Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

213: filial piety, sugar man entertainment company

Buying and selling Costin, coupled with instigating poachers to hunt, indirectly caused the death of ordinary people.

If Wang Zhi was convicted of these two charges, he would not even think about it after twenty years.


Zhang Dan wouldn't believe Qi Lin's words so easily.

She said with a gloomy face: "Why should I believe what you said, I just want to extort money from me, I think you are crazy about money.

Sure enough, she has been in the entertainment industry for many years, and the famous queen in the circle, even though she knows that her son has committed such a serious crime, she is not panic at all.

Qi Lin flicked the cigarette ash on the table, ignoring Zhang Dan's angry look, and said with a lazy smile: "I forgot to tell you one thing, it happened that the dozen or so poachers and I had a little conflict. Just now, it took me a few minutes to kill them all. Seven or eight guns were confiscated.

"Now, their leaders are in my hands. As long as I hand these people over to the police and come forward to identify your son, what kind of consequences do you think he will bear?"

A: "........."

Qi Lin's short two sentences made Zhang Dan no longer domineering.

At the same time, she also took a deep breath in her heart.

Poachers are all vicious people, Zhang Dan still knows this.

When there were more than a dozen people on the other side, he was subdued by the young man in front of him within a few minutes, and he even confiscated so many guns.

Zhang Dan didn't dare to question Qi Lin's words.

If he chooses to sue Qi Lin for extortion, then what Qi Lin said is true?

Qi Lin may be out in a few days, but her son will be in prison for the rest of his life.

Although Wang Zhi was indeed incompetent, he was Zhang Dan's only son, and she couldn't just watch her son ruin the rest of her life.

"Okay, I believe what you say, but you have to show me where the poachers are now.

Zhang Dan took a deep breath and said calmly.

Qi Lin smiled and stood up.

While chatting, he had asked Rose to send some photos.

"See for yourself.

Qi Lin showed Zhang Dan the photos he sent.

Zhang Dan frowned and carefully observed the photo.

In the photo, it is a small courtyard.

At this time, there were more than a dozen tanned men lying on the ground in the courtyard, and their faces were not easy to mess with.

But now at 07, those men were wailing in pain, clutching the daggers on their arms or legs, apparently having experienced a fierce battle just now.

When he saw this photo, Zhang Dan finally believed what Qi Lin said.

"Say, how much do you want?

Zhang Dan sighed helplessly.

The son is no good, and the mother can only wipe his ass.

Zhang Dan thought that Qi Lin was only here for money.

But the next second, Qi Lin's words made Zhang Dan stunned.

"Money? No, no, do you think me too vulgar?"

"I'm here this time to talk to Ms. Zhang about cooperation.""

Qi Lin said with a smile.


Zhang Dan was speechless, unable to figure out Qi Lin's routine.

Cooperation is about directly talking about cooperation, why did the atmosphere feel like a threat in the first place.

"The Sugar Man Company is privately owned by Miss Zhang Dan? According to its current market value, it should be worth about 300 million yuan.

"I don't want Ms. Zhang Dan's money, nor will I drive down the price so you can sell your shares to me.

"According to the current market value, I will spend 210 million to acquire 67% of the shares in Tangren from Ms. Zhang Dan. What do you think?"

Qi Lin asked lazily.

Zhang Dan: 66........

Zhang Dan never imagined that the young man was trying to beat the candy man in her hand after a long time.

Owning 67% of the company's shares, it is already an absolute holding. Qi Lin wants to steal her and create it, and is already well-known in the entertainment industry. Sugar Man Entertainment.

"No, Sugar Man Entertainment is my hard work. You young people don't understand anything, so you pour muddy water into the entertainment industry. I absolutely cannot let Sugar Man Entertainment be ruined in your hands."

Zhang Dan refused without thinking.

Being rejected by Zhang Dan, Qi Lin was not angry, he smiled lightly: "Ms. Zhang Dan, don't be so angry for now, wait until I finish my sentence."

"Although I took 67% of the shares, the president of the company is still you, and I will not change anyone. If you don't believe me, we can sign an agreement."5

"That is to say, apart from occasionally coming to the company to give actresses a try, I will not interfere with the normal operation of the company, so Ms. Zhang Dan should be relieved?"


Fairy Sword 123.

Peerless double pride.

Yang family female general.

Startled step by step.

They are all masterpieces by Sugar Man.

In 2002, when Sugar Man started, it can be said that Qi Lin was the best time to participate in the stock market.

Not only can it play a role in cultivating Jiang Nannan, but it can also hitch a ride and make a small profit.

When Sugar Man went downhill, Qi Lin continued to send some popular scripts to Zhang Dan.

Zhang Dan came to incubate these scripts, while Qi Lin just waited for the money, so why not do it.

Anyway, this is Qi Lin's usual method.

He controls the company, but doesn't take care of it himself, chooses the right talents, he manages the overall situation in the back, and waits to collect the money as the boss.

Zhang Dan, who had originally rejected Qi Lin firmly, hesitated when he heard Qi Lin's words.

She was just afraid that Qi Lin would ruin her efforts and ruin Sugar Man.

But now Qi Lin said that she will still control the company in the future, and she will still be the president of the company.

In addition to getting dividends, Qi Lin just wanted to play with a few female stars.

Thinking of this, Zhang Dan glanced at Qi Lin with a funny look.

Are all men like this?

Qi Lin looked eighteen or nineteen years old, thinking about these twists and turns.

Zhang Dan is used to seeing these things in the entertainment industry and has long disapproved of them.

She didn't even look like a Virgin, criticizing Qi Lin.

"My 67% of the shares may not be sold for 210 million, or even 150 million, which is not bad.

"Although the method makes people feel uncomfortable, it does come with sincerity.

"Alas, now people are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

"Wang Zhi, this stinky brat, is so capable of cheating his mother. In the future, he has to be a little stricter, or he won't know what trouble he will cause me next time."

Thinking of this, Zhang Dan has already made a decision in his heart.

"I can sell the shares to you, but we must sign a contract, and you cannot interfere with the normal operation of the company.

"Of course, the biggest boss of the company is still you. As long as the conditions are within the company's tolerance, I will help you do it well."

Capitalists are so ruthless.

Zhang Dan's meaning is very obvious. After signing the contract, I will still be the president.

You want the male number one, the female number one is up to you, and the female one is up to you, but it must not affect the normal operation of the company.

"Mr. Zhang, then we will have a happy cooperation in the future.

Qi Lin stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

Zhang Dan is a rare talent who can cultivate a little-known sugar man into a towering tree in the entertainment industry.

Qi Lin still likes to use such people.

"Boss, that stinky boy Wang Zhi has been spoiled by me since childhood, I hope the boss will help me take care of him in the future, lest he go astray.

Zhang Dan and Qi Lin shook hands and said politely.

Zhang Dan was very smart and saw that behind Qi Lin, there were forces she could not see.

So just show loyalty and call Boss Qi Lin directly.

You help me take care of my silly son, and I help you manage the company and make a lot of money for you.

"It's just a trivial matter, Brother Wang Zhi is also an honest man, and I appreciate him very much.

Qi Lin smiled lightly.

Zhang Dan smiled bitterly.


I'm afraid what Qi Lin wants to say is the second force?

He actually brought the person who threatened my mother to her office and slipped away.

Simply filial piety.

Zhang Dan personally sent Qi Lin out of the office.

Wang Zhi, who was fidgeting, saw the two coming out and immediately greeted them.

"Brother, how are you and my mother talking?"

Wang Zhi licked his face and asked.

this question.

Those who didn't know thought that Wang Zhi's mother was a beautiful young woman, and he sold his mother.

Facing Wang Zhizhangdan's face, he was so relieved.

He slapped him on the head and said coldly, "Your mother's company has already been sold to President Qi, remember to call President Qi when you see it later. 35


Wang Zhi was dumbfounded when he heard Zhang Dan's words.

How come it took less than ten minutes for my mother's company to become someone else's? Could it be that my mother's company was given away just because I was caught by others?

"Mom, you, you won't give the company to President Qi, will you?"

Wang Zhi stammered and asked.

Zhang Dan was speechless: "What to send, Mr. Qi spent 210 million to acquire 67% of the company's shares, it looks like your mother has become a working president. 99

Hearing that the company's shares were only sold, Qi Lin didn't extort his mother, and his mother was the president of the company, Wang Zhi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After getting Zhang Dan, Qi Lin returned to the car.

"How's it going on your side? These poachers are still bleeding, and in another hour, I'm afraid they'll all have their braids up."

Rose, who had been waiting impatiently, called Qi Lin angrily.

"You can leave now, and I'll have the police come over right away.

Qi Lin said to Rose.


Rose rolled her eyes and hung up the phone.

Qi Lin shook his head with a smile, and called Lan Gang again.

"Uncle Lan, what are you doing?"

"You have a busy day, don't you? Call me every day. 99

"I'm doing a training camp here, and I'm supervising these little brats."

Lan Gang said angrily.

The Jianghan International Tourism Festival in 2002 is about to open, and there will be many foreign guests. As the deputy director, Lan Gang must lead the way, and there must be no surprises in this international event.

"What's the point of having a training camp?"

"Do you have the credit for running the training camp yourself?"

"I said Uncle Lan, you are too incompetent to be the deputy director. Recently, such a big criminal gang has come to your chassis, but you don't know it at all."

Qi Lin held back his laugh and made fun of Lan Gang.

"What do you mean, kid? There's something in your words, right? Stop farting and say what are you doing?"

Lan Gang was shocked and asked immediately.

Every time Qi Lin called him and said it was a credit, but every time it happened, it was a shocking case.

Not making fun of Lan Gang anymore, Qi Lin said with a smile: "Uncle Lan, you lead a team to the old town in the west, here at No. 89 Huaihua Lao Hutong. I caught a group of poachers who came from the no-man's land. , There are about a dozen people.

"They still have six or seven guns in their hands, but fortunately, I was superior in my skills and fought to the death to subdue them all...

Before Qi Lin could finish speaking, Lan Gang's exasperated voice came from the phone: "Stinky boy, are you itchy again? If you don't call the police, you dare to fight alone if you have six or seven guns. Life, did you not take my father-in-law seriously? Are you not worried at all about your accident, how sad Yuxi is?"

"Wait for me, you stinky brat, and watch me come over without kicking you a few times.


The phone has been hung up by Lan Gang, and there is Lan Gang's roar from inside.

At first, Qi Lin just wanted to use Lan Gang.

But after getting along for a long time, Qi Lin realized that Lan Gang wanted to be a humane father-in-law.

At least to him, Qi Lin could feel that he treated himself like his own cub.

After tossing all morning, there is no need to go to school.

Qi Lin drove directly back to the villa.

Today has nothing to do, Qi Lin is going to take Qi Xueyao to visit Jiang Lei.

As soon as he got home, Qi Lin received another call from Lan Gang.

Taking a deep breath, Lan Gang suppressed the horror in his heart, and then asked: "How many people did you bring here, and why are these people injured so badly?

Qi Lin smiled lazily and said, "Uncle Lan, I'm just an enthusiastic and good citizen. How could I start a gang? It's true that I managed them all by myself."

"You are so long-winded when it comes to giving credit, and if you're catching a thief next time, I won't give you the credit, just call your director.

Lan Gang was only concerned about Qi Lin's safety, and he was immediately happy when he heard that Qi Lin dared to yin and yang.

"Hey, you stinky boy dare to threaten me, right? You have the ability...

He wanted to say that you should give the director the credit, but thinking about it, he was cowardly again.

He is obviously his own son-in-law, so why should the credit be given to others?

"Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, let me ask you 747, what about the two Haidongqings?

Lan Gang asked with a serious face.

Poachers, there is always something poached, right?

But after arriving at the place, Lan Gang did not find anything. He only knew from the mouth of the poacher that a young man had taken the two sea dongqings away.

"What Haidongqing?"

"Oh, you mean the two caged birds? 39

"I think they are so pitiful, I just let them go. 99'

Qi Lin began to act dumb.

Lan Gang also had nothing to do with this naughty son-in-law.

"Just pretend, you kid, I remind you, play for fun, but don't be too flamboyant, you can't coordinate books, eat something, or something really happens, and I can't control you."

In 2002, as long as there is a breeding certificate, Costin can be domesticated legally.

But it is illegal to make specimens and eat them.

"Uncle Lan, work hard, I'll be your informant in the future. Maybe it won't take long for you to be able to become the director."

Qi Lin blinked and said.

"Yes, yes, my future depends entirely on you, you stinky brat, every time I am frightened, I am afraid that one day, if the director does not become the director, I will be scared to death by you first.

Lan Gang was too lazy to talk to Qi Lin, a stinky boy, and hung up the phone.

However, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

More than a dozen poachers, this time the second-class merit is in hand.

Although always bickering with Qi Lin, this stinky boy is his lucky star.

"Hey, Rose, why did you come back first?

Qi Lin's car was parked in the garage, and as soon as he got off, he saw his hands clasping his shoulders, and his beautiful eyes looked at his roses lightly.

"Why don't I come back first and wait for the police to catch me? A certain person even cared about his subordinates for the sake of his mother, a proper black-hearted boss.

Rose snorted coldly.

"Hey, hey, you can't talk nonsense. I'm a serious person. I'm just going to discuss business with Wang Zhi. My mother is in her fifties. Can I have such a strong taste?"5

Qi Lin touched his nose and said.

"Then tell me, what business did you discuss with others?"

Rose asked lightly.

Qi Lin blinked and smiled: "That kid's mother is the owner of an entertainment company. I just spent 210 million to buy that company directly. From now on, I can also cultivate stars by myself.

After finishing speaking, Qi Lin looked Rose up and down, and Zizhui said: "Rose, you are also a beautiful beauty, or you come to our company to try, I promise to make you a big star, and make thousands of otakus. obsessed.

Hearing Qi Lin complimenting herself for being so explicit, Rose's ears had a touch of pink.

"Bah, I don't want to be a star and make a group of otaku men lust, it's just disgusting.

"After working for a long time, it turns out that you are those female stars who want to play in the entertainment industry. You really deserve the title of your big radish.""

Rose pouted in disdain.

PS: As long as the automatic subscription reaches 500, the book Qi Lin will also write the finale, if the eunuch dies the whole family.

PS: At present, there are 465 automatic subscriptions, which is 6 more than yesterday. Qi Lin will report the number of self-subscribers in real time every day.

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