Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

978: Eyewitnesses Describe What They Saw And Heard

He walked towards the first witness, a middle-aged man on crutches. "Hello, I am Mr. Qi Lin. What did you see at that time?

The middle-aged man frowned and thought hard for a while. "I was walking in a nearby park when I heard a loud crash. I ran out to see what happened. I saw a black car driving away from the scene, but I didn't see the license plate number clearly. Sorry, I can't be of much help.

Qi Lin felt a little disappointed, but he did not give up. He continued to talk to other witnesses, but could not get any more useful information. It looks like the case is getting tougher.

At this moment, Qi Obalin noticed a young woman. She looked nervous and her eyes were red and swollen.

"Hello, I am Mr. Qi Lin. Can you tell me what happened?" Qi Lin asked gently.

The woman sobbed and replied: "I am the granddaughter of the old man. I was waiting for her in a nearby coffee shop when I suddenly heard a huge crash. I rushed out and saw my grandma lying on the ground, and a black car quickly Drive away. I remember hearing the music playing loudly in the car, but I couldn't see the license plate number clearly." 1

Qi Lin thought about this information and had some fragmentary clues in his mind. He realized that to solve the case, he might need to approach it from other angles.

He decided to return to the scene of the crime for further investigation. When he carefully observed the surrounding environment, he found a piece of mud that had just passed the water, which seemed to be splashed when the vehicle involved in the accident left the scene.

Qi Lin immediately summoned the police and asked them to protect the scene and ensure that no one else destroyed the evidence.

He contacted a technical expert to analyze the dirt and find out more about the vehicle. Experts rushed to the scene and collected soil samples [and promised to analyze them as soon as possible.

While waiting for the analysis results, Qi Lin returned to the police station and carefully studied the relevant information of the case.

He discovered that several similar hit-and-run cases had occurred near the city recently, and none of them had been solved. This led him to suspect the existence of a series of hit-and-run criminal gangs.

Soon after, technical experts gave the analysis results. Through comparison of soil samples, they determined that the vehicle involved in the accident may be a specific model of black sedan and provided the names of some potential owners.

Qi Lin immediately launched an investigation and checked each address. After some hard work, he finally locked in a suspect named Yang Jianing.

Qi Lin and the police rushed to Yang Jianing's residence, hoping to arrest him and bring him to justice. When they arrived at their destination, a black car was parked downstairs.

"This car looks very similar to 433, the vehicle we were looking for causing the accident," Qi Lin whispered to the police. "We have to be careful and don't let the suspects notice our arrival."

They quietly approached the black car parked on the side of the road. Suddenly, a man hurried down from upstairs and walked straight towards the car. It was Yang Jianing.

"Mr. Yang Jianing, please don't move!" Qi Lin shouted loudly, while signaling the police to stop him.

Yang Jianing was startled, turned around and saw Qi Lin and the police. He showed a panicked expression and tried to flee the scene. But being tightly surrounded by the police, there was no possibility of escape.

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