Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

221: Is Chen Shuyi's cousin interested in Qi Lin?

"I want to buy 6 buildings with 16 floors, which means 88 Dafa. The area of ​​120 square meters should be enough for a family to live in in the future."

The houses in 2002 have no shared area, and 120 square meters is already a super large apartment area. It can be designed as a big three-bedroom, or a large second-bedroom, or a small second-bedroom.

Hearing Chen Shuyi's words, Liu Cui breathed a sigh of relief.

"At 120 square meters, it is not as big as my family's 140 square meters, so it's not too big to be compared by this little girl. 95

But Liu Cui didn't know that the decision to buy a house was not in Chen Shuyi's hands, but Qi-Lin.

"Is Miss Chen sure you want to see this house? It just so happens that this house has not been sold yet, so I can take Miss Chen to see it now."

The manager has a smile on his face, he likes this kind of big customer who is determined by disagreement.

Chen Shuyi glanced at Qi Lin with her beautiful eyes.

This is the master of the family, it's useless if you like it, you have to listen to him~

"Mr. Chen's 120 square meters is not enough to put a private swimming pool at home, and it is not worthy of your status. How about I suggest you this set?"

Qi Lin pointed his finger on the sand table, a 6-story elevator house.

Since it is a warm little home for two people, it is natural to buy a bigger one.

200 square meters is not too much. After all, Qi Lin also put some fitness equipment in it, such as spinning bicycles, large screens for somatosensory games, treadmills, private power swimming pools and so on.

Chen Shuyi's small mouth was deflated, and she couldn't be wronged.

She just doesn't like big-sized houses, and she looks deserted when Qi Lin is away.

But seeing Qi Lin's eyes that couldn't be rejected, she could only say to the manager: "Then let's go and see the small bungalow. 99

"Okay, I'll send a sightseeing bus to pick up the two of you, please wait a moment.

The manager looked ecstatic, and immediately called the staff who drove the sightseeing car to come.

Nima, a large apartment of 200 square meters, these two are definitely big customers.

And seeing this scene, Liu Cuiren was dumbfounded.

Isn't it a good 120-square-meter house? How did it become a 200-square-meter small house in the blink of an eye?

In this way, her 140-square-meter house was destroyed in seconds, and there was no slag left.

After half an hour.

The small bungalows were also visited.

The location there is better than the upper floors of the 28-story building, the environment is more beautiful, and there are two parking spaces.

The value is only 300,000!

"Zizuzui, the house in 2002 is cheap. After 20 years, I want to buy a river view house here, and it is still 200 square meters. If there is no one for 6 million, it is absolutely impossible to win it."

Under the witness of Liu Cui, Chen Shuyi took out her bank card and slid down on the POSS machine.

The room on the 28th floor, the price is around 1200.

Small houses, the price is around 1600.

However, the manager gave Chen Shuyi a discount, so the final transaction price was 300,000.

If you buy a house in 2002, you don't need to wait for the off-plan house to be built, and then get the key or something.

As long as the money is paid, the keys will be handed over directly, and the real estate agent will handle the real estate certificate or something.

While Qi Lin and Chen Shuyi went to get the real estate certificate, Liu Cui secretly called Chen Shuyi's mother immediately.

"Brother and sister, why didn't you inform me about Shuyi's promotion to vice president?"

Aunt Chen was preparing lunch for Wang Siling and Qi Xueyao when she suddenly received a call from Liu Cui.

"Ah? Has Shuyi become the vice president? Why didn't I know about this?"

Aunt Chen looked bewildered.

Liu Cui understood that Chen Shuyi was hiding this matter from her mother.

"Why is this child hiding the fact that you are a mother? 35

"If I hadn't met her just now to buy a house in our community, I wouldn't have known about it.

Liu Cui whispered softly.

"What? Shuyi went to the community where you live, sister-in-law, to buy a house? Where did this child get so much money?"

Aunt Chen looked anxious, for fear that Chen Shuyi would take a wrong path.

"I saw that Shuyi swiped the card herself. Except for a small employee in her company, I didn't find any man with a big belly. It is estimated that Shuyi earned it herself."

"Brother and sister, come over and have a meal, what's the situation when you ask Shuyi, doesn't this child really look like a big white?"

Liu Cui said with a smile.

She is not a stupid person. Now that Chen Shuyi is so good, it will definitely be beneficial for the family to walk around more in the future.

"But, but I'm still at work now."

Aunt Chen hesitated.

Liu Cui said angrily: "Oh, your daughter is so good now, what are you doing as a nanny? I think you should quit your job now, concentrate on finding a good young man for your daughter, and then just wait for them to take care of their grandchildren. .

"I've been doing this job for more than ten years, and I'm used to it. I haven't considered resigning for the time being.

"Forget it, I can't worry about Shuyi's child, I'll ask for a leave today.

"Sister-in-law, I'll take a taxi later."

Aunt Chen was worried about Chen Shuyi. After hanging up, she simply called Qi Lin.

"Xiao Lin, Aunt Chen is in a hurry today, I have prepared lunch, and let Xue Yao and Si Ling finish eating the dishes, and I will wash them when I come back.

"Aunt Chen, don't tell me about the little things, you can decide for yourself, let Si Ling wash the dishes, anyway, this girl is quite diligent.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

"Then it will be troublesome. 39

Aunt Chen embarrassed and hung up the phone.

"Did my mother call? 35

Chen Shuyi was holding Qi Lin's arm at this time, her pretty face blushed and asked.

"She said she was in a hurry and didn't say what to do.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face flashed a hint of doubt: "My family has nothing to do recently, why did she suddenly ask for leave? 99

Back at the door of the sales center, the two who got the real estate license are ready to drive back to the company.

"Shuyi, it's already noon, and the auntie has already prepared the meal. Let's go after dinner. It just so happens that your sister Xiaoxia is going home from get off work. You two sisters haven't talked for a long time, so it's time to get together. chant?"

Without knowing when, Liu Cui stopped in front of the two with a smile.

Chen Shuyi was a little hesitant and couldn't help but glance at Qi Lin, she was afraid of delaying Qi Lin's business.

"Anyway, it's a relative of Sister Shuyi, so it's considered a son-in-law to meet the elders in advance and go to have lunch. It just so happens that the lunch money is saved, aren't you the best at living?

Qi Lin leaned close to Chen Shuyi's ear and said with a chuckle.

Chen Shuyi's pretty face blushed, and she had no choice but to take this guy.

Really want to take anything cheap.

"Then trouble the auntie.

Chen Shuyi said embarrassedly.

"No trouble, no trouble, let's go, come and eat with me. 99

Liu Cui enthusiastically led the way.

"Yunxia, ​​who do you see coming to the house? 35

Liu Cui pushed open the door and called to a woman sitting on the sofa in the room.

Liu Cui's daughter, Chen Yunxia, ​​is about four or five years older than Chen Shuyi, and she is almost 28 this year.

In 2002, it already belongs to older unmarried young people.

Maybe it's because the high-achieving students graduated and worked in foreign companies, so they might be a little pickier.

Chen Yunxia had already heard her mother talk about Chen Shuyi.

Knowing that Chen Shuyi not only works in a company with billions of assets, but is now the vice president.

In addition, just now, my cousin bought a 200-square-meter flat in the same community.

Girls who have received higher education are more open-minded than Chen Yunxia. Chen Yunxia has no objection to her cousin.

"Shuyi, you haven't come to play for a long time, I'm so happy to see you today.

Chen Yunxia got up immediately and walked over with a smile and took Chen Shuyi's little hand.

"By the way, who is this handsome guy?"

Seeing Qi Lin, Chen Yunxia's pretty face froze, and then she asked with interest.

I have to say that Qi Lin's appearance is based on Chen Yunxia's aesthetics.

She prefers the kind of handsome man who is not so serious.


Chen Shuyi's pretty face turned red and she didn't know how to introduce Qi Lin.

But thinking that Qi Lin said that he was his subordinate just now, Chen Shuyi simply said: "He is a colleague of my company, and this time he came to see the house with me.

"That's it... Come in and talk, you don't need slippers, just let my mother clean it up later."

Chen Yunxia smiled slightly and dragged Chen Shuyi into the door.

Suddenly in the past, if any guest entered the door without changing their shoes, Liu Cui would definitely be nagging, yin and yang strange.

But this time, she showed no sign of being angry at all, instead she said to Chen Shuyi with a smile: "Shuyi, your mother hasn't come over yet, how about we wait for her to come over before we have dinner? 35

"Ah? My mother is coming too?"

Chen Shuyi's pretty face was very surprised.

Liu Cui smiled and said: "I have called her just now, she should have arrived soon."5

Chen Shuyi:

She also glanced at Qi Lin.

No wonder her mother called Qi Lin to ask for leave just now, because she wanted to come here for dinner.

Thinking of this, both of them were a little bit dumbfounded.

"Shuyi, how are you and your boyfriend? When are you going to get the certificate?

The two sisters finally met, and Chen Yunxia inquired about Chen Shuyi's recent relationship problems.

Hearing Chen Yunxia's sudden question, Chen Shuyi's beautiful eyes immediately glanced at Qi Lin secretly.

This is because Qi Lin is afraid of thinking wildly.

Seeing Qi Lin's face as usual, Chen Shuyi explained to Chen Yunxia: "I'm not in a relationship, where is my friend, the one you mentioned is my colleague, he has left, and we are no longer in contact."

Chen Shuyi's answer was a perfect score.

In order to prevent Chen Yunxia from continuing to entangle this issue, she immediately asked Chen Yunxia: "By the way, Sister Yunxia, ​​how are you and your boyfriend who has been talking to you for 7 years? When are you going to get married?

Chen Yunxia sighed: "What kind of marriage? The seven-year itch is up. When we all feel that we are together, there is no passion left. We broke up peacefully a few months ago."

"I'm also worried about this, my mother is urging me to get married and have a baby every day, and I'm old enough to have a stable family.

"But the problem is how easy it is to meet the right person again...

Speaking of this, Chen Yunxia's beautiful eyes suddenly looked at Chen Shuyi: "Shuyi, you are now a company executive, and you must be in and out of various celebrity occasions, why don't you introduce a suitable one to my sister~"

0... ask for flowers·

“Tuk Tuk Tuk~”

Just as Chen Shuyi was thinking about how to answer this question, the door was knocked again.

"It must be my brother and sister here, Shuyi, sit down, I'll just open the door.

Seeing that Chen Shuyi was about to get up, Liu Cui, who was wearing an apron, quickly let her sit down with a smile, and then went to open the door by herself.

"Sister-in-law, I'm bothering you again."

Aunt Chen's original name was Xu Yun, but her husband was sexually Chen, so the Qi Lin family only called her Aunt Chen.

Xu Yun has a gentle temperament. Although Liu Cui has always despised her, she has never let go of the proper etiquette.

No, I have a bunch of fruit in my hand.

"Oh, I'm here as soon as I come, and I mentioned so many things again, and it's too much for our sister-in-law.

Seeing the fruit in Xu Yun's hand, Liu Cui's face flushed.

In the past, I always thought that Xu Yun respected herself for granted, but now that Xu Yun brought fruit to her door, Liu Cui felt embarrassed.

"It seems that I will go to my brother and sister's house for more walks in the future, and bring some good things, lest people say that I can't be a man. 39

Liu Cui thought to herself.

See, that's the magic of money power that can change a person's attitude toward you in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Lin, why are you here?"

Seeing Qi Lin, Xu Yun was stunned.

"Aunt Chen, I happened to be fine today, and I will accompany Sister Shuyi to see the house.

Qi Lin said with a smile.

Seeing the conversation between the two, Liu Cui was very surprised: "brother and sister, isn't this Shuyi's subordinate? You know him too?

Chen Yun smiled bitterly: "Can I not know him, Xiaolin is the child of my employer's family, and I have taken care of him for more than ten years.



As soon as Chen Yun said these words, the mouths of all the people in the room grew big.

Liu Cui and the others all know that Chen Yun works in a billionaire's house, so the handsome young man in front of him is still the son of a billionaire?

"However, sister-in-law, you are right. Shuyi and Xiaolin are indeed colleagues. The company where Shuyi works is run by Xiaolin, and he is Shuyi's boss."

Chen Yun smiled and explained again.


This is the sound of the spatula in Liu Cui's hand hitting the ground.

In just a few seconds, Qi Lin's identity completely refreshed her horizons, which shocked Liu Cui.

Been doing it for half a day!

People are making fun of her!

What is Chen Shuyi's subordinate, obviously that car is his!

"Brothers and sisters, you sit first. 99

"Yunxia, ​​come to the kitchen to help serve the dishes."

Liu Cui's eyes changed, she laughed, and then asked Chen Yunxia to come over.

"Yunxia, ​​what do you think of this little handsome guy?

Liu Cui asked her daughter in a low voice.

Chen Yunxia's pretty face blushed slightly: "It's okay, okay, quite handsome. 35

Liu Cui hurriedly said, "Just be handsome. Didn't you just break up? I think this handsome guy is pretty good. Do you know that you will be more attentive when you have dinner?"

Chen Yunxia smiled bitterly: "But Mom, this younger brother looks too young. I'm almost 10 years older than him."

"Besides, I still don't know what his relationship is with Shuyi, so I can't rob Shuyi's boyfriend. 35

Liu Cui said with a stern face: "Isn't Shuyi a good friend, or his classmate, this handsome guy is obviously not. As for your age, as long as you feel it, 20 years old is not a problem. When it's time to eat, you can figure it out for yourself.

five minutes later.

"Chicken soup here~"

"The dishes are all ready, you all hurry up and eat while they're hot.

"Xiao Lin, right? Auntie cheeky calls you that. Most of these dishes are made by my daughter. You can try them to see if they suit your taste."

Liu Cui took the chopsticks and put several chopsticks for Qi Lin.

Seeing this scene, Chen Shuyi looked strange.

Could it be that the aunt knew Qi Lin's identity and wanted to introduce her cousin to him?

Chen Shuyi has no opinion on this matter. After all, she can't control who Qi Lin likes.

But the problem is, Chen Shuyi knows how critical Qi Lin is.

Although her cousin Chen Yunxia is also a beauty, Chen Shuyi is confident that she is much prettier than her.

And my cousin had a boyfriend and lived together for a while.

How could someone like Qi Lin who likes to collect pure girls touch such a girl.

Chen Yunxia also looked at Qi Lin expectantly at this time, wanting to see how she commented on her cooking.

Whether it is Qi Lin's handsome appearance or Qi Lin's identity as a rich second generation, Chen Yunxia is moved.

She actually really wanted something to happen with this little handsome guy.

"The taste is still alive. I'm still used to eating the dishes made by my mother and Shuyi."

"Mom, when the house here is renovated, you and Shuyi will have a feast, and then invite your cousin and aunt to come over and have a fun.

Qi Lin said to Xu Yun and Chen Shuyi with a smile.

At first, Chen Yunxia and Liu Cui didn't know who Qi Lin was calling.

But as soon as the second sentence came out, the two suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

After a long time, this handsome young man from a wealthy family, rich and young, whom they valued, was already Chen Shuyi's boyfriend! Wan.

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