Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

988: Chen Xia Felt Chest Tightness And Realized There Was Something Wrong With The Food.

Qi Lin became a hero in people's minds and was also hailed as "the embodiment of truth." However, he is not complacent. He knows that every case represents a story, and he is just a character in it.

In the following cases, Qi Lin continued to demonstrate his talent and professionalism. Every investigation is a challenge, and he always treats every clue with an objective and meticulous attitude.

Qilin gradually established a good reputation and reputation. His office has become a place where many people turn to for help. Whether it is to find missing relatives, reveal the conspiracy behind it, or solve complex puzzles, Qi Lin always does his best to help others.

However, he did not forget his original intention. He knows that detective work is not only about pursuing the truth, but more importantly about giving people hope and justice. Qi Lin always adheres to the bottom line of law and ethics and maintains trust in human nature.

After Qi Lin entered the office, he found a young police officer waiting there. The police officer's name is Li Feng, and he is an active and diligent young man.

"Mr. Qi Lin, I heard that you are one of the most powerful detectives in our city. I am very happy to cooperate with you." Li Feng greeted politely.

Qi Lin smiled and nodded. "Officer Li Feng, I am also looking forward to cooperating with you. Please tell me the details of the case.

Li Feng handed Qi Lin an investigation report, describing a poisoning case that occurred in a high-end restaurant.

According to the report, an entrepreneur named Chen Xia suddenly felt seriously ill after having dinner with several friends and was rushed to the hospital. After examination, the doctor discovered that Chen Xia had been poisoned.

Qi Lin read the report carefully. "This case looks interesting. Have you found any clues yet?"

"We checked the restaurant's surveillance video but did not find any suspicious persons." Li Feng explained, "At the same time, we also conducted a detailed investigation on Chen Xia's friends, but did not find anyone who might have poisoned him."

"I hope to go to the restaurant to find out in person." Qi Lin said, "In addition, I need to talk to Chen Xia himself. His description of this incident will be very important."

So, Qi Lin and Li Feng went to the restaurant together. There, they carefully observed the restaurant's layout and talked with the waiters and chefs. After some questioning, Qi Feng discovered a strange detail.

"Have you noticed that Chen Xia's dishes are different from those of other customers?" Qi Lin asked.

Li Feng thought for a moment and replied: "There are indeed some differences. The menu Chen Xia ordered was a special set meal provided by the restaurant, while other guests ordered dishes on the regular menu."

"This may be an important clue." Qi Lin said, "I need to talk to Chen Xia to see if he has any other observed details.

Later, Qi Lin and Li Feng went to the hospital to visit Chen Xia. Chen Xia looked weak and tired, but was still willing to talk to Qi Lin.

"Mr. Chen, please recall the situation at that time. Did you notice any suspicious behavior or characters during the meal?" Qi Lin asked.

Chen Xia thought for a while. "No, I didn't notice anything abnormal. But after eating a few mouthfuls, I suddenly felt chest tightness and difficulty breathing. I felt very uncomfortable at the time and immediately realized that there might be something wrong with the food, so I asked my friends to help An ambulance was called.”

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