With a bright light in his heart, Qi Lin realized that this was a breakthrough. "If we can decipher these flame runes, we can better understand their plans and actions.

Mark nodded and praised: "Your idea is very correct. I have learned some knowledge about flame runes, maybe I can help you."

Qi Lin and Mark began to study these flame runes together and used police resources to find relevant clues to solve the case. They investigate members of the organization, collect information, and try to understand their hidden base.

After long and arduous efforts, they finally deciphered part of the flame runes. This decrypted information revealed the organization's main goal, which was to cause a large-scale fire to purify the entire city.

Qi Lin knew that time was running out and he needed to act quickly in order to thwart the arsonist's plan. He contacted the police and provided them with the information he had gathered.

In the next few days, Qi Lin conducted a series of joint operations with the police and stepped up patrols and surveillance throughout the city. At the same time, he also sent some team members to conduct in-depth searches of locations that may be targets of arson.

However, the arsonist seems to be smarter than expected. Every time the police approached their hiding place, they were always able to escape in time.

Qi Lin thought calmly and realized that the arsonist must have an internal informant who leaked the police's action plan. He knew he had to find this informant to truly stop the arsonist's plot.

Qi Lin recalled his previous conversation with Mark and suddenly had an idea. "Maybe we can use the decryption technology of the flame rune to track the informant." He thought of a way.

He immediately contacted his friend Li Yi, who specializes in cryptography and computer science, hoping to use his professional knowledge to track the identity of the informant.

After listening to Qi Lin's explanation, Li Yi said excitedly: "This is a very interesting challenge! I will do my best to help you."

They began to cooperate to convert the flame runes into digital forms that could be processed by computers, and analyzed them using cryptographic algorithms. After hard work, they finally succeeded in deciphering the information conveyed by the informant.

This information revealed the informant's connection to the arsonist and the time and location of the next arson. Qi Lin immediately provided this important information to the police [and formulated a carefully planned action plan.

Unexpectedly by the arsonist, the police successfully captured the informant at the designated time and place. Through interrogation, they learned the true location of the arsonist's hideout.

Qi Lin led the SWAT team to raid the arsonist's hidden base. After a fierce battle, they finally arrested all the arsonists involved and successfully put out the fire that was about to start 563.

With the arrest of the arsonist, peace returned to the city. Qi Lin accepted an interview with the media [the city public explained the story behind the arson case and how the police solved the mystery.

People admired Qilin's courage and wisdom, and sent him thanks and praises one after another.

He became a city hero, but he knew very well that the real heroes were the unknown policemen and firefighters who made great contributions in protecting the safety of citizens.

Qi Lin did not show off his achievements, but quietly returned to a peaceful life. .

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