He knows that the detective's work will never stop and there are still many unsolved mysteries waiting for him to solve.

However, this experience made him more determined to defend justice and pursue the truth. He vowed to continue to protect people from evil and seek justice for innocent victims.

On that night full of fire, with courage and wisdom, he solved the mystery of the arson case and brought the city back to life.

Since then, Qi Lin has become a symbol of the city and the embodiment of justice in people's minds. He received multiple awards and honors, was promoted to senior detective in the police department and was given more important tasks.

Qi Lin was not complacent because of his success. On the contrary, he was more cautious and focused. He knows that in this sinful world, there will always be new challenges and crises.

He continued to cooperate with Li Yi and applied the interpretation technology of flame runes to other fields to help solve more problems and mysteries. Together they established a crime-solving research center to provide support and guidance to other detectives and criminologists.

Qi Lin has become a role model and role model for the younger generation of detectives. Many people learn from him and hope to contribute to society with courage and integrity like him.

However, Qi Lin always remained humble and low-key. He understands that a real hero does not achieve victory by fighting alone, but requires the cooperation and support of the entire team.

During his career, Qi Lin has solved many complex cases and revealed the truth hidden behind the darkness. His persistence and courage allowed justice to prevail and provide justice to the innocent victims.

Although his job was full of danger and pressure, Qi Lin never gave up. He believes that as long as one person is still pursuing justice, the world will not be shrouded in sin.

As a detective, Qi Lin understands that he shoulders responsibilities. No matter what challenges he encounters, he will go all out to defend the law, protect the people, and become a ray of light in the darkness.

Qi Lin received an anonymous report saying that a trafficking case was in progress. Qi Lin immediately launched an investigation, following clues and looking for evidence.

A few days later, Qi Lin discovered a suspicious figure in a dilapidated warehouse. He approached quietly, hiding in a dark corner, observing every move of the other party. At this time, he heard two people talking in low voices.

"These children should be kidnapped and sold to places that need labor." We can make a lot of money!" said a gloomy voice.

"Yes, but we must be careful not to arouse police suspicion." Another voice responded.

Qi Lin's heart moved, and he knew that he had found an important clue. He took out his mobile phone, secretly recorded the conversation and sent it to the police. He then decided to take action to personally rescue the abducted children.

Qi Lin took advantage of the darkness and quietly (Wang Hao) entered the warehouse. It's dark and humid here and exudes a putrid smell. He carefully walked around several guards, looking for the abducted child.

Suddenly, he heard a faint cry. He followed the sound to a dark room and found several very young children imprisoned in cages. Their faces were filled with expressions of fear and despair.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to save you." He comforted softly. .

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