Qi Lin handed the object in his hand to the police. "I found these objects, and they don't seem to be ordinary flames. Can you help me find out what they are made of?"

The policeman took the object and his eyes became focused. "This is indeed strange. I will hand it over to the laboratory for analysis immediately."

Qi Lin thanked the police for their help and returned to his office. He began to look through information about new energy technologies, trying to find any possible clues.

Several hours passed, and Qi Lin still found no valuable information. He felt a little confused and frustrated that this case seemed to have no clue.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Qi Lin raised his head and saw a strange woman standing at the door.

"Hello, I'm Qi Lin." He said with a smile, "How can I help you?"

The woman smiled mysteriously. "I heard that you are investigating the bombing, and I have some important information to provide you.

Qi Lin was a little surprised, but he still invited the woman into the office. "Please sit down and tell me what you know."

After the woman sat down, her eyes scanned the entire room. "The truth behind this (ajbe) explosion is not simple. You need to know that this new energy technology is not the only one, and there are other companies developing similar projects."

Qi Lin listened attentively [He was shocked by what the mysterious woman said about other companies developing similar technologies. This means there may be deeper corners and conspiracies hidden behind the case.

"Do you know the names of these companies?" Qi Lin asked, hoping to learn more information.

The woman smiled slightly, "Of course, I usually look for potential technological innovation companies to cooperate with. During my investigation, I found three companies related to the technology you mentioned.

She took out a document from her bag and handed it to Qi Lin, which listed the names and related information of the three companies. Qi Lin took the document and read it carefully.

"Are there any contradictions or conflicts between these companies?" Qi Lin asked.

The woman nodded. "Yes, the competition among them is very fierce. Every company hopes to be the first to launch the market and make huge profits. However, in recent months, a company called 'Huaneng Technology' suddenly showed strong R&D strength , causing dissatisfaction and concern from the other two companies.

"'Huaneng Technology'? Have I heard of this company?" Qi Lin frowned, trying to recall information about the company.

The woman smiled and said: "'Huaneng Technology' is an emerging technology company that has made significant breakthroughs in the energy field. Their founder is called Li Feng, and he is a high-profile young scientist."

"Do you think this explosion is related to these three companies?" Qi Lin asked.

The woman pondered for a moment and then replied: "Although I can't be sure, it is a high possibility. The other two companies may protect their own interests by blocking the development of Huaneng Technology."

Qi Lin felt the complexity and danger of the case. He decided to investigate each company in depth and find clues related to the bombing.

Qi Lin started investigating the three companies. He first went to a company called "Star Technology" near the crime scene. By talking to the company's employees, Qi Lin learned that they were also developing similar new energy technologies. .

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