Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

979: The Unknown Past Of The Yang Family

Qi Lin walked up to Yang Jianing and said calmly: "Mr. Yang, you are accused of participating in a series of hit-and-run cases. We have enough evidence to arrest you. Now please cooperate with our investigation and explain your behavior .

Yang Jianing looked a little shocked, but then he put away his expression and sneered at the corner of his mouth. He plausibly replied: "You are mistaken! I was not involved in any hit-and-run cases. I am an innocent man!"

Qi Lin smiled slightly and showed a confident look: "Mr. Yang, we have found the soil samples on your car and confirmed through technical analysis that your vehicle was involved in the case. Moreover, we have eyewitness testimonies and other evidence pointing to you. .You'd better tell the truth, otherwise the consequences will be more serious. 20

Yang Jianing was stunned for a moment, and seemed to understand the hard-to-deny fact. He sighed helplessly, put down his guard and prepared to explain what he had done.

"Actually, all this is because of my father's debt. His business failed and he incurred huge debts. In order to protect my family, I had to accept the proposal of a mysterious man." "

He gave me a new car and threatened to harm my family if I didn't follow his instructions. That day, he asked me to drive that car and cause a hit-and-run accident at a specific time and place.

I couldn't resist his pressure and could only do it. However, I really didn't expect this to have such serious consequences.

Qi Lin frowned slightly, thinking about Yang Jianing's confession. He realizes the case may be more complicated than it appears.

"Do you know the identity of the mysterious man? Is anyone else involved?" Qi Lin continued to ask.

Yang Jianing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "I don't know his identity. He always contacts me through phone calls and text messages. As for whether other people are involved, I'm not sure. However, I feel that this is definitely not one person's plan. I I am willing to cooperate with the investigation and provide relevant information to the best of my ability. 10

Qi Lin nodded, expressing understanding. He understood that now he needed to investigate further and uncover the conspiracy behind it. He ordered Yang Jianing to be taken back to the police station and continued to interrogate him, and at the same time started tracking clues.

Back at the police station, Qi Lin and the police task force began to interrogate Yang Jianing in detail. Through gradually in-depth investigation, they learned more information about the mysterious man

According to Yang Jianing's account, the mysterious person contacted him via anonymous phone calls and encrypted text messages, asking him to hit and run.

The mysterious man claims that he holds the secrets of the Yang family, and that only by completing the task can the Yang family be protected. In order to protect his family, Yang Jianing was forced to accept this irresistible threat.

Qi Lin thought deeply and had a clearer understanding of the complexity of the case. He ordered technical tracking of the mysterious person's phone calls and text messages, hoping to find clues pointing to them.

At the same time, Qi Lin also decided to conduct an in-depth investigation into the background and possible secrets of the Yang family to learn more about the ins and outs of this conspiracy. He collected information with the police investigation team and discovered that the Yang family had an unknown past.

It turned out that a few years ago, the Yang family suffered a major financial fraud.

Yang Jianing's father was an entrepreneur who was deceived by a group of speculators and forced the company to go bankrupt. This incident put the Yang family into huge financial difficulties and high debts. .

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