When the children saw Qi Lin, a glimmer of hope flashed in their eyes. Qi Lin immediately started to rescue them, opening the cage door and helping them stand up.

"Thank you, big brother!" a little girl sobbed.

"You're welcome, we have to get out of here as soon as possible. The police are already on the way." Qi Lin said nervously.

Qi Lin and the children walked carefully through the warehouse, trying to escape from this dangerous place. However, they were soon discovered by guards.

"You want to escape? No way!" came a rough voice.

Qi Lin quickly thought of a response strategy. He could not let the children fall into the hands of the 167 evil people again. Suddenly, he saw an iron rod beside the wall. He immediately picked it up and prepared to fight with the opponent.

"Hold on!" Qi Lin shouted, and then started a fierce hand-to-hand fight with the guard.

After a period of fighting, Qi Lin successfully subdued the guard and protected the children.

"We have to get out of here as soon as possible!" Qi Lin said urgently to the children. He led them carefully through the warehouse, looking for the exit.

In the process of escaping, they encountered more guards, but Qi Lin used his fighting skills and intelligence to successfully face every challenge. While repelling the enemy, he protected the young and helpless children.

Finally, they walked out of the warehouse and came to the street. Qi Lin immediately called the police to inform them that the children had escaped safely and provided detailed location information.

When the police car arrived at the scene, they saw Qi Lin and the abducted children. Qi Lin described the circumstances of the abduction case he discovered to the police and handed them the recorded conversation as evidence.

"Mr. Qi, you are really a hero!" a police officer said gratefully.

"I was just doing my duty. The important thing is that these children are safe now." Qi Lin replied humbly.

The police subsequently launched an investigation into the case and quickly arrested those involved. Qi Lin's actions successfully destroyed (aifi) a huge trafficking gang and saved the lives of countless children.

Thanks to the efforts of the police, this trafficking case was fully solved. The media reported on Qilin's feat, and he became a hero in the eyes of the public.

Qi Lin accepted many interviews, describing his experiences and views on the trafficking case to the media. He called on all sectors of society to strengthen cooperation and work together to combat trafficking and protect children's rights.

This case also attracted the attention of many people, and people donated money to support the abducted children. Government departments have also stepped up efforts to prevent trafficking and strengthened law enforcement to ensure that similar tragedies do not happen again.

Qi Lin did not stop because of this heroic action. He continues to work on solving various criminal cases, hoping to bring more security and justice to society.

With his efforts, more and more criminals have been brought to justice, and many innocent people have received legitimate protection. Qi Lin used his actions to prove that one person's power can change the world.

Although the work is full of risks and challenges, Qi always puts justice and fairness first. He believes that everyone has the responsibility to contribute to the peace and harmony of society

A few days ago, an important jewelry theft occurred, and a priceless celebrity necklace was stolen. No clues were left at the crime scene, and many police officers were helpless. At this time

District took over the case. .

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