Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

989: Chen Xia Was Sent To The Hospital

Qi Lin frowned slightly. "The dishes you ordered are different from those of other guests. Is there any special reason for this?"

Chen Xia thought for a while, "Actually, the set meal I ordered was recommended to me by a friend. She said it was the restaurant's signature dish and it was very delicious. I didn't think there would be any problems with it."

Qi Lin thought for a moment and said: "It seems that we need to further investigate this set meal. Officer Li, please go back and chat with the chef of the restaurant to understand the production process and ingredients of this set meal."

Li Feng nodded and left the hospital to investigate the restaurant. At the same time, Qi Lin continued to have a conversation with Chen Xia. "Mr. Chen, "Have you ever suspected anyone who might have poisoned me? Or anyone with any hostility?"

Chen Xia shook his head. "I really don't know. I have been working hard in the business world for many years and there must be some competitors, but I never thought that someone would take such measures against me."

Qi Lin thought for a moment. "Mr. Chen, please provide a copy of your recent contacts and schedule. Maybe we can find some clues from your social circle."

Chen Xia assisted Qi Lin in compiling a detailed contact list, including people who had recent contact with him and relevant business partners.

A few hours later, Li Feng returned to the hospital and brought information about the meal preparation process. "Mr. Qi, according to the chef, this special set meal was made by a new chef named Wang Mei. Li Feng reported to Qi Linhui, "But she only worked in this restaurant for a week, and before her No chef has ever had a similar problem.

Qi Lin frowned. "Wang Mei is a newcomer, but she may not be the perpetrator behind the case. We need more evidence before we can draw a conclusion."

As the investigation deepened, Qi Lin and Li Feng gradually discovered a series of subtle clues. Through interviews with Chen Xia's friends and business partners, they discovered some underlying motives and hostility.

Finally, in a conversation with Chen Xia's business partner, Qi Lin got the key clue. The partner revealed a suspicious rival who had fiercely fought over the same project.

Qi Lin decided to take immediate action. He and Li Feng teamed up to find this competitor and investigated and interrogated him. During a search of his home, they found drug-making equipment and a large amount of drugs.

Finally, the truth came out. The competitor's purpose in poisoning Chen Xia was to gain commercial advantage by weakening Chen Zhen's physical condition.

He took advantage of Wang Mei's identity as a new chef to hide drugs in special packages to cover up his crimes.

When the rival was brought back to the police station for further interrogation, Qi Lin and Li Feng had a crucial conversation with him. They showed the evidence from the investigation and made detailed accusations of the crimes they committed (Zhao Zhao Zhao).

"Do you think you can gain a commercial advantage by hurting Chen Xia?" Qi Lin asked, with strong anger in his eyes.

The competitor lowered his head sadly, "I...I know it's wrong, but I think this is the only way to defeat him."

Qi Lin took a deep breath and tried to stay calm. "There is no justification for your actions. You will pay for what you did."

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