Many people believe this is a highly dangerous case because the arsonist seems to be able to predict police actions.

Qi Lin pondered for a moment, his eyes locked in the sea of ​​fire. "This case is not simple. I need more information and site inspections." He persuaded Director Yang to give him the authority to investigate the case.

The next morning, Qi Lin came to the scene of the first arson case. He had in-depth conversations with local residents, and "400" witnessed the panic and helplessness of the people.

"Sir, I am Qi Lin, a detective. Can you tell me everything you saw?" he asked.

A middle-aged woman pointed shakily at a smoke-filled building. "The fire suddenly jumped out from there, and we were all scared! No one was nearby at the time, but the fire spread so fast that there was almost no chance of escape."

Qi Lin tried to stay calm. "Has anyone else witnessed something similar?"

"Yes, sir, many people saw the flames suddenly appear. We feel that this was not a natural disaster, but someone deliberately set off the fire."

Back at the police station, Qi Lin began to analyze the details of the case. He browsed through the records of all arson cases in the city and discovered an interesting pattern: after each arson case, some mysterious symbols appeared near the crime scene.

"These symbols must have special meanings." Qi Lin said to himself. He began to study these symbols and discuss them with local historians and language experts.

After several days of research, they finally found the secret behind these symbols. These symbols are actually an ancient script known as "Fire Runes." They represent the power and mystery of fire.

Now, Qi Lin learned that the arsonist not only had a premeditated plan, but was also related to an ancient organization. This organization believes in the flame rune and believes that flames can purify all evil.

In order to further investigate, Qi Lin decided to go deep into the organization. He contacted an informant who had interacted with the organization in the hope of obtaining more information.

In a remote cafe, Qi Lin made an appointment to meet with the informant. The informant’s name was Mark, a retired soldier who had participated in ten secret operations related to the organization.

Qi Lin sat opposite, looked at Mark and asked: "Mr. Mark, I heard that you have been in contact with this organization. Please tell me everything you know."

Mark was silent for a moment, seeming to be recalling the past. "That was a mission a few years ago. In an abandoned base in a mountainous area, we discovered the secret stronghold of this organization. They were conducting a sacrificial ceremony at the time, using flames to 'purify' what they called 'sinful things' '.

"How do they operate? Are there any specific signs?" Qi Lin asked nervously.

Mark looked at Qi Lin in front of him and said with a hint of caution: "They are very secretive. Only the core members know the scale and 2.7 structure of the entire organization. But they do have a special way of communication between them.

"How to communicate? Please explain in detail." Qi Lin asked urgently.

Mark stared at his coffee cup and said softly: "They used an ancient code encoding method [recording on paper through flame runes. This encoding method can only be understood and interpreted by their internal members."

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