Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

214: The rapid heartbeat is called love? Then I fell in love with Qi Lin?

Rose didn't know much about Qi Lin.

From the very beginning, I only knew that he was particularly insidious, and that he had single-handedly planned a plan to steal Yu Jin's ransom.

This also directly led to the disintegration of Rose's power.

Rose thought that Qi Lin, like herself, was doing a big thing of extortion and ransom.

She felt that after the 100 million ransom was received, Qi Lin would be able to live without food and clothing in the next life.

But after only two or three days with Qi Lin, Rose realized that she was wrong.

This bastard is a daring and outrageous bandit just like her, this is clearly a supervillain who is deeply hidden.

Spending 210 million to acquire an entertainment company without even blinking an eye, what does this mean?

It means that Qi Lin was already a billionaire before getting the 100 million ransom, and he was not a gangster with little money at all as Rose thought.

Secondly, the 720 antivirus company with a market value of tens of billions of billions in the future is also the guy's.

According to Qi Xueyao, Qi Lin owns a farming group with a market value of over 100 million yuan.

So rose summed it up.

This guy is a rich second generation.

He is also a very hidden villain rich second generation.

"I don't know how the little girls are doing. Without my financial support, they won't be able to survive."

"What should I do, I don't have a penny right now, so I can't help them at all. The most important thing is that this bastard Qi Lin doesn't pay me any wages!"

Thinking of the children she was most worried about, Rose felt entangled in her heart.

"That, that Qi Lin, you are so rich, you spend 210 million to acquire an entertainment company without blinking an eye, can you?

Rose has no money to find a way by herself.

This is the first time she has asked a man to borrow money.

But she couldn't say the word about borrowing money.

Qi Lin looked at the hesitant Rose and couldn't help but smile.

"This girl seems to have a secret from me too."

Thinking of this, Qi Lin pretended not to understand: "Can you say something? You didn't say everything, I don't understand.""

Still don't understand this?

She has said it very clearly!

Obviously this bastard is teasing himself.

Rose's face turned cold: "It's nothing, I went back to the house."

If you don't borrow money, don't borrow money, she doesn't ask this bastard.

Qi Lin touched his nose, somewhat amused.

She is all boarding under the roof of others, who gave her such courage?

"If you don't speak, just hold back and see when you're willing to give in.

Rose is also a rare talent, Qi Lin can't only be her person, and she must be willing to help him do things.

So smoothing her sharpness and letting her obey him obediently is what Qi Lin needs to train for a while.

When Qi Lin entered the villa, he found a pair of Costumes flying happily in the sky.

Probably celebrating their rebirth.

Hai Dongqing has a great memory. It is estimated that after Qi Lin rescued Qingqing's brother, the two birds flew back to the villa by themselves.

Just at this time, Wang Siling also went home from school.


Seeing that Qi Lin had gone home, Wang Siling was very happy and called out immediately.

For several classes in the morning, she had been restless.

Because she knew that Qi Lin went to save Qingqing's brother.

She was afraid that something would happen to Qi Lin, so as soon as school was over, she rushed back as quickly as possible.


"Master! 99

Seeing Wang Siling's return, Qingqing, who was flying around in the villa, immediately landed on Wang Siling's small shoulder, and her supple little body rubbed against Wang Siling's neck.


Wang Siling couldn't help but shrunk her neck and smiled.

Qingqing's brother hesitated for a while, and finally landed on Qi Lin's shoulder.

"My sister said you can communicate with us."

This Haidongqing is much more mature than Qingqing, and he didn't scold Qi Lin for being an ugly human being.

"Now that you and your sister are free, what do you think about this?

Qi Lin touched the male Haidongqing's feathers and asked lightly.

It is worthy of being a male Costin, which is much larger than Qingqing's body, and the bird's beak is reflective and has a sharp luster.

A pair of bird claws are long and sharp, Qi Lin suspects that he swoops down from a high altitude at a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, and can even penetrate a human skull.

No wonder the ancient royal family likes to keep this thing, it is comparable to a fighter in a bird.

"My sister thanks the human woman for saving her and is willing to live with her".

"I can see that you are also the strongest among human beings, not only because you saved me, but also because I respect your strength, and I am willing to follow you for the rest of my life, my master."

After all, it is Costin, whose IQ is only five or six years old, and is not as crooked as humans.

Tell Qi Lin very clearly, in order to thank you for saving me and respect your strength, you will be my master from now on.

This is the best result.

Originally, Qi Lin was still thinking about how to tame this male Haidongqing, so it seemed that he didn't have to worry about it anymore.

"It's such a well-behaved bird. Since your sister took a character from Costin as her name, I'll just stop thinking about it. I'll call you Kunkun in the future."

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Kun Kun tilted his bird's head to look at Qi Lin.

How could he feel that there was something wrong with his master's mind.

Since his sister's name is Qingqing, should he be called Dongdong?

Kun Kun naturally has no objection to the name given by the master.

With their IQ, if there is no name given by the owner, I am afraid they will not even have a name.

"Call your sister over here.

Qi Lin said to Kun Kun.

"Qingqing, the master asked you to come over."

Kun Kun called Qingqing twice.

Qingqing glanced at Qi Lin, and finally flew over and landed on Qi Lin's other shoulder.

Qi Lin knew that Costin would only recognize one master in his life, so he did not embarrass Qingqing.

"Protect Si Ling well in the future, guard the safety of the villa, if there are bad people with bad intentions, do you know that they will come to me and Rose as soon as possible?""

Qi Lin touched the blue and white bird's head.


Qi Lin rescued his brother, Qingqing already believed that Qi Lin was a good person.

Although Qi Lin is not its owner, even Wang Siling, the owner, listens to Qi Lin, so it must be obedient.

When Qi Xueyao heard the movement in the living room, she immediately came out of the room on the second floor.

Seeing that Qi Lin was back and safe and sound, her beautiful eyes couldn't help but be overjoyed.

When Aunt Chen saw that the whole family was here, she asked with a smile in the kitchen, "Xiao Lin, Xueyao, what would you like to have for lunch? Aunt Chen is going to make lunch for you now.

Qi Xueyao's pretty face has a hint of pink: "Aunt Chen, I want to cook next time today, please help me.

After she became pregnant, Aunt Chen didn't let Qi Xueyao do anything. The original agreement with Qi Lin was considered dead in name only.

Qi Xueyao is now the young lady of the Qi family, Aunt Chen hesitated for a while, and seeing her serious face, she nodded with a smile: "That's alright, but Xueyao, listen to Aunt Chen's advice, go into the kitchen less when you are pregnant, and smoke more. The fumes are not good for the baby.""

An hour later, a special lunch is ready.

Qi Lin, Qi Xueyao, Wang Siling, Aunt Chen, and Rose sat around the long mahogany table.

The two Costin also prepared two plates with them, with fresh chicken breasts in them.

Haidongqing preys once and can not eat for half a month.

Food was scarce on the Gobi, and this was the first time the two birds were late for such a hearty meal.

Qingqing whispered to Kun Kun: "Brother, I said it's right to stay, how can we eat such good fresh meat in the Gobi."

Kun Kun's eating behavior was orderly: "Don't say anything useless, after eating the master's food, you must work hard for the master, protect this house, and protect the hostess here.""

Listening to the conversation between the two birds, Qi Lin couldn't help laughing.

However, his eyes also noticed that Qi Xueyao was always looking over there.

No one knows Qi Xueyao better than Qi Lin.

He clearly fell in love with her wholeheartedly, but he never seemed to admit it.

"This diced spicy chicken suits my taste very well, but Sister Xueyao can't cook often. If you can eat it every day, it will be a happy thing. 99

Qi Lin shook his head and said.


"The flattery has no technical content at all, it's stupid. 39

Hearing Qi Lin's compliments, Qi Xueyao's pretty face of a young woman finally smiled.

after eating.

Qi Lin said with a toothpick in his mouth.

"Sister Xueyao, let's go out with me after dinner. Let's go see Jiang Lei and inspect the company by the way."

There was no sign of her belly bulging, Qi Xueyao was used to wearing loose maternity dresses at home.

At this time, she was about to get some snacks to eat.

No way, although the little guy in her belly hasn't been a month old, her craving for nutrition is too strong.

Often just a few minutes after eating, the stomach is hungry again.

Eat small, frequent meals, a woman who has ever been pregnant knows this.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Xueyao was stunned for a moment, and then Mei Mu had a hint of amusement.

She was turned into a wife by Qi Lin.

Qi Lin's little thought, how could she know?

If it was before, she would definitely not follow Qi Lin to attack Jiang Lei.

But now, Qi Xueyao's mentality has completely changed.

Qi Lin can do whatever he wants, as long as he doesn't abandon her, let him go.

"Wait for me a few minutes, I'll go up and change clothes first."

Qi Xueyao rolled her eyes at Qi Lin, and then walked up the spiral staircase.

A few minutes in the mouth of a creature like a woman is often unreal.

Nearly twenty minutes later, Qi Xueyao walked down the spiral staircase.

The loose maternity dress just now has been changed.

A set of crescent white silk low slit cheongsam.

Thin stockings with shredded skin.

The well-proportioned and slender legs are looming, making people feel dignified and feminine.

On her little feet are a pair of elegant star high heels studded with diamonds.

The graceful arches add a touch of the temperament of a wealthy and rich lady to her.

After Qi Xueyao returned to her heart.

Qi Lin gave her 100,000 pocket money a month.

Usually bored at home, Qi Xueyao invited Aunt Chen to go shopping together.

The uniform Xiaoxiangfeng suit and skirt have also changed.

Qi Xueyao's clothes are very good, but she just didn't have the money to buy clothes before.

She now has many beautiful dresses and shoes in her closet.

Others don't know, only Qi Xueyao blushed when she was shopping for clothes.

She admitted that she wanted to get Qi Lin's attention. She wanted to be a little more feminine and more beautiful, so that Qi Lin's eyes could be fixed on her.

"Zizhuzuan, when you said you were going to see Jiang Lei, you dressed up so beautifully, are you still thinking about your old classmate?

Qi Lin took two glances, and Zhuzhao teased Qi Xueyao.

When Qi Xueyao, who was blushing at first, heard this sentence, her face turned pale, and she could no longer hide her feelings, and said excitedly: "You, you can't talk nonsense, this cheongsam was bought to wear it for you to see. .

"Woooooo~ If I know you think about me like this, I might as well not buy it.

"`"I'll go up and change my clothes now."

Qi Xueyao burst into tears and turned around to go upstairs.

But in the next second, she felt her body light up and sat on Qi Lin's lap, with Qi Lin's arms around her waist.

"What are you excited about, don't be angry with you, can you tell your true thoughts?

Qi Lin kissed Qi Xueyao's mouth and said with a smile.

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Qi Xueyao knew that she had fallen into this guy's aggressive tactics again.

"Abominable! Abomination! Abomination! You bastard is abominable! 35

"You know to bully me every day!

Qi Xueyao's pear flowers were raining, and her pink fist lightly hammered Qi Lin's chest.

"Don't talk about me and Jiang Lei in the future, I, Qi Xueyao, have always been a pure and clean woman, I didn't even have a relationship with him as a boyfriend or girlfriend, and I'll tell you the truth, I never fell in love with him at all.

"We had an agreement only because we had a common topic of entrepreneurship with Jiang Lei, at that time I didn't even understand what love was!

Knowing that Qi Lin is a slasher, Qi Xueyao explained everything about herself.

They say love is fair.

But it's not fair at all.

The dominant side of love, the winner takes all.

The loser, just like Qi Xueyao, was pinched by Qi Lin.

"Then you know the taste of love now? For example.

Qi Lin pinched Qi Xueyao's fair jaw and looked at her beautiful eyes.

Qi Xueyao's beautiful eyes flashed with panic, and quickly turned away.

"I-I don't know, maybe when we're together, my heart beats faster."

Qi Lin asked again: "What about now? Sitting on my lap, I'm about to kiss you, do you feel your heart beating faster?


Qi Xueyao blushed and dripped blood, but she refused to admit it.

In fact, her heart was beating so fast that she had never felt so fast in her life.

"Shame to death! 35

"I've been living in this bastard's house for a month, and I've been stubborn and will never fall in love with this bastard. Now, when he is casually teased, my heart beats faster, woo woo woo, I really don't want to admit that I, I actually got an electric shock to him. feeling.99


Still complaining, Qi Xueyao was kissed by Qi Lin.

Shy Qi Xueyao, Qi Xueyao with crescent moon white cheongsam and high heels.

Can only say YYDS.

This once arrogant and dying heroine was finally transformed into the young woman he wanted by Qi Lin.

"Jiang Lei, I'm going to come to the company to inspect. You should be fine now, right?"

Jiang Lei, who was sitting in the office of the deputy general manager, was looking over the project.

When he received the call from Qi Xueyao, he was ecstatic.

During this time, all the calls he made to Qi Xueyao were rejected.

This was the first time that Qi Xueyao took the initiative to call him.

"It's okay! It's okay! I welcome Xueyao to visit you at any time. When will you come? I ask the staff to hold a welcome ceremony for you?"

Jiang Lei endured his excitement and said.

"Don't call me Xue Yao in the future, call me Vice President Qi, I'm already on my way, welcome ceremony or something... don't do it.

Qi Xueyao was afraid that Jiang Lei would not be able to get off the stage after waiting.

"How can this be possible? You are also the boss of the company, and you should have no less treatment."

Jiang Lei insisted.


Qi Xueyao didn't want to talk to Jiang Lei much, so she hung up the phone.

Looking at the phone that was hung up, Jiang Lei smiled bitterly.

He also wanted to ask if that bastard Qi Lin came with him.


Jiang Lei left the office and came to the office area to slap twice.

"Everyone, let go of your work first and listen to me. 99

"Wait a minute, the general manager of the company, Mr. Qi, is coming to inspect. When she enters the door, everyone should get up and welcome to know?

Jiang Lei said with a smile.

"Mr. Jiang, Qi is not your girlfriend. Every time I hear you talk about her, I smile."

An employee winked and asked jokingly.

Jiang Lei smiled embarrassingly: "My girlfriend is not yet, but it will definitely be in the future, don't talk nonsense when you welcome you later, otherwise President Qi will be angry, and I can't handle wearing small shoes for you.

Although this is not obvious, the employees of the company all know that President Qi must be President Jiang's favorite.

Husband and wife company, everyone can have dog food to eat in the future.

Every day I have to watch the couple sprinkle candy.

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