Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

987: John Is The Mastermind Behind This

Andrew finally stopped and waited for a while at the entrance of an alley. Suddenly, another person walked out of the alley. After a few words, the two entered an abandoned warehouse together.

Qi Lin and John quietly approached the warehouse, and they heard some whispers. Qi Lin took out his mobile phone and started recording secretly.

"Andrew, you were so bold in stealing that necklace this time." Another man's voice came.

"890" "Haha, do you think I will let this opportunity go? This is a big deal!" Andrew said with a proud smile.

When Qi Lin heard this, his heart moved and he realized that there might be a bigger conspiracy hidden behind this. He decided to wait for a better time to catch Andrew and the masterminds behind the scenes.

The next day, Qi Lin cooperated with the police and set a trap in the warehouse. When Andrew showed up with the stolen jewelry, the police immediately arrested him and searched the entire warehouse.

In a secret storage room, they found a large amount of stolen jewelry and valuables. It turned out that the theft was part of a larger criminal network. The police successfully uncovered the entire theft syndicate and brought its members to justice.

With Qi Lin's efforts and the assistance of the police, the case was successfully solved and the jewelry was returned to its legal owner.

Qi Lin is very satisfied. After all, as a detective, his greatest achievement is to be able to restore the truth, protect the innocent, and allow justice to be done.

A few days later, Qi Lin received a letter of thanks. In the letter, the owner of the jewelry expressed his deep gratitude to him and expressed his willingness to use him to provide a generous reward.

Qi Lin didn't care about money, but he was warmed by this customer's care and appreciation.

At the same time, John also found Qi Lin and said goodbye to him. "Mr. Qi, I am leaving this city. Thank you for your help, which has allowed me to find myself again." John said with a firm expression.

Qi Lin felt the change in John's heart and was happy to see him find a new way out. "Mr. John, I am honored to be able to help you. I wish you a bright and successful future.

After the two shook hands and said goodbye, they each embarked on their own journeys. Qi Lin returned to the office and sorted out the case materials.

In the process, he recalled his conversations with Andrew and John, thinking about the IQ game and the truth behind the clues.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through. Qi Lin discovered a seemingly simple but hidden clue in the case. He immediately launched further reasoning and research.

A few hours later, Qi Lin found the answer. The mastermind behind this theft was not Andrew, but John! As a partner, he deliberately led Andrew into a trap set by the police to hide his identity.

Qi Lin found out many details and doubts from the case, and finally revealed John's true identity: "He is a smart and cunning criminal who has been secretly planning various criminal activities."

But this time, he hoped that by seducing Andrew, he would blame all the theft suspicions on him, so that he could get away with it.

Qi Lin decided to hand over these pieces of evidence 1.6 to the police and personally explain the truth of the case to the owner of the jewelry. He knows that for a victim, knowing the truth is the best comfort and refuge.

At a solemn press conference, the police announced the results of the entire case: "The thief was not Andrew, but John. At the same time, they commended Qi Lin for his outstanding contributions and intelligence."

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