He returned to the office and began to analyze the case carefully. There were various documents, photos and notebooks on the table. He picked up a photo and looked at it carefully. This is the overall view of the necklace, which is composed of countless diamonds and sapphires, exuding charming light. Qi Lin stared at the photo intently, trying to find some clues from it.

Just then, his cell phone rang. He answered the phone and heard a panicked voice: "Mr. Qi, this is Dave, I...I know who stole that necklace!" Qi Lin immediately became alert.

"Dave, where are you? I'll be there right away." Qi Lin held the phone tightly, anxious. He speculated that there might be more people behind this case. When he was about to launch an investigation, he heard a knock on the door of the office.

Qi Lin opened the door and saw a tall man in a suit standing at the door. He smiled slowly and said, "Are you Mr. Qi Lin? I heard that you are a powerful detective."

Qi Lin looked at the other person sharply and smiled slightly: "Who are you? Why did you come to me?"

"Haha, my name is John. I heard that you are investigating the jewelry theft case. I also know something about it and may be able to provide some clues." John said mysteriously.

Qi Lin was a little confused, but still invited John into the office. After the two sat down, John began to talk: "That necklace was stolen by a man named Andrew. He is a smart and cunning thief, and I once had a relationship with him."

"Do you know Andrew? Why?" Qi Lin asked curiously.

"We used to be partners and friends, but then we parted ways because of disagreements." John sighed and continued, "Andrew likes to play IQ games. He always leaves some clues for others to follow, but it is difficult to Find the real him."

Qi Lin listened with great interest, knowing that there might be a psychological game hidden in this case. He decided to continue his in-depth investigation, keeping all possible clues in mind.

After thinking for a moment, Qi Lin asked: "Mr. John, do you know where Andrew is now? I need to find him as soon as possible."

John pondered for a moment, and then said: "I'm not sure where he is now, but I have a few places where he often hangs out. Maybe you can start from those places."


Qi Lin nodded and thanked John for the clues. He then agreed with John on a plan to investigate these locations the next morning.

Early the next morning, Qi Lin and John arrived at the first target location, a high-end cafe. This is a fashionable and exquisite place with luxurious decoration and most of its customers are wealthy Mingliu.


The two of them sat in a small box in the corner, waiting for the news.

Suddenly, Qi Lin saw a man wearing a black suit and sunglasses enter the cafe. He immediately noticed that the man's behavior was different from that of the people around him, and he seemed a little nervous.

"John, have you seen that man? He is very similar to the Andrew we described." Qi Lin said softly.

John replied in a low voice: "Yes, this is indeed Andrew. He has always been good at disguising himself, but I can recognize his temperament."

Qi Lin decided to follow the man and see where he would go. He and John quietly left the box, trying not to attract Andrew's attention. They followed Andrew through busy streets and crowded shopping malls. .

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