigate.

The security guard looked at Qi Lin with confusion, then nodded. "Please follow me." He led Qi Lin through the lobby and came to a conference room.

There were several people sitting in the conference room, one of whom was Zhang Ze, the company's chief technology officer. His face is serious and his eyes are sharp. "Mr. Qi, welcome to your arrival. I heard that you are an excellent detective. I hope you can help us find these commercial spies. They have caused us huge losses and have also threatened our core competition. force.

Qi Lin sat down and took out his notebook and pen. "I need you to provide as much information as possible so that I can better investigate. First, please tell me the details of the recent case. Single

Zhang Ze was obviously nervous, but he still began to tell the details of the case. "In the past few months, our competitor Singularity Technology suddenly launched a new product that is very similar to ours, and the price is much lower than ours. This caused our sales to plummet, and our Core technology was also stolen. We suspect someone leaked confidential information within the company.

Qi Lin frowned. This does sound like a case of industrial espionage. "Do you have any suspicions?" he asked.

Zhang Ze pondered for a moment and then replied: "We have investigated employees within the company, but there are not many clues. We suspect that these spies may be hired by external forces, and they use advanced technical means to infiltrate and steal."

Qi Lin nodded, knowing that this would not be a simple investigation. He needs to start from all aspects and find the key clues. "I will launch an investigation as soon as possible and find out the identities of these commercial spies.

I need you to provide some key information, such as the specific contents of the recently stolen technical and confidential documents, as well as a list of employees who may be involved in these cases. In addition, I also need to visit some relevant departments to understand their security measures and monitoring records.

Zhang Ze nodded, took out a document and handed it to Qi Lin. "Here are the details of several recent cases that we have put together, including stolen technology and documents. Additionally, here is a list of employees involved in these cases. You can always reach out to us for any support and assistance you need. We would very much like to be able to resolve the issue and restore the company's reputation and competitiveness.

Qi Lin took the document and studied it carefully. He noticed some anomalies, such as an employee behaving differently from others, frequenting specific office areas of the company, and having interactions with Singularity Technology. These may be clues worthy of further investigation.

Qi Lin began his investigation. He contacted a senior electronic technology expert, hoping to obtain more information about technology penetration. With the help of experts, he analyzed the stolen technology and documents and discovered some key traces. .

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